South Topsail Elementary School

(910) 270-2756

FAX (910) 270-4056



From the Principal’s Desk:

Happy New School Year! Fall beckons, summer is over, and school is back in full swing! We have had an excellent start to the new school year. It is such a joy for us to work with you and your children each day.

A big change this year is the opening of the new school, which reduced the number of students in our school from 776 to 514. We can certainly feel the difference as we have all of our students in the main building now, without any classes in the portables. Our students can enjoy recess with the whole grade level this year, and the walk to specials classes is not as far!

Another change has been in our dress code. While the dress code is not different (see it in the Student Code of Conduct), we are following it closely, and we have added the requirement that all students wear close-toed shoes to school each day. Just this small change has resulted in fewer playground injuries since the beginning of the year.

We welcome a few new faces to our staff. Mrs. Mary Fallon is back as our EC chairperson, and Mrs. Suzanne Tkac is on her team, teaching EC classes. We also welcome Mr. Mark Quindlen, who is our new Media Specialist. Mr. Zack Grant was hired the second week of school to round out our 5th grade team. He will be teaching Social Studies and Writing. Mr. David Graysmith is completing his internship in School Psychology, working with Mrs. Avery in the Counseling Center. And we also welcome Kelly Richardson and Kelly Mull, who will be student interns with Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Bagwell, respectively.

As always, we welcome your feedback and comments. Please do not hesitate to e-mail or call the school with questions, concerns, or compliments! I have an open-door policy, but I do ask that I have from 7:45 to 8:45 free of appointments because this is the time I reserve to make my daily visits to each classroom. Also, make sure you visit our website (you can find us by going to schools on the Pender County Schools website, where you will find information about events and individual classroom teacher pages.

Looking forward to working with you this year!

AnnaMaria Romero-Lehrer, Principal

Transportation Information

Permanent Change of Transportation

If you would like to add your child permanently to our bus transportation system, please do the following:

1. FIRST, complete and submit an "Add/Delete Transportation" form. These can be obtained in the front office.

2. Once the request is submitted, Mrs. Pfeffer will use the provided information to determine your newly assigned bus.

3. Mrs. Pfeffer will then contact you to verify the bus #/driver, bus stop, and estimated pick-up/drop-off times.

4. The bus driver will be contacted to ensure he/she has your child's information.

*Your child must have this form completed and process completed BEFORE riding the bus.

Daily Change of Transportation

Please be aware that due to limited seating on buses this year, we may not be able to grant permission for your child to ride a bus that is not his/her regularly assigned bus.

**At this time, we will not be able to permit any additional students to ride BUS 185, Bus 157, or Bus 214 (unless this bus is on your assigned home route) for "daily" changes.

If you would like to change your child's transportation for "a day," please do the following:

*Send a note with your child to his/her homeroom teacher with the following information:

- Homeroom Teacher's Name

- Date

- FULL Student Name

- How your child will be getting home that day (i.e. pick-up, bus #, etc.)

- If your child is riding home with a friend, please list the child's name

- Your Full Name AND Contact Number

**Notes must be SIGNED by the parent/guardian. Please send notes with your child in the morning. If changes need to be made after the day has started, you may fax a signed note to the office. We can NOT accept phone calls to ensure the safety of all children at South Topsail Elementary. Thank you for your understanding.

Fall Fundraiser

Your children brought home information for a fall fundraiser which starts on September 14 and ends on September 25. We will be using the money to purchase new technology for all classrooms. Currently, 12 classrooms have the latest technology, including an LCD projector mounted on the ceiling and attached to the computer, a document camera, which projects images on the desk to the whiteboard, and a “mimio,” a device which turns the whiteboard into an interactive computer monitor. While we will look for deals and order in bulk, it costs about $1500 to equip each classroom. We will be fundraising this year to equip all 24 regular classrooms with this technology, as well as our two EC classes and each specials class, including the gym. Teachers will be receiving training on the use of the new technology in the next few weeks. Please keep these points in mind for the fundraiser:

** Students should not go door to door.

** An assembly will be held for students who participate in the sale.

** Students should attempt to bring 4 magazine orders (siblings? Sell 4

per family).

** Students do not collect any money. They just bring back the completed

forms. The company will bill the people who ordered. Once the

money is collected by the company, our school will receive its share.

** There is an on-line feature available so that out-of-town friends and

relatives can participate if they’d like.

We appreciate your help in this endeavor. Please stop by and see some of the technology that is currently available in our school. You will be just as excited as we are!

We will have other fundraising events this school year for the same purpose.

Positive Behavior Support!

We are very excited to share with you that this school year, South Topsail is beginning its first stages of implementing a Positive Behavior Support System. This program is a way to impact the learning environment in school in order to support high student performance and to reduce behavioral problems. Whole School Positive Behavioral Support is a systematic approach that establishes and reinforces clear behavioral expectations. This team-based approach involves the entire school staff in adopting a common approach to discipline that is proactive, instructional, and outcome-based. The data about the school is used to guide decision making, while looking at the entire school campus and the school day.

This year, we have worked as a team in creating South Topsail's behavioral expectations, which is accepted school-wide. The designed matrix includes all areas of the building, and posters have been made for all hallways, classrooms, restrooms, cafeteria, etc. Our teachers have created lessons and are working closely with students to teach appropriate behaviors. Discussions and student feedback take place with teachers in order to indicate areas for re-teaching. Students are learning socially appropriate behaviors and expectations of STES. We are very proud of the behaviors students are displaying in their classrooms, in the hallways, while eating in the cafeteria, playing on the playground, etc. Attached you will find a copy of our Expectation matrix. Please discuss these expectations with your children and encourage socially appropriate behaviors. Thank you for your support!

Show Respect / - Raise your hand
- Stay in your seat
-Talk at appropriate times / - Quiet in the hallway / - Fill in the seats (no saving) - Clean up after yourself - Follow red cup rule / - Take turns on equipment
- If you borrow equipment return it / - Maintain privacy
- Use restroom for its intended purpose / - Follow bus drivers directions
-Use nice words and actions
Think Responsibly / - Be prepared
- Be on time / - Give others proper space / - Raise your hand, to stand up, ask question, or get help
- Eat/touch only your food (no sharing) / - Keep hands, feet , and objects to yourself / - Give others proper space
- Enter and exit quietly / - Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself - Use inside voices - Keep all food and drink items in bag
Expect Success / - Listen to instructions
- Always do your best / - Keep to the right while walking / - Get what you need the first time
- Listen to the staff / - Practice rules taught in PE for game playing
- Show good sportsmanship / Steps
1. Flush
2. Wash hands
3. Trash in bin / - Be on time and ready to board the bus
Stay Safe / - Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / - Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / - Use items properly
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / - Use equipment properly
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself / - Use equipment properly / Rules 1. Bottom to bottom 2. Back to back 3. Feet on floor
4. Hands to Self


Teaching Respect

Tips for Parents

Showing high regard for authority, for other people, for self, for property, and for country. Understanding that all people have value as human beings.

What children need to know about respect:

Children need to learn that everyone has value and deserves to be respected, even

those whom we dislike. Throughout life, whether at school, at work, or play, we

form relationships with other people. When we treat others as we want to be treated,

we develop friends and good work relationships.

To help children become respectful, model and encourage them to:

1.  Speak politely and kindly to all people.

2.  Show common courtesy by saying “excuse me” and “thank you.”

3.  Apologize, even when not in the wrong.

4.  Be a good listener when others are talking.

5.  Be open to new opinions and ideas.

6.  Help other people (opening doors, picking up, completing household chores).

The career connection:

Children who learn to be respectful and to value others get along well with others.

They have more friends and are included in more social activities. These children

will continue to be able to form positive relationships with others as they grow older.

Regardless of their career choice, they will be able to listen and share ideas, and

have a positive working relationship with others. It is essential that respect be

present between co-workers.



In an effort to educate parents about pertinent topics, as well as boost our attendance at PTA, I would like to assist the PTA with helping provide speakers this year. I would like to encourage you to respond and let us know what topics you’re interested in learning/hearing more about. You may also call Sharron Avery at

270-2756 Ext. 18.

Parent Name:______

Student(s) Name:______Homeroom Teacher______


News from the Classrooms

Kindergarten News

Kindergarten is off to a great start! The kids know their way around school and are enjoying making new friends. Recently, we had to add a new second grade because of numbers, so Mrs. Bridgers moved to a second-grade class. This change resulted in some movement as her class was redistributed to the other kindergarten classrooms. Students and teachers have made a smooth transition.

We will be planning a Parent Night soon, look for more info to come home from your child's teacher.

First Grade Sept. News

The school year is off to a great start!! Teachers and students have been busy with Literacy and Math assessments. The data collected will help guide our instruction to meet students’ needs. We will plan a parent night soon to share first grade expectations and general information.

We look forward to Mrs. Avery visiting our classes each month to share character education topics. We have been impressed with the school-wide use of the behavior expectation matrix which was sent home at the beginning of the year. Students are learning to Show respect, Think responsibly, Expect success, and Stay safe in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, playground, bathroom, and bus.

We would like parents to take this month to focus on good handwriting. Some students are still learning how to use the lines correctly to form their letters. A handwriting guide was sent home in the Back-to-School packet. Please help your child form letters as shown on the guide (i.e. start at the top and come down, etc.)

Second Grade News!

The second grade team would like to welcome Mrs. Heather Bridgers to our team. We are very excited to have her join us! Second graders have been learning what it's like to be an astronaut, and they recently wore their "astronaut helmets" in a parade through STES halls. We are celebrating Constitution Day on Thursday, September 17 by learning about real-life heroes. Be sure to check out our "Portraits of Heroes" in the hallway when you are in the building, and remember to wear red, white, and blue on Thursday! We will also be planning some fun activities for Johnny Appleseed Day. Our second graders are off to a great start, and we are looking forward to a terrific year!


Excitement has filled the third grade hall as we start a new school year at STES. A big thank you goes out to all of our parents for filling our classrooms with needed supplies and wish list items. A special thanks goes out to all of the parents who attended our parent night. It was great to have such wonderful support. Third grade parents and students are the best!