Rules will be according to FIFA regulations with exception to the

following rules noted hereafter:

1. ROSTERS/TEAM SIZE The maximum team size is 15 players. All games will be played with NINE players per side. Each team must have a minimum of 4 female and 4 male players and a goalie of either gender on the initial roster. Additional players may be added until the end of the season. All players must be signed on roster before playing in any league games.

2. START OF PLAY Game time is forfeit time in all games.

Game times for fall soccer are 6:30 and 7:45. There is not a grace period for any game. If you are not

on time you will forfeit! Games can begin prior to the scheduled starting time if agreed to by both teams. Games

must begin with a minimum of 7 players (3 female, 3 male & one goalie). During the game a team must maintain a minimum of 3 players of either gender on the field and not to exceed 4 players of either gender at any time (goalie not included in this count). This allows teams to play with any of the

following combinations:(F=females, M=males, G= goalie) 3F/3M/1G, 3F/4M/1G, 4F/3M/1G, or 4F/4M/1G.

3. GAME LENGTH The duration of the game will be 1 hour.


by the referee).

4. SUBSTITUTION Both teams are allowed to substitute during the following situations: (A) Dead ball situations before a goal kick, (B) After a goal is scored, or (C) During half- time. Only the affected team may substitute during the following situations: (A) To replace an injured player, (B) During your own team's throw-in, or (C) To replace a player that has received a yellow card (see Rule 5). Female players must substitute for female players and likewise for males. The goalie is the only position that can alternate gender during a substitution.

5. YELLOW CARDS Any player receiving a yellow card (caution)

during a game must be SUBSTITUTED off the field for a period of 5 minutes. In the event a team does not have an available substitute to replace the offender, they will have to play shorthanded for the duration of the penalty.

Coed Soccer Rules-Fall 2017 (continued) 2

6. RED CARDS Players receiving a red card (ejection) during a

game must leave the game site for the duration of the game if directed by the Center Referee (referee’s discretion).

The banished player may not be replaced on the field for the remainder of the game. Players receiving a direct Red Card are also disqualified from play and attendance at their teams next scheduled game.

7. PLAYER DECORUM All players should remember that this

league is mainly for fun and should treat all officials and

opponents with good sportsmanship and respect. Fighting is prohibited and is an automatic ejection for anyone involved in a fight before, during or after a game. Anyone involved in a fight will be automatically suspended from their next scheduled game. Anyone participating in a second fight during the season will be banished from league participation for one full calendar year. Poor player decorum as defined in the FIFA rulebook can lead to player disqualification from the league. Any player receiving 3 red cards in the course of one season will be disqualified for the remainder of the season. Incidents of poor decorum that occur prior to, during or after a game that involve league participants will be ruled on by the Recreation Program Coordinator on a case by case basis.

8. UNIFORMS Teams will not be allowed to play in black uniforms. Goalies should be dressed in a different colored uniform than the rest of his/her team. Goalies are advised to bring two shirts of contrasting color to each game in order to be easily identified by the players and referees.

9. TIMING Time may be held when carding a player, attending to an injured player, long out of bounds balls or any other situation the referee deems necessary to stop the clock. Referees will make every attempt to keep the game moving without any excessive delays.


Slide tackling IS NOT ALLOWED. In an attempt to reduce the amount of violent contact that occurs during a poor slide tackle the referees will be instructed to not allow slide tackles. All participants need to remember that the co-ed league is a RECREATIONAL league and that everyone needs to go to school or work the next day. No one can afford a serious injury. Players are urged to avoid plays that could involve violent contact. No dangerous play is worth the cost of a serious injury to anyone. High kicking will be considered dangerous play and will not be tolerated. All teams should practice methods that do not encourage or promote dangerous play.

Coed Soccer Rules-Fall 2017 (continued) 3

11. CLEATS & SHINGUARDS All players are required to wear shoes or cleats. Absolutely no metal cleats are allowed. Only regulation soccer cleats of plastic or rubber are legal. shin guards are mandatory for all players and must be covered by socks during the match.

12. HALLIWELL PARK RULES No bicycles, motorcycles, cars, trucks, or other type of wheeled vehicle is allowed in the confines of the fenced field area. Please stay off of the baseball infield area. No pets of any kind are allowed inside the park. Please leave your animals and pets at home.

13. ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES No alcoholic beverages are allowed at

the game sites. This rule is a Pocatello City Ordinance.

Violators can be arrested. Please leave all alcohol at home.

14. PROTESTED MATCHES Protests will not be received or considered if they are based solely on a decision involving the accuracy of judgment on the part of a referee or a linesman (Judgment calls cannot be protested).

Protests that shall be received and considered concern

matters of the following circumstances: 1) Misinterpretation

of a rule, 2) Failure of a referee to apply the correct rule to a given situation, 3) Failure of a referee to impose the correct penalty for a given situation. Notification of a protest must be made immediately following the error and before play continues. You must notify the referee at this point that the remainder of the match is being played under protest in order that he may mark the time of the protest. Protests must be received, in writing, at the Parks and Recreation Office within 24 hours of the incident. Protests must be accompanied by a NON-REFUNDABLE $25.00 CASH protest fee. The protest must consist of the following elements: 1) The date, time and place of the match, 2) Names of the Referee and Linesmen, 3) The rule under which the protest is being made, 4) The decision and conditions surrounding the making of the decision, 5) All pertinent facts involved in the matter protested.

15. AGE & ELIGIILITY REQUIREMENTS You must be 18 years old or must have graduated high school in order to play in the Pocatello Parks and Recreation Adult Coed Soccer League. No one currently attending high school is allowed to participate in the league. No one currently on an NCAA, NJCAA, or NAIA scholarship or participating on a current college team may participate in the league.