1864 - 2014


Medicinal Mushrooms- Identification Skills and Medicine Making

Led by

Jesper Launder

The locationfor this one-day event is one of the richest locations forfungi in England. Alarge number of the Polyporaceae familycan be found, includingthe medicinal Coriolus, Grifola (Maitake), Ganoderma spp, and Piptoporus, amongst others. A large array ofadditional species of medicinal interest are likely to be encountered. Differentiation between the important medicinal species and other inert or poisonous varieties is of great importance. Themorning sessionwill be spent in the field and will place emphasis not only on habitat and foraging skills, but onrobust identification methods. The afternoon will offer space to recap uponidentification when we can compare and contrast our different finds. The main focus, however, will be upon preparation techniques. Dehydration methods for each species will behighlighted as well as hot water and ethanolic preparations, and where either method is best suited. The day will include some pharmacology and materia medica for the species found.

Jesper Launder is a Medical Herbalist with a particular interest in mycology. He has more than 25 years experience identifying mushrooms and fungi in the fieldand since training as a herbalist, over ten years ago,has honed the art of wild crafting medicinal species and making herbal extracts from these. Jesper teachesnumerous courses and events relating to thesound identification and use of both edible and medicinalspecies of fungi. He is a memberof the British Mycological Society (BMS) as well as a NIMH member.

Arrive for 9am

9.15am Introduction

9.30 -1pm Mushroom Foraging and field Identification skills.

1-2pm Lunch break

2-4.30pm Practical preparation skills

4.30pm Conclusion/ Q&A

Places for this workshop are strictly limited. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

Booking fee includes a small additional charge to cover the costs of materials that will be used.

Saturday 25th October 2014 9.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.

Venue: The Pavilion, The Speech House Hotel Coleford, Gloucestershire, GL16 7EL and the Forest of Dean (wear clothing suitable for walking in woods)

Tea/coffee will be provided on arrival but lunch is not included.

Seminar:25th October 2014

Early bird rate
up to 30th September 2014 / Standard rate
on or after 1st October 2014
NIMH/EHTPA PA member / £45 / £50
NIMH New Members Scheme / £35 / £40
NIMH member on state benefits (evidence required) / £35 / £40
Member of NIMH Student Affiliate Scheme / £30 / £35
Student / £40 / £45
Other / £70 / £75

Please bring along your NIMH receipt as evidence of payment and your CPD record card (Green card) for signing. CPD cards for recording attendance are available at every PTB seminar.

*All prices held at 2008 price. **15% reduction on 2008 price.

Name……………………………………………...... Tel: ………………………………………...



I am not a NIMH member and will require a certificate of attendance

Please make cheques payable to NIMH & return to NIMH, Clover House, James Court, South Street, Exeter,EX1 1EE. We regret that we are unable to make refunds for booked places unless a cancellationis made in advance. There will be no admission on the day without prior booking.