North Penn School District

READ 180 A (First Year) for North Penn High School Students


You are required to read two books for summer reading: The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender and student-choice novel.

Below are find the steps needed to complete the required summer reading assignments for students entering eighth grade in the North Penn School District.

Please note that your summer reading work is an individual assignment. While you are encouraged to discuss the reading, your responses should be completed independently.

Book One: The Cage by Ruth Minsky Sender

1.  Obtain a copy of The Cage

2.  Preview the assignment prior to reading the book.

3.  Download the Chapter Summary Log before you read the book so you can take necessary notes to complete the required assignment.

4.  Complete the assignment for The Cage. Your work may be word-processed or handwritten.

5.  Bring a hard copy of the completed assignment to school on the first day class meets.

Book Two: Free Choice Novel - Complete a Chapter Summary Log

Complete steps 1-5 like you did for the required reading.

Complete a Chapter Summary Log and Diary Entries for BOTH books.


Download and print several copies of the Chapter Summary Log given below. Fill out the log as your read your required and free choice books. You will be filling in both chapter titles and summaries. This log will be submitted along with the rest of your reading assignment on the first day of school.


In addition to your Chapter Summary Log, you will be creating three personal diary entries. For this assignment, focus on any three chapters. Write a personal diary entry for each of the three chapters detailing the events and emotions from the perspective of the main character.


-  be descriptive

-  be creative

-  be neat

-  check your grammar and spelling

Your Chapter Summary Log and Diary Entries

must be submitted on the first day of school.

Chapter Summary Log

Write your chapter titles and summaries below.

·  The main idea is a statement that tells what the chapter is mostly about.

·  A summary is a short paragraph that tells the most important things that happened

·  If you need more space, use the back of the page or another piece of paper.

Book Title______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______

Chapter Number or Title: ______

Main Idea: ______

Summary: ______