Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119
• 1005 Wilbon Road • Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 • www.kofc12119.org
Monthly Business Meetings are held at St. Bernadette Church on the Second Tuesday of Every Month at 7:30 pm
Meeting Minutes for: July 12, 2011
Prepared by Michael Zazzeri, Recorder
The Meeting was called to order by GK Steve Raedy at 7:30 PM.
2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards (Bro. Ed Undercoffer):
All present are in possession of a current membership card.
3. Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was lead by GK Steve Raedy.
4. Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by GK Steve Raedy.
5. Roll Call of Officers:
6. Opening Ode: Omitted
7. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications:
Bro. Mark Leuver read the application of Mr. James Rayls. Bro. Mark also read the transfer application of Bro. Michael Varvaro
8. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, and reapplications):
Bro. Jim O’Donnell made a motion to accept the application of Mr. James Rails. Bro. Wally Chaplin seconded the motion. The motion to accept the application passed by unanimous verbal consent. Bro. Mark Leuver made a motion to accept the transfer application of Bro. Michael Varvaro. Bro. Bruce Meyer seconded the motion. The motion to accept the transfer application passed by unanimous verbal consent.
9. Reading of Notices of Application in other Councils:
10. Initiations:
11. Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes:
A motion was made by Bro. Jim O’Donnell and seconded by Bro. Andy Raulynaitis to approve the minutes of the April meeting. Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.
12. Grand Knight’s Report: (GK Steve Raedy)
Once again we are at the start of a new fraternal year. At this time, we reflect on the past year, re-assess our strengths and weakness, and chart our path for the upcoming year.
As I look back on my somewhat brief time as a Council member, it has been very obvious that each year, we have built upon the previous year and become stronger, more unified, and more charitable than the year before. We have every intention of continuing that momentum this year.
First of all, however, I would like to express the Council’s thanks and gratitude to our outgoing Grand Knight, Mark Leuver. As I indicated in an email to the Council, last year was a difficult one in some ways as we had to clear the roles of inactive members. Brother Mark, along with our worthy FS, worked extremely hard to complete this thankless job, which leaves the council in a much stronger position moving forward. At the same time, under Mark’s leadership, we had our most successful year as a Council by almost any measure. How can we top this? I won’t be easy, but I have every confidence that we will be successful, primarily due to our outstanding group of officers and directors, who have already put us in a position to eclipse many of last year’s accomplishments. You are all familiar with our new officers. Later, our Deputy Grand Knight will be introducing our program directors. I would like to take this opportunity, however, to say how excited I am to have such an energetic and capable group of officers and directors. I honestly think that this is as fine a slate as the Council has ever had -- you can literally look at every single position and see all strengths and no weaknesses. I can only ask that the members provide as much support as possible to these men, and I have no doubt that this will be an outstanding year. Later in the meeting we will be presenting the officer’s budget proposal and we will use this to springboard our discussion of major events for the upcoming year. In addition to our traditional events and fundraisers we will be proposing some new events and programs in the upcoming months. One thing that I ask the council to keep in mind, in everything we do this year, is that we continue to look for ways to support the parish. One of our primary functions as a Council is to support our Priests, and Fr. Fernando has asked that we do everything we can as a Council to work more closely with the various parish groups and ministries to help unify the parish. With the leadership in place, and the entire council working together, with God’s grace, I see no reason why we can’t make this happen. Let’s all welcome the challenges ahead, meet them face on to continue in our support of the Church, the community, and our brother knights.
13. Chaplain’s Report (Fr. Robert Staley):
14. Treasurer’s Report (Bro. Bob Mayen):
The current bank balance as of 30 June 2011 is $13,430.73
See Addendum for more details.
15. Reading by Grand Knight of Receipts of Treasurer to Financial Secretary:
R594 (06/14/11) – Capital Campaign Donations from Members = $30.65
R595 (06/14/11) – Dues = $1464.50
R596 (06/15/11) – Dues = $288.00
R597 (06/15/11) – Capital Campaign Donations from Members = $15.00
R598 (06/20/11) – Dues = $144.00
R599 (06/27/11) – Dues = $216.00
R600 (06/27/11) – Continental Mills (Krustez) Pancake Mix Refund = $7.42
R601 (06/29/11) – Dues = $240.00
R602 (07/01/11) – Dues = $96.00
16. Reading of Bills and Communications:
Bills (Warrants from Financial Secretary to Treasurer) since last business meeting.
W967 (05/29/11) – Maria Costa for Parish Fair Food = $150.00
W968 (06/08/11) – Bro. Tim Hughes for June Pancake Breakfast Supplies = $224.87
W969 (06/13/11) – Bro. Jim O'Donnell for Pancake Breakfast Equipment = $48.01
W970 (06/13/11) – K of C Council Accounts for Supplies = $8.15
W971 (06/14/11) – Town of Fuquay Varina for Parish Fair Security = $391.08
W972 (06/17/11) – Rick Lalich for Member Badges = $18.00
W973 (06/17/11) – AJG Risk Management for Parish Fair Liability Insurance = $530.00
W974 (06/17/11) – St. Bernadette Capital Campaign for Payment on Council Pledge = $7,000.00
W975 (06/18/11) – St. Bernadette Church for Youth Challenge Group Event (RUN2 REAL FRIENDS) = $385.00
W976 (06/18/11) – Bro. Phillip Zabawa for Refund of Dues Overpayment = $17.00
W977 (06/23/11) – Bro. Wally Chaplin, FS for Envelopes and Postage = $98.78
W978 (06/27/11) – Denise Scherz for Parish Fair Expenses = $120.75
W979 (06/29/11) – Bro. Michael Zazzeri for Postage to Mail Minutes to members w/out Email = $44.00
W980 (06/29/11) – Bro. Andy Raulynaitis for June Installation of Officers Social = $237.06
W981 (07/04/11) – GK Steve Raedy for Reimbursement of Donation to Knight in Need = $440.00
W982 (07/09/11) – Knights of Columbus Council Accounts for Per Capita, Cath. Adv. & Cult. of Life Fund = $535.30
W983 (07/10/11) – Bro. Tim Hughes for July Pancake Breakfast Supplies = $211.60
17. Financial Secretary’s Report (Read by Bro. Wally Chaplin):
As of the Supreme statement dated 07/01/11, we have 134 Associate Members, 63 Insurance Members and 1 Inactive Insurance Member for a total of 198 Members. Our Fraternal Year 2011-2012 membership quota is 14 new members and 5 new insurance members.
To date, 139 members(70.56%)are current on their 2011-2012 Fraternal Year dues. Thank you to those who have paid. A second notice will soon go out to members in arrears on their dues. Please pay upon receipt of your second notice bill. Brothers, please let me know if you are having financial difficulties; arrangements can be made for your dues.
Bro. Dick Lacina sent the following note along with his dues payment: “Thank you for sending me my membership card. At age 87+ and visually impaired I am unable to attend any meeting or activities. I am living with his daughter and get to Adoration at church some times.”
18. Report of Auditors and Trustees (Bro. Bruce Meyer):
Bro. Bruce reviewed the Worthy FS report and all is in order. We will be conducting the first of 2 audits this year after this meeting.
19. Chancellor’s Report of Vocations (Bro. Bill Barry):
No report
20. Report of Service Program Committees (DGK Chris Craney):
Youth (Bro. Sam D’Angelo):
No report
Church (Open):
No report
Family (Bro. Chris Eby):
No report
Council (Bro. Al Munno):
No report
Community (Rich Pupi):
No report
Pro-Life (Bro. Mike Mroz):
Bro. Mike Mroz reported that the Baby Bottle Campaign (last held in 2007) is planned for this year. Bottles are distributed in September with donations (loose change) returned in October. Funds will go to pro-life activities within the parish particularly the Respect Life Ministry.
Membership (Bro. Mark Leuver):
No report
LAMB (Bro. Ed Undercoffer):
We need some help getting volunteers for the LAMB campaign in the Fall. LAMB donation box is available and rosary check was conducted. Bro. Jim O’Donnell offered to assist in getting mailing labels from the local Chambers of Commerce for request of donations at local businesses.
21. Report of Standing Committees:
Pancake Breakfasts (Bro. Bruce Meyer)
Receipts were $856.00; expenses were $211.60; resulting in net profit of $644.40.
Total plates served were 160 (Adults = 118/Kids = 42). Breakdown by mass is in the attached report. There were 86.0 hours of service contributed to this event. Thanks go out to the brothers who worked so hard and to family members, Tylor Divito the son of Bro. Eddie Divito and Chris Peterson the wife of Bro. Bill Peterson, for their much appreciated help.
Bro. Bruce asked for confirmation that the upcoming breakfasts were on the Church calendar. GK Steve confirmed that there are.
Blood Drives (Bro. Dave Dillman)
No report
22. Unfinished Business:
23. New Business:
Bro. Andy Raulynaitis asked that the Knights help man the kitchen to help out through the Summer to assist with the Sunday migrant meals. All we need is one person to assure that our kitchen is clean and orderly. No cooking involved. Bro. Andy will address times and resources through an email to the Council.
Bro. Mark Leuver made a motion to amend our Bylaws to increase the annual Dues from $24 to $30 (effective next year). The motion was seconded by Bro. Nick Longo and tabled for a vote at the next business meeting. The bylaws require 5 days notice be given before any vote is taken to amend the bylaws – an email will be sent as that notice. Note that our annual dues have not increased since the council was founded 14 years ago. Since then, however, the per capita amount we pay to State and Supreme has increased. At the new amount of $30, we are still below the average council's dues.
Bro. Jim O’Donnell reported that September 24 will be the date of the Yard Sale, chaired by the O’Donnell’s. Tables will be set up on Wednesday night, Thursday and Friday between 9 and 9 donations taken of usable items. Tax receipts can be given. Doors open on Saturday at 7:00 and close at 3:00. 4:00 clean up and dump leftover items. Bro. Dave Onofrio has offered to line up help. The Knights totally fund the perishable foods in the pantry with the proceeds.
The proposed budgets were passed out to the members for review. Comments were made and addressed. Bro. Chris Craney made a motion that the budget be accepted as presented. Bro. Mark Leuver seconded the motion and was tabled until the August meeting.
24 Report of Fourth Degree:
No report
25. Insurance Field Agent’s Report (Bro. Michael Martin, FIC):
Please contact Bro. Mike with any questions about insurance or annuities at:
Michael D. Martin
1122 Climbing Rose Turn
Cary, NC 27518
Bus: (919) 854-2867
Cell: (919) 244-3969
Fax: (919) 854-7893
26. District Deputy’s Report:
Our new DD is Bro. Tom Eifler PGK of Council 6650 in Cary.
No report
27. Good of the Order:
Prayers were requested for:
- Bro. Steve Beiras (recovery from accident)
- Bro. Al Dimartini (friend of Bro. Tony Perna)
- Bro. Jim McNally
- Irene Sevigny
- Debbie Mroz
- Judy Murphy’s mother
- Bro. Ed Undercoffer’s extended family
- Bro. Andy Raulinytus’ parents
- Bro. Nick Longo’s mother Nunzia Longo
- Bro. Ed Undercoffer’s wife
- Carol Carberry
- Members of the Parish
- All Clergy and Religious
- All Knights that have passed
- All wounded military
Worthy Lecturer Bro. Nick Longo gave a nice talk. “I joined the Knights less than 2 years ago. I was always involved with the Knights in Alabama and is one to volunteer when there is work to do. Since I was traveling so much it was very difficult to make commitments to help. Organizations like these have a lot to offer and contribute to the community. As I was saying my rosary it brought to mind some of the other religions comments about Catholics…the Catholics are always sad…even when they are singing in church, it’s not happy! I’m thinking that they must have it wrong…one thing that we celebrate is the resurrection of Christ…I kept thinking that we do in many way focus more on the Sorrowful Mysteries than the Joyful Mysteries. In Church we look at the crucifix instead of the resurrected Christ. In Alabama, at our Church we put the resurrected Christ in front of the cross. These are things that make me think that organizations like ours need to portray the ideas and thoughts that the community and the church have. We have a great opportunity to show who we really are through the events that we run and participate in. Bro. Mark mentioned that we need to keep positive mental attitudes. We should be full of these attitudes in this country that offers so much. Negative attitudes do not belong here or in the Catholic Church. We as brother can do…take a more positive attitude…be cheerful, see the examples of the other brothers. I hope that as we can expand some of the things that we do.”
Knight of the Month (June): Bro. Eddie Divito
Knight of the Month (July): Bro. Richard Carberry
Family of the Month: Bro. Mike Mroz
28. Chaplain’s Summation: (Fr. Robert Staley):
29. Closing Prayer:
The closing prayer was lead by GK Steve Raedy
30. Closing Ode:
31. Adjournment:
The meeting was adjourned by GK Steve Raedy at 8:50 PM.