An Eligible Retail Customer requesting Local Network Service must submit a Completed Application to Central Maine Power Company (“CMP”) as far as possible in advance of the month in which service is to commence. Pursuant to Schedule 21 of the ISO-NE Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff (“ISO Tariff”), the Applicant to must provide the following information in writing to:

Manager of Transmission Services

Central Maine Power Company

83 Edison Drive

Augusta, ME 04336

1. / Customer Information: Please provide the following information for the entity requesting Local Network Transmission Service:
/ Applicant’s Company Name:
Authorized Company Representative Requesting Service:
Applicant’s Address:
Street Address:
PO Box No.:
City, State, Zip:
Phone No.:
Fax No.:
E-mail Address:
CMP Retail Account No.
2. / Network Load: Please describe the Local Network Load at your delivery point, including a best estimate of the total load to be served.
Point(s) of Delivery
or CMP substation(s) / Transmission Service Voltage (kV) / Estimated initial load (MW)
3. / Interruptible Load: Please indicate the amount and location of any interruptible loads included in the Local Network Load. This should include the summer and winter capacity requirements for each interruptible load (had that load not been interruptible), the portion of the load subject to interruption, the conditions under which an interruption can be implemented and any limitations on the amount and frequency of interruptions. Please identify the amount of interruptible load (if any) included in the load forecast provided in Section 3 of this Application. Please note that this information must be confirmed or updated as necessary on an annual basis, prior to the year for which the estimate is provided.
Location of / Interruptible Capacity (MW) / Interruption conditions/limitations
Interruptible Load / Summer / Winter / and limitations
4. / Network Resources: Please attach a description of all generation owned or under contract by the applicant used to serve load at this location. Generation directly connected to the load on your side of CMP’s meter(s) at each Point of Delivery and that is used to reduce your load, should be included. Generation used only for backup during disruption in transmission or distribution service being provided by CMP need not be included.
a.Unit size and amount of capacity from that unit to be designated as a Network Resource;
b.VAR capability (both leading and lagging) of all generators;
c.Operating restrictions
  • any periods of restricted operations throughout the year
  • maintenance schedules
  • minimum loading level of unit
  • normal operating level of unit
  • any must-run unit designations required for system reliability or contract reasons;
d.Description of any metering of the unit;
e.Arrangements governing sale and delivery of power to third parties from generating facilities located in CMP’s Service Territory, where only a portion of unit output is designated as a Network Resource; and
f.A description of purchased power designated as a Network Resource including source of supply, Control Area location, transmission arrangements and delivery point(s) to CMP’s Local Network Transmission System.
5. / Service Term: The Service Commencement and Termination Dates of the requested Transmission Service; (The minimum term for Local Network Transmission Service is one year)
Service Commencement Date: / Month / Day / Year
Service Termination Date: / Month / Day / Year

6.Regional Transmission Services: Transmission-level retail customers must also purchase all regional transmission related services including but not limited to Regional Network Service and the associated ancillary services under the ISO Tariff from ISO-NE or, at your discretion, designate CMP to act as your agent for obtaining and arranging for all applicable regional services. Unless you designate CMP as your agent solely for the purposes described in the following paragraph, you will receive a separate bill directly from the ISO-NE for all applicable regional services.

If you specifically designate CMP to act as your agent on this application for regional transmission services, CMP will arrange and obtain under the then applicable rules (1) Regional Network Service, (2) any other applicable regional services pursuant to the ISO Tariff and (3) ancillary services for Scheduling, System Control & Dispatch Service, Reactive Power & Voltage Support From Generating Resources Service, and System Restoration Service as provided under the ISO Tariff. CMP, as your agent, will bill you directly for Regional Network Service, ISO-NE services and applicable ancillary services. In return for providing these services, CMP will charge you an administrative fee of $200 per month. CMP’s agency does not extend to any positions taken by CMP in any FERC or other regulatory or related proceedings regarding any tariffs or services, or changes there to, identified above.

If you designate CMP as your sole agent to arrange and obtain Regional Services pursuant to the ISO Tariff you hereby agree to pay CMP any and all costs of such services, including the $200 per month administrative fee.

I hereby designate CMP to act as my agent as set forth in Section 6 above.

No, I do not want CMP to act as my agent. I will arrange for Regional Services myself and will send CMP a copy of a signed Market Participant or non-Market Participant Service Agreement and comply with the ISO’s Billing and Financial Assurance Policies.

7. / Ancillary Services: Customers must purchase from Central Maine Power, Ancillary Service Number 1 - Scheduling, System Control & Dispatch Service. All other Ancillary Services under the ISO Tariff must be obtained by the customer from its Supplier, or from the ISO Markets when the customer is serving load within the New England Control Area.
8. / ISO-NE Services: The Customer and or his supplier are responsible for all applicable services and associated charges under the ISO Tariff.
9. / Customer Eligibility: By signing and submitting this Application for Transmission Service, the Applicant states that it is or will be upon commencement of service, an Eligible Customer pursuant to the ISO Tariff
Applicant’s representative:
Applicant’s company name:
10. / CMP agrees to treat any information furnished by the Applicant as confidential except to the extent that disclosure of this information is required by the ISO Tariff, by regulatory or judicial order, for reliability purposes pursuant to Good Utility Practice or pursuant to any ISO-New England transmission information sharing agreements that may exist from time to time. CMP. Further agrees to treat this information consistent with the standards of conduct contained in Part 37 of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s regulations.
Applicant’s Authorized Representative’s Signature: / Date:
CMP’s Authorized Representative’s Signature
Date and time of receipt by CMP of Completed Application:

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