October, November, December 2015 Volume 1 Issue 1
Official Publication of the TennArk District Optimist International
From the Desk of the GovernorMy Fellow Optimists,
It is truly an honor to serve as your Governor for the newly formed TennArk District. I am truly excited to welcome all of you. Our ongoing commitment is to bring out the best in Kids and our communities. The theme for the upcoming year is HIGH……FAR…..AND WIDE…….FOR THE KIDS. We are going to fly higher then a kite, farther then the blue birds and wide across the river for our children.
It is my vision to that our leaders and members have the resources and support to have a good year. Our organization is in a position to take Optimism to the next level. My goals for the upcoming year are:
· Build a new club each quarter
· Each club holds a NOW Meetings (New Optimists Wanted)
· Each member participate in the Dime-A-Day Program
· Raise $1500 for Childhood Cancer
· Add 5 new Friends of Optimists / Our First Quarter District Meeting will be held in October 16 – 17 in Millington, TN. I am asking that you not only attend yourself but bring a prospective
member as well. I am very excited about our year. We going
to fly HIGH……FAR……AND WIDE…. for the kids.
Yours in Optimism,
Mildred Tatum
Governor, TennArk District
The District is blessed to have blessed to have 4 Certified Club Builders within our District. They are Chris Black, Clay Mitchell, Cindy Hobson and Peggy Ingle.
If you need assistance in building a club please contact New Club Building Chair Shirley Meyer or Governor Mildred and they will see one or more of them will give you the help you need.
They can help you collect demographic information on the community you are looking at, work with you to do a needs assessment or help you with recruiting or conducting an Informational Meeting. They are all eager to get out and put their skills to good use.
The Optimist Club of Fort Smith recently purchased a very large outdoor chess set with the help of a $500 grant from Optimist International. Once the chess set was received by the club the mission was to paint a "larger than life" chess board on the patio of the Evans Boys & Girls Club.
That was easier said than done but finally achieved. Each square is 30" x 30" and once the project was completed the kids couldn't wait to get on the board and try it out.
Each year the Boys & Girls club has an annual chess tournament, which draws well over 200 kids with an impressive knowledge of the game of chess. I'm sure that over the years this unusual chess board will bring much fun to thousands of kids
A special thanks goes out to Peggy Ingle of the Fort Smith O.C. for coming up with the idea for this project.
Also, special thanks go out to Don Moon & his friend Terry Barclay for many hours of hot hard work to make the project come to fruition. / 2ND Quarter: January 22nd-23rd Fort Smith
3rd Quarter: April 22nd – 23rd: Conway
International Convention: June 30th-July 2nd: Quebec, ON.
4th Quarter: August 26th – 27th: Little Rock
The 1st Quarter District Meeting will be held Friday October through Saturday November 3rd at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Millington, TN. Come out and meet and greet James Rankin, renowned author and Past Distinguished Governor of the South Texas District.
Friday Meetings will consist of the Long Range Planning Meeting at 3pm will the Executive Committee Meeting Starting at 5pm.
Friday night dinner will be at 7pm followed by musical entertainment provided by the Wise Men, a Memphis Blue Grass band.
Saturday the Business Meeting will start at 9am. Training sessions will be conducted by James Rankin. Sessions will consist of Remaining Optimistic in a Pessimistic World, Optimistic Leadership, and Making Growth Fun.
Saturday night dinner will be at 7pm followed by our annual Arkansas Hearing Foundation Auction. Everyone is encouraged to bring auction items and their checkbooks as we show our support for the Foundation.
We will have the drawing for the $500 Visa Gift card. If you need more tickets they will be available at the meeting.
Mark your calendars now and plan to come and show our support for Governor Mildred as we begin what we all know will be an amazing future as the TennArk District. Come join in the fun and fellowship.
Chess Board Donated by the Fort Smith Optimist Club
ESSAY CONTESTThe topic for this year’s Essay Contest is “Lead by Example: Reality or Fiction.” The contest is open all youth under the age of 18 as of October 15, 2015 but they can not have graduated high school. The District Winner receives a $2500 scholarship. Essays must be submitted to the District Chair, Teresa Black by February 28, 2016. For more information you can go to www.optimist.org or contact Teresa.
/ The topic for this year’s Communication Contest for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing is “How my Best Brings out the Best in Others”. The contest is open to all youth still in high school and have a hearing loss great then 40 decibels. There are no typically no club or zone contests. The District Contest will be held Saturday April 23rd in Conway. If you know if a student that would qualify please contact chairman Desi Ledbetter.
Oratorical Contest / From Past Governor Glen
The topic for this year’s Oratorical Contest is “How my Best Brings out the Best in Others”. The contest is open to all youth under the age of 18 as of October 15, 2015 but must not have graduated high school. Zone Contests will be scheduled by the Lt. Governor’s and the District Contest will be held Saturday April 23rd in Conway. Contestants will be competing for a $2500 scholarship. For more information go to www.optimist.org. or contact Contest Chair, Tarar Ledbetter
The new Optimist Oratorical World Championships will be June 23-24, 2016. Each Optimist District will have the exciting opportunity to send one of their District Oratorical winners to St. Louis to compete with the winners of the Districts in their Region for a scholarship valued at $5000 or more. The winner of each Region (eight winners’ total) will compete with the winner from St. Louis University’s Global Region for a $15,000, $10,000, or $5,000 World Championship scholarship.There is the potential for a student to win $22,500 or more in scholarships! / My Fellow Optimists,
On behalf of the Leadership Team for 2014 – 2015 year, I want to thank each and every Arkansas Optimist member for their outstanding efforts to improve the lives of children in their communities, the life of their communities, and their own lives. Together we continue to do great things for Arkansas youth. As we reach the last year as a stand-alone District, I encourage every Club to strive to reach the goal of Honor Club, so that we pass on with our heads high, proud of our accomplishments.
The coming year brings new and exciting growth, welcoming our fellow Optimists from West Tennessee. The new TennArk District will need the joint effort of all Clubs to help Governor Mildred Tatum and her Leadership Team to get off to a great start. Lets work to build enthusiasm, support and participation so that we…….
Have you ever wondered where all the scholarship money comes from that is paid for the International Essay and Oratorical Contest? How about money for JOOI Clubs and the Optimist Magazine? The answer to this and many other donations to Optimist International is the Optimist Foundation. The goal of the foundation is to raise $1,000,000. Our District goal is $13,400. This would also be a best ever for the District. There are many levels of giving. There is the Dime a Day program where you can give $36.50 for the year. If everyone in the District participated in the simple program we’d blow our goal out of the water.
Next is the Century Circle. Too qualify you must donate between $100 to $249. For this you receive a static cling that you can put on the window of your car or office.
To join the Presidents Club you must donate more then $250 annually. Members receive a lapel pin.
To become a Friend of Today you must donate at least $500 annually. You will receive a numbered collector print.
A new program being offered is membership in the Christian D. Larson Partner. For a one time unrestricted donation of $1000 you will receive a numbered plaque naming you as a Christian D. Larson Partner. What a better way to honor the author of our Optimist Creed. There are currently 100 Partners.
Lastly you can join the William H. Harrison Society. This is named after our first International President. To become a member you must donate $10,000 over your lifetime and then $1000 per year there after.
As you can see, there are many levels you can achieve. Just find the one’s that fits your ability and level of support that interests you. All donations are tax deductible. Lets all work together to show our District’s support for the foundation. If you have any questions or would like the necessary forms to make a donation please contact your District Foundation Representative, Glen Pool.
Meet Your Team for 2015-2016:
Governor……………………………………..Mildred Tatum
Secretary Treasurer:………………………. Chris Black
Governor-Elect: ……………………………..Donna Gallaway
Immediate Past Governor………………….Glen Pool
Past Governor……………………………….Cindy Hobson
Lieutenant Governors
Zone 1...... Octavia Hill
Zone 2...... Cat Cavender
Zone 3...... Sue Barton
Zone 4...... Johnny Quattlebum
Zone 5...... Tom Rasmussen
Zone 6………………………………………Cary Woods
District Chairs:
A&A...... Frank Lambert
Bulletin Editor...... Barbara Robinson
Candidate Qualifications...... GlenPool
Childhood Cancer Campaign...... Jackie Wallis
CCDHH...... Desi Ledbetter
International Convention Ambassador..Harrison Johnson
District Conference/Convention.... …….Tim Johnson
District Director of PGI...... Cindy Hobson
Essay Chair...... Teresa Black
Finance...... Peggy Ingle
Jr. Golf (OIJGC)...... Tom Martfeld
Leadership Development...... Sue Barton
Membership...... Shirley Meyer
New ClubBuilding...... Shirley Meyer
Oratorical...... Tarar Ledbetter
Photographer...... EZ Johnson
Registration...... Lynne Buford lynnebu4d@sbcglobal.
Parliamentarian...... Ron Fisher
Sergeant-At-Arms...... Johnny Quattlebum
District Foundation Rep (DFR)...... Glen Pool
First Timers...... Marion Dubose
Junior Optimist Club (JOOI)...... Donna Gallaway