PRESENT:Mayor Keith Tymchuk
Councilors Ruth Hash, Garth Pollard, Stan Washington, and Debbie Williams
Pro-Tem City Manager, John Cable
ABSENT:Councilors Russ Ekstrom and Cal Henry; City Attorney, Steve Miller and Student Councilor Sarah Willilams
OTHERS PRESENT:Percy Allpress, Bob Cline, Carlene Compton, Darrell – KJMX, Floyd Dollar, Diane Essig, Janelle Evans, Bob Gross, Dave Harris, Portia Harris, Vera Koch, Mary Lindeman, Chris Marsh, Ron Mast, Debbie McKinney-Sharp, Kelly Merschel, Charlie Murphy, DeeDee Murphy, Richard Oba, Bill Smith, Rachel Spurgeon, Heather Vail, Jeff VanderKley, Bob Wagenschutz, Ted Walters, Dan Welch, Ray Wilhite, Howard Yune
PRESENTATIONS:“Good Friends and Neighbors Awards” presented to: Rotary Club of Reedsport, Reedsport Kiwanis, Reedsport Community Learning Center, KJMX Radio, and Lower Umpqua Parks & Recreation helped provide a series of free swims that averaged over 100 children at each session. Their participation demonstrates their commitment to our young people and making a difference in our community.
This time is reserved for citizens to comment on items that are not on the Agenda. Maximum of five minutes per item, please.
Richard Oba, 2847 Country Club Ct., advised Council of the recent URCOG meeting he attended in Roseburg as their representative. He also reminded Council of the ramifications if a bill preempting the right of local municipalities to determine how to use proceeds from Transient Room Taxes when collected is passed in state legislature.
Bob Gross spoke regarding the community health meeting to be held on March 6, 2003.
Routine items of business that require a vote but are not expected to require discussion by the Council are placed on the Consent Calendar and voted upon as one item. In the event that a Councilor or citizen requests that an item be discussed, it will be removed from the Consent Calendar and placed on the Business Agenda.
1.Approve the minutes of the regular Council meeting of January 27, 2003.
2.Shall the City Council approve a modification to the Agreement between the Reedsport / Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce and the City of Reedsport? (Council Letter 003-024)
3.Motion to approve the Consent Calendar.
Mayor Tymchuk asked to have Item #2 removed from the Consent Calendar and placed as Item #1A on the Business Agenda.
Councilor Pollard moved to approve the Consent Calendar as amended.
Councilor Williams seconded the motion.
that the City Council approve the Consent Calendar as amended.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:
(Mayor Tymchuk and Councilors Hash, Pollard, Washington and Williams voted in favor of the motion.)
The motion passed unanimously.
Rules for receiving public input on Business Agenda items are available at the meeting.
1.Motion to approve the Business Agenda.
Councilor Hash moved that the City Council approve the Business Agenda as amended.
Councilor Williams seconded the motion.
that the City Council approve the Business Agenda as amended.
A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:
(Mayor Tymchuk and Councilors Hash, Pollard, Washington and Williams voted in favor of the motion.)
The motion passed unanimously.
Regular Business:
1A.Shall the City Council approve a modification to the Agreement between the Reedsport / Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce and the City of Reedsport? (Council Letter 003-024)
The Reedsport / Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce has, for a number of years, contracted with the City of Reedsport to provide visitor information services and advertising for tourism related purposes. The current Agreement was executed in 1999 and requires modification to enhance the provision of visitor information services in the City.
A proposed Agreement has been drafted which modifies the current Agreement.
It is recommended that the Council approve a modification to the Agreement between the Reedsport / Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce and the City of Reedsport; and authorize the Mayor to sign on behalf of the City.
Discussion was held.
Councilor Hash moved that the City Council approve the revised draft of the modified agreement between the Reedsport / Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce and the City of Reedsport.
Councilor Williams seconded the motion.
that the City Council approve the revised draft of the modified agreement between the Reedsport / Winchester Bay Chamber of Commerce and the City of Reedsport
A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:
(Mayor Tymchuk and Councilors Hash, Pollard, Washington and Williams voted in favor of the motion.)
The motion passed unanimously.
1B.Shall the City Council authorize a timber sale on East Crestview? (Council Letter 003-025)
At the August 5, 2002 Council meeting, the City Council awarded a personal services contract to Stuntzner Engineering and Forestry, LLC (SEF) for the management of the Upper Crestview area sludge-site clearing and timber sale, including the building of a year-around road, administration of the timber sale, slash disposal and reforestation of the site. The year around road has been built and the timber sale has been awarded and the logging is currently in progress.
An additional timbered 20-acre (more or less) parcel is being proposed for harvest of the timber. The proposed 20 acres (more or less) is predominately hardwood timber intermixed with some conifer timber. Public Services Director Dan Welch reports the hardwood timber is in great demand by local hardwood mills and the hardwood timber prices remain relatively high. It is estimated the City would receive at least $40,000 gross revenue from the 20-acre (more or less) timber sale.
The 20-acre (more or less) parcel borders the year-around ridge road and would be accessible for logging immediately. If the City Council were to authorize the timber harvest to be advertised for competitive bids, the logging could be accomplished this spring or summer. The site prep and reforestation would be done in conjunction with the original Upper Crestview timber sale. As a result, the City would realize more of a savings in the site preparation and reforestation than if the timber were to be logged at a later time.
The proposed timber sale on East Crestview would be advertised and managed by Public Services Director Dan Welch.
It is recommended that the Council authorize a timber sale on East Crestview and advertise for competitive bids in accordance with the Reedsport Municipal Code.
Discussion was held.
Councilor Hash moved that the City Council authorize a timber sale on East Crestview and advertise for competitive bids in accordance with the Reedsport Municipal Code.
Councilor Williams seconded the motion.
Discussion was held.
that the City Council authorize a timber sale on East Crestview and advertise for competitive bids in accordance with the Reedsport Municipal Code
A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:
(Mayor Tymchuk and Councilors Hash, Pollard, Washington and Williams voted in favor of the motion.)
The motion passed unanimously.
2.Shall the City Council approve an application for a C. Giles Hunt Grant to replace the roof and repair structural damage at the Reedsport Branch Library? (Council Letter 003-026)
Through an intergovernmental agreement, the Douglas County Library System operates a branch library in Reedsport in facilities owned by the City. For a number of years, the branch library facility has suffered water damage as a result of the roof design.
At the time the library building was constructed, the roofing material used was a concrete tile. While the tiles themselves have not failed, the design of the roof allows the coastal winds to force rainwater under the tiles on the southerly side of the building. Adding to the roof design problem is the design of the gutters.
The gutters are inset into the roof. During heavy coastal rainstorms, the gutters overflow and excess water is forced into the roof structure. Through the intervening years, structural damage to the walls along the front windows has occurred. The City Public Services department has addressed the problem several times, but without a modification to the redesign of the gutters and flashing portion of the roofing materials it has not been possible to stop the water damage into the building structure.
Reedsport Branch Librarian Ray Wilhite has asked that the City submit a grant application to the C. Giles Hunt Foundation on behalf of the Reedsport Branch Library for grant funds to replace the existing roof and to make structural repairs that resulted from water damage to a portion of the building. The project is estimated to cost $45,000 plus architectural services. The architectural services will involve the redesign of the gutters and flashing for the roof materials. The grant application has been written for the entire project amount.
Mr. Ray Wilhite has completed a grant application for this project and it is recommended that the Council approve its submittal.
Dan Welch, Public Services Director, advised that the library has had over the last 15 years problems with the roof leaking and have determined it to be the tile roof and flashing and the proposal is to replace the tile roof with a composition roof.
Discussion was held.
Ray Wilhite, Reedsport Branch Librarian, outlined several areas in the library, which have been damaged due to the roof leaking.
Discussion was held.
Councilor Williams moved that the City Council approve the submittal of an application for the C. Giles Hunt Foundation grant to replace the roof and repair structural damage at the Reedsport Branch Public Library.
Councilor Hash seconded the motion.
Discussion was held.
that the City Council approve the submittal of an application for the C. Giles Hunt Foundation grant to replace the roof and repair structural damage at the Reedsport Branch Public Library
A vote was taken on the motion with the following results:
(Mayor Tymchuk and Councilors Hash, Pollard, Washington and Williams voted in favor of the motion.)
The motion passed unanimously.
3.Receive the Monthly Financial Report for December, 2002.
Bob Wagenschutz, Assistant Finance Officer, presented the monthly financial report for December, 2002.
4.Receive the Monthly Financial Report.
Bob Wagenschutz, Assistant Finance Officer, presented the monthly financial report for January, 2003.
5.Receive the monthly departmental report: Fire Prevention/ Nuisances – Jay Cable.
Jay Cable, Fire Marshall, presented the monthly departmental report regarding fire prevention; fire inspections of local businesses; wood stove inspections for residences; public nuisances and abatements and safety meetings and inspections.
Future Business:
Reading by title only (Copies are available for public inspection in the office of the City Recorder).
Miscellaneous Items:
(Mayor, Councilors, Student Councilors, City Manager, City Attorney)
Mayor Keith Tymchuk reminded the Council and audience about the community health meeting to be held on Thursday, March 6th.
Mayor Tymchuk advised the Council that in January, 2003 when the Master Plan for Lions Park was voted on, the skateboard park was not only approved to be placed in the park but the location of the skateboard park within the park was also approved. He further stated that he wanted to make sure that all of the Council was aware of the fact.
Councilor Hash advised that in her mailbox she received a sheet regarding the parks and the name of a park committee member in charge of each park. Discussion was held and the matter was explained by Percy Allpress, committee chair for the parks committee.
Pro-Tem City Manager, Jay Cable, advised that three (3) years ago, the City contracted with the accounting firm of Maxwell, Duchemin, Hallis, and Trotter LLP, which is now Maxwell and Hallis LLP, for audit services. The contract expires with the completion of the 2002 audit. The accounting firm of Maxwell and Hallis, LLP has offered to extend their contract for one more year at the current charge rate. It is staff recommendation that we go out for bid. Changing audit firms is good accounting practice and we may save money.
Cable advised that on February 11th, DEQ notified the City of a Class II violation of the waste water permit last November. Oregon Administrative Rule provides that a permittee shall not receive more than 3 Notices of Noncompliance for Class II violations of the same permit within a 36-month period without being issued a more formal enforcement referral. Since the City has agreed to enter into a Mutual Agreement and Order to correct the conditions causing these violations, no further action will be taken at this time and this violation will be placed into the MAO. Floyd Dollar reports that the necessary corrections have been made to immediately correct the problem.
Cable stated that due to the extreme weather conditions the City experienced on January 4th, there was a sewer overflow near the Schofield Bridge.
Cable advised the Council to continue to check the flip file in the City Manager’s office. He further advised that he continues to add important information to the file and use it rather than making copies for all of the Council as a way of saving money though paper consumption and copier use reduction.
Cable stated that the logging operation on the north slope of Crestview is well under way. When the logging is completed, the north slope and Hawthorne Park will be replanted. The trees were purchased from Douglas County at a cost of $1101.60. The actual planting was contracted to Professional Reforestation of Oregon, Inc. The contract was for $1179.80. This was a single source contract as they are the only tree planters left in the area. Both Menasha and Douglas County were contacted for planting but were unavailable.
Cable advised that the new updates are in for the Reedsport Municipal Code. Please drop your codebook by City Hall so it can be updated. The turnaround for your codebook will be relatively short, but we do need to do these updated so your codebook will be current.
Cable stated that on February 25th, the Angel Job Corps would be in town doing some tree trimming, predominantly in the triangle at Hwy 101 and Hwy 38.
Cable advised that on the back of the manager’s miscellaneous matters is a calendar of current events, which may be of interest to the Council.
Portia Harris, Executive Director of the Umpqua Discovery Center, advised the Council that the UDC will host the Oregon Museum Association meeting on March 2nd and 3rd. A reception will be held on Sunday, March 2nd from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and that the Council is welcome.
Ms. Harris also updated the Council on the Oregon Attraction Guide that the UDC purchased and they have received 424 requests for brochures from that guide, which has only been delivered in Oregon.
Executive Session:
Pursuant to ORS 192.660 (1)(a) - Employment of Public Officers, Employees and Agents.
Pursuant to ORS 192.660 (1)(f) - Exempt Public Records.
Pursuant to ORS 192.660 (1)(h) - Consultation with Legal Counsel regarding pending or potential litigation.
Mayor Keith Tymchuk
John D. Cable, City Recorder
City Council Minutes of February 24, 2003
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