Editors: Jane Guthrie and Sue Mullane, with Elizabeth Loughlin

Published by: Dance Movement Therapy Association of Australasia (DTAA), 2017

Melbourne, Australia

Dance Therapy Collections Number Four is the latest in a series of special volumes published by the Dance Therapy Association of Australasia (DTAA). The twelve chapters in this volume are from an array of national and international dance movement and other creative arts practitioners who envisioned their work beyond traditional settings and familiar applications. The twelve derived from presentations made at the fourth Australasian Dance Movement Therapy Conference (Melbourne, July 2015), “Broadening the Spectrum: how dance movement therapy and other creative arts therapies can function as single and multi-modal approaches to health and healing”. They offer a diverse range of philosophical, theoretical and practical understandings of the notion of ‘expanding’ or ‘opening up’ the field of dance movement therapy in Australasia.

A Foreword from Naomi Aitchison is followed by:

  1. The essentialness of improvisation

Sherry Goodill

2. The arts, the liminal space, and the visible outcomes

Elizabeth Loughlin

  1. Puppetry enhances healing potential in dance movement therapy

Ian Cuming and Heather Hill

  1. Narrative Dance Theatre: Creating new narratives for the self story

Cecilia Tsz Kai Lau

  1. Integrating play and dance movement therapy

Steve Harvey

  1. The dance of life with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Alexandra Jordan, Sharon Searle and Kim Dunphy

  1. The importance of Fred: Dance movement therapy with children with complex trauma

Sally Denning

  1. Enhancing expressivity using affect theory and Laban Movement Analysis

Sandra K. Lauffenburger

  1. Dance movement psychotherapy as influenced by Daniel Stern

Brigitte Puls

  1. Dance Movement Exploration: A new approach to discovering self in movement

Alberto Dimarucut and Gilda Uy

  1. Broadening the understanding of breast cancer experiences through movement-based exploration

Angela S.L. Leung

  1. Dance movement therapy in Australasia: 21st century

Jane Guthrie, Jennifer Helmich, Tony Norquay and Virginia Woods


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