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Time-Space Displacement System Design
[thanks to: Neil Harris for the information]
1.0 Classical Assumptions vs Quantum ElectroDymanics (QED) Data and Dual Function Modes
If time is transitional from state- to-state (on an incremental scale) of physical existence, this describes a "continuum" (i.e., continuous) and therefore disallows for discrete packets or particles of time. We know from classical empirical data that at absolute zero (0oKelvin = - 459o Fahrenheit), the atoms of physical material remain at rest. That is, no motion.
Note that this is not consistent with data supporting Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). Time continues during this phase even though the material is in stasis. Time does not stop, however. Rather, the animation of the material has. Physical time-travel can be approached in 2 distinct-however-linked methods.
One system employs a Gateway function which is described as using an external device to move an object along a time continuum. An object can be imparted momentum prior to activation of the device or it may be in stasis during the operation of the device. The other major approach is to have the time displacement system integrated into the physical makeup of the temporal-space vehicle. This not only allows the vehicle to travel in multi-axis at variable velocities but also through the time continuum itself. Advantages are not being trapped to a specific local as a temporal shift occurs. This, you can see, has many distinct possibilities for improving time travel as a whole.
1.1 Gateway Technology Development
The following discussion will describe the assumed functionality of a time displacement system. The pictorial below identifies specific systems and subsystems that will be discussed.
1.1.1 Large-Scale Aperture Systems
Large-Scale Aperture systems are located in space for several reasons. Allows for a more clean environment and minimal contamination affects. Allows for use/manipulation of high momentum target device system and therefore application of the TSA as a true time-space transport augmentation system. Minimizes need for high vacuum environments which are difficult to establish and control in an atmospheric environment. Minimizes amount of materials needed to assure system rigidity and strength. Minimizes potential negative affects based on radiation, time rift, gravimetric and unknown risks. Enhances functionality of the Primary Aperture Alignment Platform and minimizes any associated equipment needed for target alignment and insertion into the Time Space Aperture.
1.1.2 Time Space Aperture (TSA) Gateway
The Time Space Aperture (TSA) gateway design is based upon a combination of known and theoretical sciences to develop a method to transport an object through time. As identified in the study of black-hole singularities, an extreme gravitational field is generated with a known "event horizon" within the aperture. The gravimetric field is allowed to rotate along the primary axis within the aperture in a method to move the target device either forward-or-backward on the time continuum. A method is used to modify the gravimetric field to introduce a faster-than-light (FTL) functionality.
Another important feature of the TSA is allowing devices with preexisting device momentum to be manipulated. This adds spatial translation into the aperture's functionality. This, thereby, gives the TSA the ability to either time-displace a target and/or give the target three-dimensional movement. NOTE: Small-scale systems can be built that emulate the following assemblage of full-scale systems.
1.1.3 Definitions
High Density Laser Alignment System (HDLA) -- Laser array used in conjunction with the VLAPFM for device alignment within the PAAP and as part of the optical data link telemetry system.
Primary Aperture Alignment Platform (PAAP) - Entry device for the Time Space Aperture
Time-Space Aperture (TSA) -- device used to modify time continuum and inject device through the time/space event horizon
Time-Space Torroidal Focal Field (TTFF) -- Time-space modified envelope which allows time travel generated by the SEFG.
Synchronous Event Field Generator (SEFG) -- Circumferential mounted Tokomak fusion reactors around the TSA which have an open core design. The open core design allows for the development of high magnetic field density development as well as modifying flux direction and field confinement. It also allows for field/flux rapid intensification using magnetic enhancement core enhancement techniques associated with solenoid theory and momentum effects.
Very Large Array Primary Focus Mirrors (VLAPFM) - Mirror system used to disperse the HDLA output for augmenting device alignment within the PAAP and as part of the TSNA.
Time Space Navigational Aid -- A navigational system using doppler ranging and alignment capability of the HDLA and multi-waveguide radar acquisition systems for high-speed approach devices. Directs and aligns momentum devices through the PAAP and into the TSA.
Magnetic Enhancement Plasma Deposition (MEPD) -- System used to deposit a micro-thin layer of magnetic property materials to the outer surface of the target device. This plasma deposition is very uniform in property and application in a vacuum/microgravity environment. It is used to increase the time-space focal field effect.
Gas Augmented Photon Emitter -- Cerenkov Radiation Field Generator (GAPE) -- System used to generate and maintain a condition within the TTFF that allows a faster-than-light (FTL) condition to exist and react upon bodies in the TTFF.
1.2 Primary Aperture Alignment Platform (PAAP)
1.2.1 Function
The PAAP functions to assure the device entering the Time-Space Aperture (TSA) has correct and precise 3-axis alignment prior to Aperture engagement. It not only allows for physical manipulation of the devices, but also allows for navigational symmetry with the TSA for devices with internal alignment capability, augmentation of autonomous alignment process, and is in essence a waveguide for TSA entry.
1.2.2 Design Overview
The PAAP consists of a hexagonal cross-sectional shape allowing for the greatest utilization of interior space, strength, minimal material and mass, and ease in application of the HDLA/VLAPFM array and the TSNA.
A 3-dimensional rendition showing the HDLA axis is shown below for the PAAP. Note that the central axis is also used in the TNSA as mentioned in PAAP overview. [Axis shown for illustration only]
1.2.3 Design Specifics
A 3-axis array of 8 GJ continuous/pulse lasers assisted by a VLAPFM group located on 6 parallel hexagonal axis and one central axis to stabilize, align, and manipulate the incoming target devices. The laser alignment system (HDLA) focuses energy along the device on specified areas to cause localized, high-density photon pressure. Associated with the laser alignment system, a navigational system (Time Space Navigational Aid - TSNA) -- using the Doppler ranging and alignment capability of the HDLA and multi waveguide radar acquisition systems for high-speed approach devices -- directs and aligns momentum devices through the PAAP and into the TSA. If necessary (based upon the target devices configuration), the Magnetic Enhancement Plasma Deposition (MEPD) system deposits a 1 micron layer of magnetic property enhancement material (may employ different elements) on the surface of the target device. This enhances the effects of the TSA activities.
1.2.4 Operations Overview
Target acquisition by the PAAP automatically triggers the TSA to begin startup actions based upon type of device, device momentum and mass, time-to-target, and alignment processing type. Device data download of mission specifics is derived from either optical beam-ride technology using the central axis HDLA and/or electronic telemetry. This information is passed to the TSA to develop TTFF parameters. Major components of the PAAP consist of the HDLA, the VLAPFM, and the TSNA. Power is generated via a combination of technologies using solar, SNAP Thermonic converters, Standard Orbital Atomic Reactor, and/or fusion tap from the SEFGs.
1.3 Time-Space Aperture (TSA)
1.3.1 Function
The Time-Space Aperture (TSA) is the device used to modify the time continuum and transport target devices through a time/space event envelope referred below as the "Time-Space Torroidal Focal Field". In essence, the TSA represents a system that produces 2 effects. (1) The Synchronous Event Field Generators develops an environment which manipulates electron spin states and corresponding quantum number to form a superparamagnetic field effect. (2) A Gas Augmented Photon Emitter producs an energetic polarization medium with properties that allow (a) electron tunneling to occur and (b) a flux that exhibits faster-than-light (FTL) properties. The combined functionality allows a device to be transported through the time-space continuum similarly as seen in electron tunneling in semiconductors. In a few words, the device generates a time-space wormhole.
1.3.2 Theory Overview
"Tunneling" is the quantum mechanical process by which a particle can penetrate a classically forbidden region of space (for example, passing from 2 separate points 'A' and 'B' without passing through intermediate points). The phenomenon is so named because the particle -- in traveling from 'A' to 'B' -- creates a sort of tunnel for itself, bypassing the usual route. In 1927, the possibility of the phenomenon of tunneling -- called barrier penetration -- in a calculation of the splitting of the ground state in a double-well potential was identified. The phenomenon arises, for example, in the inversion transitions of the ammonia molecule, which is allowed in quantum mechanics for classically forbidden.
Later, the Schrödinger equation was applied to the calculation of the reflection coefficient of an electron from various kinds of interfaces and noted that an electron -- whose energy was insufficient to go over the barrier classically -- could still tunnel through the barrier for the case of a rectangular potential barrier. This extended the case of tunneling between bound states noticed earlier to the case of tunneling between continuum states.
George Gamow and, independently, R. W. Gurney and E.U. Condon applied the tunneling phenomenon to explain the range of alpha decay rates of radioactive nuclei. Although tunneling may seem abstract and far removed from reality, it is actually a basic and important processes of Nature. It is vital, for example, in the very first step of the thermonuclear reaction which powers the Sun. The expansion ("Big Bang") theory of the Universe even proposes that the Universe began at a state of no geometry (i.e., a Universe with nothing, not even time) and then a tunneling occurred, allowing the Universe to pass from the state of 'nothing' to 'something' (i.e., the false vacuum) by tunneling.
1.3.3 Design Overview
Basic TSA design features include the Time-Space Torroidal Focal Field (TTFF) produced via the Synchronous Event Field Generators (SEFG), the Gas Augmented Photon Emitter (GAPE), and the Standard Orbital Atomic Reactor (SOAR). Electromagnetic waves under certain circumstances have properties indistinguishable from those of matter. The application of Quantum Mechanics allows us to extrapolate terms associated with the momentum of a photon and apply (using Relativistic formula) to the properties of matter based on several physical (universal) constants, known mass and velocity, and other specifics of the target device.
1.3.4 Design Specifics
Given information gathered from these and other sources of data, a localized time gradient in the scalar gravitational potential is superimposed across the symmetric gravitational potential already present from the vehicles mass. This induced effect is represented by a magnitude and is localized by a Gaussian distribution over the distance and centered at the target device. With a known circumference of the TSA, calculations can deduce orbital frequencies necessary to impart the required energy input from the SEFGs to develop the magnetic field densities and direction of rotation thereof to develop the time event envelope. These gravinometric and time alterations are applied to the target device in a manner similar to magnetic field applications associated with core solenoid functionalities since the target device was initially blown with a plasma arc of magnetic enhancing material.
1.3.5 Operaton Overview
The TSA design draws upon several interactive functionalities to produce the time dilation or wormhole. Some of these functionalities, properties, and mathmatica include: magnetic field flux density and field induction, Poynting vectoring effects, De Broglie wavelength theorems, and the Heisenberg principal, Plancks constant, and Lorentz Contraction functions (as applied to a given medium) in development of the time-space focal field. Further, the time-space displacement system noted in this paper incorporates the properties of: Cerenkov radiation, the superparamagnetic effect, and semiconductor electron tunneling theorems.
Once the target device leaves the PAAP, the TSA structure allows for the target device to be captured for a period of time and exposed to the TTFF being generated from the synchronous event field generators while enveloped in a Cerenkov radiation field from the GAPE. This causes an aperature effect within the boundaries of the TSA similar to electron tunneling {see PII-C1-1.3.2} and allows the device/vehicle to time-travel. Depending upon target and mission specifics, the TTFF is modified to accomplish required affects.
1.4 Gas Augmented Photon Emissions (GAPE) - Cerenkov Radiative Field Emitter
1.4.1 Function
In order to take advantage of the FTL properties of Cerenkov radiation and employ its use in the TSA for time-space travel, a suitable medium (i.e., field) must be generated. The Time-Space Torroidal Focal Field is filled with a medium of correct refraction index properties and is charged using a Free-Electron LASER (FEL) or continuous electron bleed from the Syncronous Event Field Generator. This process generates a Cerenkov radiation field with properties within the TTFF where the development of the time-space focal field occurs.
1.4.2 Theory Overview
The speed-of-light is 2.9979x108 meters -per-second in a vacuum. But this is not the velocity-of-light in other medium(s). The speed-of-light is associated specifically with a time barrier. If the one can be exceeded, so is the other. Ergo => time travel.
Cerenkov radiation is emitted whenever charged particles pass through matter with a velocity 'v' exceeding the velocity-of-light in that medium. The charged particles polarize the molecules which then turn back rapidly to their ground state, emitting prompt radiation (in the form of photons). The emitted light forms a coherent wavefront if v > vt = c/n . Cerenkov light is emitted under a constant Cerenkov angle with the particle trajectory and at a given maximum emission angle. Cerenkov light is emitted only during the time in which the particle is slowing down and therefore has very fast time characteristics. Cerenkov light is emitted along the surface of a forward-directed cone centered on the particle velocity vector. The wavelength of the light is preferentially shifted toward the short-wavelength (blue) end of the spectrum.