Here's a sample message to the chat area. We hope you enjoy today's session, and we hope you'll have lots of comments and questions.
13:01Emporia State University
Bad audio
13:01Koos Winnips
audio is good
Be sure to send your speaker questions and comments to EVERYONE, not to SLW.
13:01Megan Troyer-Ohio State
audio is good here
13:01Bill Drummond
Good audio here...
If you experience technical difficulties today, please send _Technical_Help a private text message.
This audio presentation and slides will be available from the EDUCAUSE Live! archive later today. Visit for more information.
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Before you sign off today, please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the lower-left corner of your screen. Your reactions and comments are very important to us.
13:02Bill Drummond
Love the Format, Interruptions, Conclusions, and Goal.
13:03Susan Lieberthal
cant hear
13:03Emporia State UNiversity
Choppy audio. Can't hear
hard to hear the speaker
cant hear
13:03Kari Kumar
Audio is quiet
13:03Rutgers University Information Technology
the audio is not loud enough
13:03Tim Dennis
speak up!
We are using a new technology. Please adjust your speaker volume.
13:03Tim Merritt
yes, please turn up Josh's mic
13:03Nancy Adams
i loved that ECAR paper
13:03Rutgers University Information Technology
it's not on our end
13:03Guest 7
Closer to mic please
13:03Emporia State UNiversity
Not speakers. Chopy beyond detection
13:03Regan Myers
as loud as it goes
my volume is up to the max
still is very low
13:03Marty Hoag (NDSU)
or turn down Steve's. ;-)
13:03Ahmad Zorkani
I think we all agree, our speakers are at their highest
13:03Susan Lieberthal
loudest still not loud enought
I could hear the intro better
13:04Roxann Riskin
many echos
13:04David Stack UW-Milwaukee
Playing the audio through my stereo to get it loud enough.
We are using a new technology. Please adjust your speaker volume. We do not have control of the volume.
13:04Bill Drummond
Convergence or collision?
still low - turning up client blows things out when the mod speaks
13:04Jeff Kosokoff
lots fo static when turned up
13:04Pamela Gades
many echos/reverb
13:04Emporia State UNiversity
Can't understand a word
I'm getting a bad echo
13:04Ahmad Zorkani
we're all at MAX, right?
13:04Rutgers University Information Technology
we're at max volume - still not loud enough
I'm as high as I can go. Please turn up on your end or this is a waste!
13:04Regan Myers
yes he needs to speak louder
If you experience audio difficulties you can connect to the phone simulcast. Please dial 1-877-944-2300 and use access code 99218#.
13:04Roxann Riskin 2
if you have an extra conference window open you will get echos
13:05Steve Carnes - U of MN
Ditto - I'm at max. It's clear, just quite low.
13:05Daniel Bracken
fine here
13:05Timothy Paige
Volume is fine and balance .
13:05Emporia State UNiversity
Still can't understand a word here
13:05Gregg Johnson
Same here. Clear but quiet. And I'm in a public room.
13:05Regan Myers
dialed in much better
not fine, way too low for our group audience
Had to turn up audio on computer, not just volume knob. Now can hear fine.
he's fine here also
13:05Barbara Pittman
fine here in my headset
Phone simulcast is perfect
don't have a phone
13:06Rutgers University Information Technology
we had to go to external speakers
13:06Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
I opened the volume control and turned master and Wave to max
13:07Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
Is there a hashtag for this event? I propose #kimlc
Hello everyone! Hey Math #kimlc sounds good :)
13:09Ahmad Zorkani
had to go to headphones
13:09guest 10
sound isfine
had to go to phone
If you are experiencing audio difficulties, please click on the Audio Problems link in the lower left hand corner. If the Volume is too low, you may turn up your speakers or dial 1-877-944-2300 and use access code 99218#.
13:09Tim Merritt 2
My sound is fine
13:09Kari Kumar
headphones are okay
13:09Guest 7
still cannot hear wll
13:09Ahmad Zorkani
phones won't work for outside USA
sound is fine to me too
external speakers here
13:09Timothy Paige
Things are fine and clear, have plenty of spare volume.
13:09Brian Mulligan, Ireland
Can skype in from outside usa
13:10guest 10
what is the status of opencast
13:10University of New Mexico
Do you think course systems like Blackboard will include lecture capture functionality? Or does it know?
13:10Janice Hilyard
I am intrested in HR committment to maintaining anad operating these systems. Is there a comparative analysis somewhere on the Web?
13:10University of New Mexico
now not know
13:11Nancy Adams
we have an AV specialist that maintains the system, but as the University Librarian I'm responsible for content organization, policy, etc.
13:11Bill Drummond
Echo 360 is partially free with Blackboard
13:11Cheryl Todd Meredith College
BB is using echo
13:11Koos Winnips
there is a Blackboard building block for iTunes...
13:11Nancy Adams
it's a huge job; not "set it and forget it" the way it was marketed to us
13:11Elaine Garofoli
if you use Wimba Classroom as part of BB, then yes, you can archive those sessions
13:11Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
UD has a home-grown system called UDCapture. Commercial products too expensive.
13:11Ahmad Zorkani
Would Wimba Classroom that works within BB qualify as lecture capture product?
13:11Susan Lieberthal
It has to be easy, easy to edit, easy easy, so far I find Adobe connect the best
13:11Nancy Adams
@ Ahmad. I don't think it is
13:12Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
What about Speakerbox by Clearsky, are they still around?
13:12Elaine Garofoli
@Nancy our faculty capture their sessions regularly
13:12Daniel Bracken
Wimba require a bit more expertise to manage both a face to face and online
13:12Guest 7
USD is likely going to Adobe connect pro
13:12Julio Mata
University of Central Oklahoma is currenlty implementing Accordent Technologies. What are your toughts on this?
13:12Nancy Adams
profs are not using it; i'm hoping that getting a group together to come up with a set of policies (like who owns the content???) will help with adoption
13:12Bill Drummond
Web conferencing, like this tool we are usingknow
13:13kris anderson
wimba does capture lectures and can download to mobile devices
13:13Guest 7
Wimba has propriatary format and is therefore more restictive in publishing options
13:13Kimberly Gibson
Wimba Class Live is already an excellent Lecgture Capture system--which integrates beautifully with BB
13:13Ahmad Zorkani
It works like Acrobat connect. W
13:13Brian Mulligan, Ireland
Wimba is like Connect Pro - it can be used as a lecture capture system but not easy enough to use - ease of use is a key issue in lecture capture.
13:13guest 4
Just went throught a Relay webinar this morning and it was great.
What about Cisco WebEx?
13:13Koos Winnips
do you think the different tools have any different effect on learning?
13:13Michael Willits - ODU
really interested in possibility of opencast later this year
13:13Kari Kumar
We use Adobe Connect Pro for tuturials to complement asynchronous LMS Camtasia recordings at UOIT
13:13guest 4
Techsmith has been doing Screencasting for over 10 years.
13:14Nancy Adams
@Koos: I keep looking for research, but it is few and far between
13:14kris anderson
lecture capture systems on mobile devices? do you see growth?
13:14Vic Divecha
Cisco WebEx primarily used for Jack Bauer on 24 ;)
13:14David Yonutas
What type of $$$ range are we looking at with these systems?
13:14Bill Drummond
I'm waiting for an app students can use for themselves
13:14Michael Willits - ODU
somewhere there has to be a comprehensive overview comparison of popular systems?
13:14Koos Winnips
@Nancy Adams: I've writing a wee bit myself... ;)
13:14Janis DesMarais - Holy Cross
When we say "lecture capture" does that mean capture of the screen presentation, but not the physical instructor talking?
13:14Nancy Adams
@ David: implementing our system with 3 servers and 12 enabled classrooms with in-room cameras cost about $60K
13:14Brian Mulligan, Ireland
Please comment on the importance of ease of use - record and publish'
13:14David 6
Cisco's recent acquisition of Tandberg and Webex seem like a natural fit for a turnkey LC solution.
13:14Jeff Kosokoff
yes, we need a definition of "Lecture capture" It isn't clear what is meant by that term
13:15kris anderson
thoughts on mobile devices?
13:15Nancy Adams
@ Janis: you can do that, but it usually includes physical instructor as talking head
13:15Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
How important is it to include video in lecture capture. My belief is that screen recording with audio is sufficient. Any thoughts?
13:15Nancy Adams
but where is the research?
We are searching for a solution that creates 1 file - we don't want an output with thousands of files and then something that is proprietary
13:15Maud Mundava
What is lecture capture? not clear to me as well
13:15guest 10
Is there any standard like IEEE for lecture capture system
What do you tell faculty who want to keep their lectures "private?"
13:16Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
Tegrity has a student recording feature
13:16Brian Nielsen
May slides 1 through 10 be viewed?
13:16Brian Mulligan, Ireland
My defn: Lecture capture - recording lecture actiity with 'minimum effort'
13:16Nancy Adams
@ Tiffany: good luck! Our system can actually lock down presentations by adding a password layer
13:16guest 12
What is your thoughts on professional development for faculty on lecture capture?
13:16Kimberly Gibson
Kathleen, Wimba Class Live provides a MP3 or MP4 download--one file
13:16Janis DesMarais - Holy Cross
We use a flip camera on a tiny tripod that caputures the lecturer and the screen behind/next to them. The screen is blurry, but it is good enough for review. Someone here downloads the file and converts it to Flash for web load.
13:16Jim Twetten - Iowa State U.
we're looking for a scalable solution (i.e.-software only) that doesn't creep into six figures for licensing.
13:16WPI ATC
Does Josh have a presentation to give us?
13:16David Yonutas
Technology is a small piece. Faculty training on how to do their presentations in an effective method (recorded is different than "live" in some respects.
Panopto's Socrates project is free-ish to edu, competes with opencast?
13:16Koos Winnips
University of Groningen is indeed moving towards desktop recording, for short fragments, but also for student recordings
13:16Bill Drummond
Podcasting on steriods
13:16Nancy Adams
@guest 12: I think you have to get faculty to just do it and see how their students get to rely on it. Then they will do it more and more.
13:17Michael Willits - ODU
right now, it takes a 3-hour workshop to explain audio capture and integration with Bb. Not acceptable if want to scale to more faculty.
podcast producer and iTunesU - can view presentations on iPod
@ Nancy - we still have difficulties convincing faculty to make our recordings available to students, I can give them stats about how it's good for students, but they're still stubborn :p
13:17Guest 7
Interesting point about lecture capture. A recent Carnegie Mellon study showed a large percentage of student preferences for audion only.
13:17Nancy Adams
Also @ guest12: it should be so easy that they just let someone know that they want to be recorded, then just wear the mic, there should be nothing else to do.
13:17Kimberly Gibson
Iowa State--Wimba, because it was designed specifically for educational purposes tends to be significantly less expensive for campus-wide deployment.
13:17David Yonutas
Also ADA compliance issues are important.
13:17Peter Van Leeuwen
comments on the importance & impact of student recordings to meet effective communication outcomes for online courses
13:17Doug Mills
@ Mathieu -- surveys of our students here indicate they think the video is very important
13:17Guest 7
They prefered the audio as they would be driving, excercising etc. Video must add true value.
13:18Steve Carnes - U of MN
Yes - where is accessibility in all of this?
13:18Nancy Adams
Much video does not add any value; esp. talking head
13:18Janice Hilyard
Looks like current technology is trying to re-invent telecourses:)
13:18Brian Mulligan, Ireland
Combined with 'smartboard' can capture spontaneous work.
13:18Kimberly Gibson
yes, Guest 7, content should drive the choices for file type
13:18David 6
At our medical school, the students rely very heavily on captured lectures. The time demands almost preclude attendance at live lectures.
13:18Vic Divecha
Umich (Public Health) also had old data saying headshot is not important, but the trend is changing to "headshot reqd"
capturing audio in a live situation is easy for our institution. We have a streamlined podcast system. Video, however, remains the BIG hurdle.
13:18Ahmad Zorkani
In 07 it wasn't as easy to have video online as it is now
13:18guest 12
@Nancy Adams: I agree it should be easy but I think there is a great opportunity to help faculty improve their lectures
13:18Nancy Adams
I think the best way for us to use it is in building knowledge libraries of "problem solving techniques" , etc.
If the slides are not advancing properly, you may download a copy by visiting:
13:19Jeff Kosokoff
"videoless" is a trick when a blackboard/whiteboard is involved. Are we talking about smartboards instead of black/white boards?
13:19Nancy Adams
@ guest 12: yes, any time we can review our performance it will lead to improvement, hopefully
13:19Janet Sedgley
How can we address the needs of the deaf, hard of hearing and those of us who are struggling more to hear as we age?
13:19Kimberly Gibson
We have had tremendous success also combining Tablet PCs with Lecture Capture
13:19Bill Drummond
Classroom capture vs. lecture capture
13:20Miles Jackson
Are most institutions protecting lectures through Digital Rights Management?
13:20Steve Carnes - U of MN
Yes, please.....I hate to repeat myself, but it's VERY important - what about accessibility?
13:20Nancy Adams
classroom capture is what we would love, but currently our own technology is very lecture-based
Please continue to send your questions or comments to the chat area and we'll get to them at the next break.
13:20Nancy Adams
@ Steve :basically, my guess is no accessibility for those who are deaf.
yuck proprietary
13:21Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
@kathleen: agreed.
13:21Nancy Adams
@ Steve: but now, this slide says closed captioning
13:22George Gaudette
Echo360 uses Amazon's closed captioning service -- it's automated, Amazon gets course content but destroys after converting text to speech
13:22Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
re: copyright - behind authentication is not a guarentee
13:22Robert Voelker-Morris
Didn't UCLA just get in trouble for posting video clips, even on a password protected site?
13:22Marty Hoag (NDSU)
is about the UCLA issue.
13:23Peter Van Leeuwen
proprietary=cost of high learning curve for faculty when migrating away from a particular vendor
13:23Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
@Marty - UCLA caved even though material was behind pwd protected sites
13:23Jim O'Connor
Using media like film is a copyright issue in online classes. Why would it not be if it's done through lecture capture?
13:24Tracy Mitrano 2
Is authentication sufficient? Teach Act has more requirements than authentication ... per the UCLA issue that others have already mentioned.
13:24Marty Hoag (NDSU)
Right, issue is that online is not face-to-face as I recall
13:24Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
Teach Act applies to online only, not F2F lecture recording
If you find the chat distracting, you can select the “Full Screen” mode to view the slides
13:25Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
In F2F classes, there is ability to use copyrighted material, when that's recorded, it may change the parameters
Don’t forget to please take a moment and click the session evaluation link in the lower-left corner of your screen. Your reactions and comments are very important to us.
13:26Koos Winnips
F2F classes will become open, soon everyones phone will be able to publish directly to youtube from their phone...
13:27Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
The other side of this is that storage and bandwidth are getting cheaper and cheaper, so hosting locally is not such a big deal anymore.
13:28Beth F.
Surely YouTube EDU storage is not unlimited
13:29Kimberly Gibson
Beth, YouTube EDU and iTunesU storage is limited by university's storage capabilities
13:29WPI ATC
Gaulladet uses Echo360
13:29Beth F.
So, YouTube cantent is stored locally by the institution. Storage for iTunes is off site (hosted by Apple)
13:30Kathie Brinkman
iTunes can be either -- hosted by Apple or onsite
13:30WPI ATC
Not any more Beth - storage is now hosted by the institution for new customers
13:30Kimberly Gibson
Beth, both iTunesU and YouTube EDU provides some, limited off-site storage, but institutions can also choose to store locally
13:31Beth F.
Good to know. Kathie and WPI, thanks.
13:32Steve 2
How is caputuring realtime lecture a pedagogical innovation?
13:32Kimberly Gibson
YES!! This point about classroom time being freed up for active learning is THE big advantage
13:32Brian Mulligan, Ireland
OR they can engage online in the LMS or in social media.
13:32Koos Winnips
do you know of systems that integrate sms commenting and lecture capture? (we might help building one)
13:32Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
Great point. Lecture capture can leverage active learning in class. Inverts the model: Absorb content on your own, discuss in class.
13:32Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
It is questionable that the UCLA material shouldn't have been posted
13:32Tim Merritt 2
Can Josh discuss a low-cost workflow incorporating either youtube/edu or itunes? what camcorder, processing apps, etc
13:32David 4
How long do you keep the lectures available?
13:32Steve 2
@Matieu - that's only true if the lecture is not taking up the live class time.
13:32Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
They were threatened and they suspended the material
13:33Kimberly Gibson
Yes, Steve
13:33Mathieu (U. of Delaware)
@Steve 2 - Of course.
13:33Jerry Lewis, CBC WA
Ease of use is something you get with some of the commercial software
13:33Steve 2
A better model is to record lecture content outside of class time. Have students watch it outside of class time. Spend f2f class time differently.
13:34Nancy Adams
@Steve2: Totally agree
13:34Tim Merritt 2
@Steve 2: that's a good model, but it can really increase prep time
13:34Kimberly Gibson
Yes, Steve 2, but this raises the issue of increased work load for faculty and how they should be compensated
13:34Tim Merritt 2
also some instructors *hate* talking just to a camera
iTunes U is as easy as you tube to access.
13:35Steve Carnes - U of MN
Yes - wasn't there a university that had students in their large intro to psych course watch all the lectures on line and then they were able to spend class time in good discussion?