AEE Syllabus Geometry for Fall 2016
Course Description
Students will be exploring geometry. Learning the fundamentals of special reasoning, learn the theorems (rules) that govern shapes. Learn logical reasoning and proving theorems. The intention of this course is to keep students active, continuously immersed in geometry through explorations. I look forward to constructing a set of experiences that help you learn and grow as math students. The course will emphasize real world applications to assist in a better understanding of the math being taught. This class will focus on teamwork through cooperative group roles in various activities and projects.
Course Outline Semester B (21 weeks)
- Chapter 1- Shapes and Transformations.
- Chapter 2- Angles and Measurement.
- Chapter 3-Justification and Similarity.
- Chapter 4-Trigonometry and Probability
- Chapter 5- Completing the Triangle Toolkit.
Grading Policies
- Regular attendance is required to pass the class. Excessive absences will cause a problem in earning participation and classwork points in addition to completing assignments and comprehension of material. If you are absent due to sports, be sure to check-in with me each day that you have to miss.
A / B / C / D* / F
90% to 100% / 80% to 89% / 70% to 79% / 66% to 69% / 0% to 65%
- Course Grading Scale:
** Since universities and LAUSD do not recognize D’s or F’s as passing grades, they will have to be retaken.
- Work Habits Grading Scale: A or B = E, C = S, D or F = U (based on HW & CW grade)
- Cooperation Grading Scale: E = Excellent, S = Satisfactory, U = Unsatisfactory (based on class participation, behavior, and attendance)
Grade Description
Homework (10%): Homework will be assigned each day through a PowerPoints on Edmodo. In order to receive full credit for an assignment, you must attempt every problem and show work, homework will be stamped at variable frequency so do it daily. Feel free to use the CPM ebook for homework help. Assignments are considered late after the Friday of the week it was assigned, see below for information on late assignments. At the end of the chapter, the assignment calendar will be due.
Classwork (25%): For excused absences and tardies, you may make-up the work with a classmate or come to tutoring (see schedule below):
- Binder or Folder: Each student is expected to organize his or her work for the class in their binder or folder. At the end of each chapter, binders/folders will be checked for completeness and organization.
- Warm-ups/downs: Almost everyday, warm-ups/downs will be given to review or preview the day.
- Class Activities/Notes: we will have class activities and notes in small groups where active discovery and perseverance is key.
- Participation/Cooperation: Teams need to rely on each other through specific roles to make sure everyone is participating and doing their part to learn. Points will be recorded through our class Dojo, see attached form to monitor your points and get your parents involved.
Quizzes (30%): Quizzes will be given almost every week. Quizzes will vary- vocabulary, an exit slip on a HW problem, group and individual quizzes will be given to assess student learning.
Tests and Projects (35%):
- Tests are given at the end of every chapter. Tests are always cumulative and include a group test a couple of days before the individual test.
- One project will be assigned for about every chapter. Projects may be completed during class and/or at home. It will cover the unit’s main goal and essential question.
- Final Test: A replacement test will be given before finals exams. It will be used to replace your lowest test score from the semester. If you perform poorly, it will not hurt your grade. Final Exams are worth TWO tests that cover the material of an entire semester.
Academic Policies
- If you are absent on a quiz or test day, you will have to take it the day you return. (long term absences are at teacher’s discretion)
- On quiz or test days you must finish the exam that day- you may return during lunch.
- Grades will be posted at each grading period, hopefully 8 times a simester. Remember, I do not give grades, you earn them!!
Improvement Opportunities
- Get Out of Jail Free Cards: To earn one GOJF Card you must complete all your assignments for the week or they can be earned for good participation. It can be used to ask a Yes/No question on a quiz or test.
- Late Assignments: will be accepted with for partial points, and must be turned in with a reflection form.
- Exam Retakes: In order to retake a test or quiz, you must request to do so using the retake form and complete the following:
- 1 and ½ hours Tutoring (with ANY teacher or YPI after school) – see below for Mr. Molcho’s tutoring schedule.
- Correct quiz/test and get signed by a parent or tutor .
Classroom & Schoolwide Policies
- Electronics – No personal electronic equipment is permitted during class time. If they are visible or used in class they will be taken away until the end of the day (this is your warning). If it is visible or used a second time, it will be sent to the AP.
- Tardy policy: When tardy for ANY reason, you must sign-in on the clipboard at the entrance of the door. For unexcused tardies, there will be a two point deduction off of your classwork grade for every tardy.
Required Materials
By the first week of class, you will be required to purchase/acquire the following materials. They must be brought to class EVERY day unless otherwise noted.
- Binder or Folder with GRAPH paper inside.
- Writing Materials: a pencil and eraser (for mistakes since we learn from them!).
3. Optional Materials: colored pens, highlighters, glue stick, small ruler, and scientific calculator (TI-30X IIS)
Students: I am excited to have each of you in our class and look forward to getting to know you. If you ever have any questions, need help or tutoring, I am available:
Lunch Room 137
Mondays & Fridays: during advisory with teacher permission
**For lunch tutoring: please let me know if you will be attending, so that I can make arrangements.
Tutoring with the Youth Policy Institute (YPI) is EVERYDAY after school in the MPR from 3:12 to 5:00pm.
Parents: If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (213) 580-6400 before school, lunch, or after school. I am also available to “chat” on our class dojo webpage, which might be more convenient. (see attached instructions) We can also make arrangements to meet if necessary. I look forward to working with you and your child this semester.
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by and support the above policies for Algebra1.
For this new semester, my math class goals are:
1. ______
2. ______
Student Name ______Student Signature ______Date______
My parents can support me by:
1. ______
2. ______
Parent/Guardian Name ______Home Phone Number ______
Parent/Guardian Signature ______Work/Cell Phone Number ______