SDSSA Board Meeting Minutes
Watertown Quarter Meeting
Saturday, November 12, 2016: 5:06 CST
Attendees: Rex Rolfing-Sean Mallet-Mike Fairchild- Jackie Borr-Frank Gurnick- Michael Britt-Janice Stoebner- Jami Albrecht- Tim Baltzer-Sheri Heinz, Tammy Cruse, Buker Beaumont, Tony Harrison, Don Wolkenhauer, Ben Gaddis, Nick Shade, Charles Culbertson, Amber Johnson, Jodi Zueger,
Non-Voting- Jeremy Tosaya-Jason Wear-Steve Kehm
Minutes from July 6. 2016 were changed to reflect 1st reading and were accepted
Rex Annual Report- Report was in packet – Items on to do list to work on Budget cost to get closer to budget numbers Membership Expectations
Tammy Cruse- Treasurer
Report thru November 5, 2016 Looking pretty good
Buker Beaumont- 1st VP
Talked about up coming tournaments - Teams can sign in for tournaments State Cup and President Cup
2017 State Cup will be in Rapid City
2018 State Cup will be Sioux Falls
2019 Will be for an east river city
Buker made a motion to approve the locations with Tony Harrison 2nd Motion Carried
Mike Fairchild- 2nd VP
Champion League- Looking on how to get more rec teams
Northern States league might have a few conflict of date and working on that.
Looking at 1st week of April and maybe last week
Frank Gurnick- 3rd VP
Met with Rec Committee
Need to get more player parent education
Town home meeting - need more advance notice so more could attend
Calendar for rec tournaments
2017 -Mitchell will host
2018 – Sioux Falls will host
2019 – back to west side
Frank made a motion to move to have the State Rec Tournament as stated with Don Wolkenhauer second
Note was made to change to State Rec since have not idea if MIDCO will sponsor
Motion Carried
New motion made by Buker Beaumont to have State Cup-State Rec Tourney- and President Cup to follow with 2 east and 1 west location. Motion Second by Jami Albrecht Motion carried
Kim Leiferman 4th VP
Not Present
Tony Harrison – 5th VP
Had a 10G coach coaching and his back ground was not caught and he was not safe. Need to change things to make sure everyone working with our players are safe.
Tammy thought all new coaches are to be checked- while each local association should checking them as well.
Was recommended we increase Budget to $15,000 so each new coach can be checked. Jason Wear need to communicate to associations on how to do checks for offenders. New coaches that move into state and wants to coach should be checked. Thinking that maybe managers might be another check etc.
Janice Stoebner- 6th VP
Written report
She has been with state since 1998 and is retiring.
Chris Pollreisz – 7th VP
Not present
District Reports
Referee Committee- Tom Heisinger
The referees are going to do their own risk management and do the same procedure as the state.
Need dates for tournaments asap so they can get them covered.
High School works with the referees
Steve Kehm- Director of Player Delv
Committee in place
Jason Wear- State administrator
Working on registration
Champion league referees paid
Attended the Affinity AGM
Having a lot of email and answering calls
Jeremy Tosaya- Tech-Exec Diretor
Champion league had 115 teams
Town hall Meeting – went well got a lot of good information- visited 12 clubs and had 8 town hall meetings
Vision 2020
Recreation under served- need more options and programming but also Cost $
Summer Player Clinics
Expanding coaches education- regional clinic
Nothern State League is more meaningful SD-ND- Minn
ODP- need to assure players get more exposure
In March going to do last E License Courses; one on the east and one on the west
Everything set for SD Futsal Cup
Cost $10.00 Annual cost for all coaches to put toward background checks
Cost of $4.00 for all competitive players for coaching education
Cost of $100 increase to all tournament registration -to pay for SDSSA support- oversight to help marketing
Old Business:
Executive Director and Job
Rex spoke on job description Comparing to Iowa- ND- Minn- Kansas
Looking at new money revenues
5000-9,999 5%
10,000-14,999 10%
15,000-19,999 15%
20,000- 20%
New events- league tournaments 25%
Existing Events- Jeremy run 10%
In kind sponsorships will be split 75/25
New camps- Clinics 50/50
Lots of talk about picking date so they don’t conflict with associations. State should always make sure locals do not have something in place.
Janice Stoebner stated ED in a non-profit handing out incentives the IRS frowns on this
Motion was made by Don Wolkenhauer to have Buker Beaumont- Rex Rolfing- Sean Mallitt to check with other states on incentive pay and get back to board with 2nd from Frank Gurnick. Motion Carried
Frank Gurnick made motion to approve responsibilities of ED- TED and Director Development with Tammy Cruse 2nd motin. Motion failed
Frank Gurnick moved to approve ED and State Admin with Sean Mallet 2nd.Motion carried
Policy changes
Motion was made by Don Wolkenhauer and 2nd by Jami Albrecht to move to except the conflict resolution and competitive recruiting policy. A friend motion to except conflict motion only second by Jami Albrecht Motion Carried
Motion by Tony Harrison to table the Travel policy and to revisit at next meeting with 2nd by Janice Stoebner. Motion Carried
Organization Change
Rex went over member association restructure Frank Gurnick made motion to bring to AGM and Don Wolkenhauer 2nd Motion carried with Buker Beaumont NO
Meeting recessed at 8:05 to attend awards.
8:52 meeting started again
Fee increase
Jeremy talked to board about fee structure. Referee as stated earlier will do their own Risk checks.
New Business
Article 1 and Article 7
Non- Discrimination
Membership Eligibility
New Member Organization
Notice of adopted Amendments
Motion made to change wording by Jami Albrecht with the 2nd by Don Wolkenhauer Motion Carried
Risk Addendum A
Motion was made by Don Wolkenhauer to Disqualifing events to be done case by case and 2nd by Jami Albrecht.
Motion Carried
2017 Calendar with all SDSSA calendar of events for these dates are Blacked Out.
Tammy- Jeremy
Board went into executive session 9:30 PM
Conversation was salaries. Increase Jeremy by $2000.00 and Jason $2500.00 + give him the ODP Admin Salary.
Motion was made to approve budget by Tony Harrison and 2nd by Seam Mallett.
Amended to approve budget increase per diem to $ net 1976.00 by Tammy Cruse and 2nd by Sean Mallett.
Motion carried
Out of executive session 10:00 PM
Soccer Vehicle
Tim Baltzer a mechanic from Mitchell and will get an estimate on repairs not over $2000.
Tony Harrison made motion not to spend more than $2000. And Don Wolkenhauer 2nd. Motion carried
Buker suggested to look at co-ops with other organizations for a decrease in insurance rates
Approval of Committee for Nominations motion was made by Jami Albrecht abd 2nd Don Wolkenhauer. Motion Carried.
Motion to Adjourn by Don Wolkenhauer and 2nd Jami Albrecht 10:13 PM