The University of Jordan
School of Engineering
Department of Electrical Engineering
1st Semester – A.Y. 2014/2015 /
Course: /

Measurement and Control Lab. – 0903448(1 Cr. – Core Course)

Instructor: / Zamil Al-Zamil
Office: Microwave Lab, Telephone: 5355000 ext 22838, Email:
Office Hours: will be posted soon
Course Website: / fttp://
Catalog Data: / Experiments on oscilloscope. Measurement of earth resistance. Instrumentation. Data acquisition. Signal generators. Interference and insulation. Open and closed loop systems. Servomechanism principles. The effect of gain, integral and derivative control, and velocity feedback on system performance. Frequency response measurements. Analog computer simulation. CAD of control systems. Control of liquid level and thermal systems.
Prerequisites by
Course: / EE0903341– Instrumentations and Measurements(pre-requisite)
EE0903441– Control System(pre-requisite)
By Topic: / Students are assumed to have sufficient knowledge pertaining to the following:
•Electrical circuit analysis.
•Electrical measuring instruments applications.
•Control and measurement system analysis.
Textbook: / Lab Manual which can be obtained from the course Website
References: /
  • Lab Manual for Electricity, Electronics, and Control Systems for HVAC Paperback , by Thomas E. Kissell , Prentice Hall; 4 edition (December 13, 2007.
  • Richard C. Dorf & Robert H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 10th ed. Prentice Hall.
  • Modern Control Theory, W. Brogan,
  • Automatic Control System, B. Kuo,
  • Automatic Control System, A. Wolovich.
  • Control Systems Engineering, by Norman S. Nise,Wiley; 6 edition (December 14, 2010)

Schedule &
Duration: / 16 Weeks, 10Labs (3 hours each) plus exams.
Minimum Student
Material: / Experiments Manual, class handouts, scientific calculator, and access to a personal computer.
Minimum College
Facilities: / Lab with proper equipment and measuring instrumentation facilities.
Course Objectives: / The overall objective of this course is to provide the student with the basic experience in some aspects of the control and measurement systems. The student will be able to relate the theoretical knowledge gained from his study of control and measurement courses to the practical application in the lab. He/She will be acquitted with measurement devices and instruments and appreciate difference between ideal and practical. He will be also able to compare results calculated theoretically with that obtained from measurements.
Course Learning Outcomes and Relation to ABET Student Outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course, a student should:
1. / Provide students with a sound introduction to principles of analogue servomechanisms. / [b,k]
2. / Investigate the basic principles of fuzzy logic. / [b,e,k]
3. / Learn the basic operation of a temperature control system and will also learn the static and transient behavior of the temperature process. / [b,e,k]
4. / Familiarize the student with programmable logic controllers (PLC) as hardware and the software used to program it. / [b,k]
5. / Take an overview and to be familiar with the pneumatic system parts. / [b,e,k]
6. / Familiarize the student with the method of measuring resistance using the voltmeter- ammeter method and to allow him/her to appreciate errors involved in the two different cases of measurement . / [b,k]
7. / Investigate the operational amplifier applications as DC electronic milli-Voltmeter using a permanent magnet moving coil meter (PMMC) / [b,e,k]
8. / Measure the earth resistance using the fall-of-potential method. / [b,k]
9. / Familiarize the student with LAB VIEW software, and data acquisition systems (DAQ). / [b,e,k]
10. / Familiarize the student with thermocouple types and how to measure time constant for them. / [b,k]
Course Topics:
Topic Description / Hr
1. /
Dc-Servo Motor.
/ 3
2. /
Introduction to Fuzzy Control.
/ 3
3 /
Introduction to PLC and Ladder Logic
/ 3
4. /
Electro-pneumatic Control System.
/ 3
5. /
Twin Rotor MIMO system.
/ 3
6. /
Measuring Resistance using Voltmeter-Ammeter Method
/ 3
7. /
OP-AMP as DC Electronic milli-VOLTMETER.
/ 3
8. /
Earth Resistance Measurement
/ 3
9. /
Introduction to LabVIEW and Data Acquisition Systems (DAQ)
/ 3
10. /
Thermocouple and time constant measurement.
/ 3
Ground Rules: / Attendance is required and highly encouraged. To that end, attendance will be taken every lecture. All exams(including the final exam) should be considered cumulative. Exams are closed book. No scratch paper is allowed. You will be held responsible for all reading material assigned, even if it is not explicitly covered in lecture notes.
Assessments: / Exams, Quizzes, Reports, Projects, and Assignments.
Grading policy: / Lab Reports / 20 %
Quizzes / 10 %
Midterm Exam / 30 %
Final Exam / 40 %
Total / 100%
Last Updated: / September 2014