World War I #________


World War I Lecture Guide: Winning the War

I. Total War

u ________________________- means that societies and economies had to be completely realigned to pursue the war effort

u The channeling of a nations resources into a war effort

II. Economic Impact

u Both sides had to _________________________________________ that numbered in the millions

u ___________________________-all young men drafted into the armed forces

u Governments _________________________________________ to pay for the war

u People had to __________________________________________________

III. Propaganda War

u Total war meant ___________________________________

– _____________________________

– Keep casuality figures from public, restricted literature, movies, and the arts

u ____________________________-spreading of ideas to promote a cause or damage an opposing cause

u Examples: British and French Press told of German “atrocities” in Belgium

u Germany created a “hymn of hate” against England and encouraged people to sign it

IV. Impact on Women

u As men left to go fight, ____________________________________________________.

u They worked in factories, on farms, as nurses

u After the war, women had to quit their jobs because the men came home.

u Eventually, their efforts in the war _________________________________________

V. Collapsing Morale

u Because of ______________________________ both sides were losing moral because of long casualty lists, food shortages, and leadership failure

u Troops began to mutiny and desert

u Russia suffered devastating losses which __________________________________________

u Russia’s withdraw had an ______________________________________, Germany could now just concentrate on one front.

VI. The US Declares War

u This was the major turning point in the war.

u _______________________________-Germany torpedoed the Lusitania, a British Liner carrying 128 Americans.

u President Woodrow Wilson denounced Germany

u Americans had _____________________________________ with Allies and generally supported their cause

u ___________________________________-Britain intercepted a message from Germany to Mexico, telling Mexico that if they helped, Germany would help them gain lost lands to the US ie New Mexico and Arizona

u Went the note went public, anti-German feeling intensified in the US

u In April 1917, Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany

u By 1918, _________________________________________ and were sent across the Atlantic

u Since both sides in Europe were exhausted from trench warfare and major losses, _________________________________________________________________

u ________________________________-a list of demands to the international community to end the war and prevent future wars

u Called for

u __________________________________________

u _________________________________________

u ________________________________________

u ____________________________________________

u _________________________________________-the right of people to choose their own form of government