Draft Inventory of the Data Centers planning to contribute to the IBI-ROOS portal
17th February 2009
NB : National focal point is not mandatory: you may decide to provide you data directly to the IBI-Roos portal operated by Ifremer and Puertos Del Estado
Country / National focal Point / Data centre / Platform / Parameters / PdE Access / IFREMER Access / Real Time / Delayed Mode / Connected to SeaDataNet / FTP site to collect data in RT or NRT /France / Coriolis / Coriolis / Argo, Gosud, Drifter OceanSites / T, S Current, / YES / X / X / X / Data collected by Ifremer within Coriolis and Previmer projects . Integrated within Coriolis DataBase and freely accessible data distributed on the following FTP site on a daily basis
Argo ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/argo/dac/coriolis
These data will be made available on the IBI-ROOS portal when set up
Sismer / French Research vessel / ADCP, Cruise data including biogeochemical parameters / YES / X / X
Previmer / French River / River Outflow / YES / X / Via Coriolis
Shom ronim Sonel / Tide gauge / Sea Level / YES / 3 sites
Increasing / X
CETMEF / Buoys / Waves, T / X / X
Roslit / Marel / T S CHL turbidity, oxygen, / X
MeteoFrance / Buoys / Waves, T, Wind / Via NOAA: http://seaboard.ndbc.noaa.gov
Spain / Puertos Del Estado / Puertos Del Estado / Met-Ocean buoys / Waves, T, S Current, Wind, AirPress, AirTemp / YES / YES / X / ftp://cain.puertos.es/incoming/IBI-ROOS/DATA/PuertosDelEstado
These data will be made available on the IBI-ROOS portal when set up
Puertos Del Estado / Tide gauges / Sea level, wave height and period, T / YES / X / ftp://cain.puertos.es/incoming/IBI-ROOS/DATA/PuertosDelEstado
These data will be made available on the IBI-ROOS portal when set up
IEO / Met-Ocean buoy / Waves, T, S Current, Wind, AirPress, AirTemp / YES / YES / X / X / These data will be made available on the IBI-ROOS portal when set up
IEO / Tide gauges / Sea Level / NRT / X
MeteoGalicia & INTECMAR / Met-Ocean buoys and platforms / AirTemp, Winds, Humidity, SST,SSS, HDCP/VDCP / YES / X / X / These data will be made available on the IBI-ROOS portal when set up
Basque Country& Azti / Met-Ocean buoys and platforms / Waves, T, S Current, Wind, AirPress, AirTemp / X / X / These data will be made available on the IBI-ROOS portal when set up
Coriolis for RT
IEO for DM / Cornide de Saavedra TSG / T, S / X / X / X
IEO / Coriolis
IEO / IEO Research Vessels / Selected CTD casts / X / X / X
IEO / IEO Research Vessels / Cruise data including biogeochemical parameters?? / X / X
Portugal / IH / Wave Buoys / Sig. Height
Tide gauges / Tides / X (some) / X (some)
IST / River buoys / T S CHL turbidity ph dissolved O2 inflow / NRT / X
Ireland / IMI / Tide gauges / Sea level SST AirPress / X / X / IMI ftp: ftp.marine.ie
Weather buoys / SST, waves, wind / YES / YES / X / X / Via NOAA: http://seaboard.ndbc.noaa.gov
IMI ftp: ftp.marine.ie (with passwd)
Via BODC / Argo / T, S / YES / X / X / X / ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/argo/dac/bodc/
UK / NERC / Ferrybox
Argo / T , S / YES / X / X / X / ftp://ftp.ifremer.fr/ifremer/argo/dac/bodc/
Met Office / Moored Buoys and Met-Ocean Platforms / SST, Meteorology, Scalar Waves / YES / X / ftp://ftp.metoffice.gov.uk (with passwd)