Lawrenceville, IL
Originating Department: Administration / Effective Date: 3/1/07Title: Hiring / Executive Approval:Original Signed
Board Approval: 2/28/07
Distribution: All Departments
It is the policy of LCMH to be an equal opportunity employer and to hire individuals on the basis of their qualifications and ability to do the job to be filled. Unless otherwise provided in writing, employment with LCMH is considered to be at will, so that either party may terminate the relationship at any time and for any lawful reason. The Department Leader and Human Resources do not have the authority to employ in excess of the approved Departmental allowance without prior approval form Administration.
1.Department Leaders who need to fill a job opening or want to add a new job position willcomplete a Position Request form and submit to the Human Resources Department for Executive Team approval.
2.LCMH will attempt to fill job openings by hiring from within, if qualified internal applicants are available. In addition, LCMH will attempt to give consideration to any known qualified individuals who are on layoff status before recruiting applicants from outside the organization.
3.Human Resources will post any job openings for a minimum of 3 days. If position is not filled from within, the opening will be advertised in appropriate newspapers.
4.All applicants to be considered for job openings will observe the following procedures:
- Return an employment application and resume prior to scheduling an interview with the potential employee. Current employees will need to fill out another job application.
- Department Leader will contact and interview candidates considered for job opening with Executive Team member or designee.
- The Department Leader has the responsibility to verify references using the Reference Check form provided by HR and to determine whether an applicant is technically qualified for the open position and meets any other job-related criteria necessary to perform the job.
Originating Department: Administration / Effective Date: 3/1/07
Title: Hiring / Page 2
- The decision whether to hire the applicant is to be made by the Department Leader, but must also have the approval of the Executive Team.
- Following a decision to hire the applicant, the DepartmentLeader will make an offer of employment, which should include any necessary contingencies or disclaimers.
- If the applicant accepts the job offer, a pre-employment physical and drug screening will be scheduled by Employee Health.
- Upon return of results, applicant will be notified and scheduled to complete necessary employment papers with Human Resources.
- If the background, medical or any other subsequent investigation discloses any misrepresentation on the application form or information indicating that the individual is not suited for employment with LCMH, the applicant will be refused employment or, if already employed, may be terminated.
- The Human Resources Department is responsible for orientation of new employees; the Department Leader is responsible for any necessary position orientation.
5.Members of the immediate family of hospital employees or the Board of Directors may be employed by the hospital providing that two members of the immediate family are not in a working relationship where one member of the family is directly or indirectly supervising the other.
7.Immediate family shall be defined as mother, father, sister, brother, spouse, son, daughter and legal dependents.
8.Employees who marry or become members of the same household may continue employment as long as there is not:
- A direct or indirect supervisor/subordinate relationship between the employees.
- An actual conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest.
Should one of the above situations occur, LCMH will attempt to find a suitable position within the hospital to which one of the affected employees may transfer. If accommodations of this nature are not feasible, the employees will be permitted to determine which of them will resign.
9.Former employees who left LCMH in good standing may be considered for reemployment. Former employees who resigned without notice or who are dismissed for disciplinary reasons may not be considered for reemployment. A former employee who is reemployed will be considered a new employee from the date of reemployment unless the break in service is less than 30 days, in which case the employee will retain accumulated seniority.