RegularClass Descriptions

Walk-Trot Pleasure NEHC C rated

NEHC rated B Equitation Classes: 1,2,3,9,10,11,39,40,41,64,65,66

NEHC C rated Hunter classes:12,13,14, 35,36,37,38,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56

NEHC C rated Jumper Division classes: 73,74,75

No CHJA or CHSA points for any other divisions.

1-6.Walk Trot Equitation & Pleasure- Open to riders 10 & under.

7,8 Leadline- Open to riders 6 & under

9-14. Short Stirrup Equitation & Hunter- 18” x-rails, open to riders 12 & under

15-20. Long Stirrup Equitation & Hunter- 18” x-rails, open to riders 13 & older

21-24. Baby Green Hunters – 18” x- rails or verticals. Open to horses or ponies

80-82. AVSS Open English Pleasure- Open to horses or ponies. No rider restriction.

92. NEHC Open Pleasure NEHC C rated Open to horses or ponies. To be shown at a walk, trot or jog, canter or lope. Loose rein on command of judge only, but without loss of contact. Will be required to back. Shall be judged on manners, performance and quality, in that order. All horses shall be judged on their respective merits regardless of type.

25-28. Schooling Hunter- 2”. Open to horses or ponies.

29-31. Pre-Children/Pre-Adult Equitation- 18”. Open to juniors or Adults of any age.

32-34. Children’s Equitation- 2’6”. Open to Juniors.

32A-34A. Mod. Children’s Hunter- 2’6”. Open to Juniors.

35-38. Children’s Hunter Pony- Small & Medium Ponies 2’, Large Ponies 2’6”. Open to Juniors.

39-41, 42-44. Modified Adult Equitation & Hunter- 2’6”. Open to Adults of any age.

45-48. Children’s Hunter Horse- 3’. Open to Juniors.

Adult Hunter- 3’. Open to Adults.

53-56. Pre-Green Hunters- 3’. Open to Horses

61-63. Junior Equitation- 3’. Open to Juniors.

64-66. Adult Equitation- 3’. Open to Adults of any age.

67-69. Baby Green Jumpers- 2’3-2’6”. Open to Horses or Ponies. No restrictions.

70-72. Low Training Jumpers- 2’6”-2’9”- Open to Horses or Ponies. No restrictions.

73-75. Low Child/Adult Jumpers- 2’9”-3’. Open to Horses or Ponies. Open to Juniors or Adults of any age.

MedalClass Descriptions Rated: CHSA, CHJA, NEHC, Marshall & Sterling

Every CHJA, CHSA, NEHC, Marshall & Sterling Medal class offered herein will be conducted and judged in accordance with the current CHJA, CHSA, NEHC, Marshall & Sterling Rules. To show in CHJA and NEHC Medal classes, riders MUST be members. A copy of the CHJA, CHSA, NEHC,Marshall & Sterling Medal class specifications and membership applications are available at the show secretary's office and at,, hits No CHJA or CHSA points for any other divisions.

Open to riders 12 years and under as of 12/1/14 who have never competed over fences exceeding 18” in a Recognized show.Course not to exceed ten non-x-rail fences, not to exceed 18”, which must contain at least two tests from the current USEF Tests 1-8 including sitting trot.May trot or canter.

Open to junior riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 2’6” in a recognized show. Riders may show horses or ponies.To be shown over minimum of ten fences at a height of 2’0”, which must contain at least two tests from the current USEF Tests 1-8 including sitting trot.No Combinations. Only one rider per horse/pony.

Rider to be a Junior member of the CHJA who has not shown over fences exceeding 2'6” at a recognized horse show. If a rider has ever qualified for or shown in a 2’6” Equitation final including the CHJA Children’s Medal, they are no longer eligible for the Pre Children’s Medal. The class consists of two phases. The first phase is over a course of not less than eight obstacles at 2'0" in height, which must contain two changes of direction after the first fence with no combinations permitted. Judges will select at least six contestants (if available) to show at a walk, trot, and canter. The second (flat) phase is mandatory and will count 50%. Riders may show horses or ponies. The same horse/pony to be shown by the same rider in both phases. To fill the class at least four competitors must complete both phases of the class. Judges may require additional testing, using current US EQUESTRIAN Tests 1-8

Open to Junior Riders who have not reached his/her 18th birthday; at least one rider must be a current member of CHSA and all riders must be eligible for Children’s Equitation. The class will be held over a course of not less than eight vertical fences at 2’3″ in height, which must contain two tests from the current USEF Tests 1-8.

Open to junior riders who have never competed over fences exceeding 3’ in a recognized show. Riders may show horses or ponies.To be shown over minimum of ten fences at a height of 2’6”, which must contain two tests from the current USEF Tests 1-8 including sitting trot.Only one rider per horse/pony.

Open to Junior members of the CHJA who are eligible for Children's Hunter, have not shown over a course where fences exceeded 3' at a Recognized show. If you have ever qualified or shown in a 3' Equitation Finals including the CHJA Junior Medal, you are not eligible for the Children's Medal. The class consists of two phases. The first phase is over a course of not less than eight obstacles at 2'6" in height, which must contain two changes of direction after the first fence with no combinations permitted. Judges will select at least six contestants (if available) to show at a walk, trot, and canter. The second (flat) phase is mandatory and will count 50%. The same horse to be shown by the same rider in both phases. To fill the class at least four competitors must complete both phases of the class. Judges may require additional testing, using current USEF Tests 1-8.
Rider to be a Junior Member of CHJA who has not reached his/her 18th birthday. The class consists of two phases. The first phase is shown over a course of not less than six obstacles. Small ponies to jump obstacles 2'0" in height, Medium ponies to jump obstacles 2'3" in height, and Large ponies to jump obstacles 2'9" in height. If a combination is used, suggested distances for in and outs are 20' for small, 22' for medium, and 24' for large ponies. If the distance between obstacles is less than 72' then the distance must be adjusted for each height section. Judges will select at least six contestants (if available) to show at a walk, trot, and canter. The second (flat) phase is mandatory and will count 50%. The same pony to be shown by the same rider in both phases. To fill the class at least four competitors must complete both phases of the class. Judges may require additional testing, using current USEF Tests 1-8.

Open to Adult Amateur riders who as of 12/1/14 have not shown in classes with fences 3′ or higher at more than three recognized horse shows within the past two show years. Fences not to exceed 2’6″, which must contain a minimum of two tests from the current USEF Tests 1-8 including sitting trot.

Rider to be an Amateur Adult Member of the CHJAwho is eligible for Modified Adult Equitation.The class consists of two phases. The first phase is shown over a course of not less than eight obstacles 2’6”' in height, which must include two changes of direction after the first fence with no combinations. Judges will select at least six contestants (if available) to show at a walk, trot, and canter. The second (flat) phase is mandatory and will count 50%. The same horse to be shown by the same rider in both phases.To fill the class at least four competitors must complete both phases of the class.Judges may require additional testing, using current US EQUESTRIAN Tests 1-8.

Rider to be a Junior Member of CHJA who has not reached his/her 18th birthday. The class consists of two phases. The first phase is shown over a course of not less than eight obstacles 3' in height, which must include one combination including an oxer, and two changes of direction (change of lead) after the first fence. Judges will select at least six contestants (if available) to show at a walk, trot, and canter. The second (flat) phase is mandatory and will count 50%. The same horse to be shown by the same rider in both phases. To fill the class at least four competitors must complete both phases of the class. Judges may require additional testing, using current USEF Tests 1-19.

102. NEHC Junior HunterSeatMedalClass Age Division: under 18 C239 All exhibitors must present a valid membership card before the class, and show secretaries must record this number. Once a contestant has qualified, they are no longer eligible for the qualifying classes. Violation will forfeit eligibility for finals for that year. If entries warrant - minimum 20, management may split. NOT divided by age. Open to Junior members of the New England Horsemen’s Council who have not reached their eighteenth birthday. All contestants are required to perform over at least eight fences set to a height from 3' to 3'3" with a combination and two changes of direction after the first obstacle. One or more individual tests of the top four contestants may be requested at the judge’s discretion. (USEF current tests 1-19). To fill a class, at least four competitors must complete the course.

Rider to be an Amateur Adult Member of the CHJA. The class consists of two phases. The first phase is shown over a course of not less than eight obstacles 3' in height, which must include one combination including an oxer, and two changes of direction (change of lead) after the first fence. Judges will select at least six contestants (if available) to show at a walk, trot, and canter. The second (flat) phase is mandatory and will count 50%. The same horse to be shown by the same rider in both phases. To fill the class at least four competitors must complete both phases of the class. Judges may require additional testing, using current USEF TESTS 1-19

101. NEHCAdult/AmateurHunterSeatMedalClass c240All exhibitors must present a valid membership card before the class, and show secretaries must record this number.If entries warrant - minimum of 16, management may split. There must be at least four (4) competitors in each class.Open to adult amateur members of the New England Horseman’s Council. All contestants are required to perform over at least eight fences set at a height from 2'9" to 3' with a combination and two changes of direction after the first obstacle. One or more individual tests of the top four contestants may be requested at the judge’s discretion. (USEF current tests 1-19). To fill a class, at least four competitors must complete the course.

Marshall & Sterling Rated Classes

57-60. Adequan Hunter - An Adequan Hunter is a horse of any age and is not restricted by previous showing in any division. Fences 3’5”

100. Bit O’ Straw Hunter Classic - Open Junior or Amateur riders. No cross entry of horse/pony or rider into the M&S Children’s Horse, Pony or Adult Hunter Classic. No cross entry of rider into any rated Hunters or any class with fences of 3’ or higher. Fences 2’6”

99. Children’s and Adult Amateur Jumper Classic: Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider need not be a member to compete, but only horses ridden by Members will have their points recorded.

MARSHALL & STERLING CHILDREN’S MEDAL HORSE:Open to Junior Riders on horses who are not competing at the same show in any hunter or equitation class in which the fences exceed 3’3”. To be shown over a minimum of 8 fences the required height including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. The same horse must be used in all phases. Only one rider per horse. Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider must be a member in order for points to count toward qualifying for the Finals. No cross entry of rider into the M&S Children’s Pony Medal at the same show. Fence height 3’

97.& 98. MARSHALL & STERLING CHILDREN’S HUNTER CLASSICS:Marshall & Sterling Children’s Hunter Classics are open to junior riders. Only M&S members will receive points. To be eligible for points, a horse/pony must complete the course in at least two classes over fences in the Children’s Hunter section at the same show.To be judged on performance and soundness with manners emphasized. To be scored under the open numerical judging system. The top 12 horses/ponies from the first round will return to jump a second round in reverse order of their scores in the first round; lowest score going first and highest score going last. In case of ties, order of those tied to be drawn. Scores will be averaged from both rounds to determine winners. In case of tie for first place only, the tied horses/ponies will jump a third round over a shortened course to break the tie.The second class of each section of Children’s Hunter will count as the rider’s first round of the M&S Children’s Hunter Classic. The third class will count as the rider’s second round. Riders must enter the M&S Hunter Classic prior to competing in the first Children’s Hunter class. Each rider that chooses to have the classes count as a M&S Children’s Hunter Classic will pay an additional $30 per class.

Classics will not count toward a show champion or circuit champion award.

95. M&S Junior Medal: Open to Junior Riders. To be shown over minimum of 8 fences at 3'6” including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. The same horse must be used in all phases. Only one rider per horse. Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider must be a member in order for points to count toward qualifying for the Finals. May not be combined with any other M&S Medal.Fences 3'6”

94A. M&S Jr/Am Horsemanship Medal: Open to Juniors and Amateurs. No cross entry restrictions. Over fences phases to be shown over a minimum of 8 fences at 3'3” including at least one combination (a double and a triple are preferred) and two changes of direction after the first fence. A Liverpool is encouraged. At least 12 riders, if available, to return to show on the flat. Flat phase to include the working walk, working trot sitting, working trot rising, work trot rising showing a lengthening of stride, working canter, working canter showing a lengthening of stride, and the counter canter (no more than 12 to counter canter at the same time). The same horse must be used in all phases. Running martingale or standing martingale allowed in the jumping phase. No martingales allowed in the flat phase. Change of bridle is permissible between phases.

94. Sore No-More Children's Horse Medal Open to Junior Riders on horses that are not competing in any Hunter or Equitation class in which the fences exceed 3’3”. To be shown over a minimum of 8 fences at 3’ including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. The same horse must be used in all phases. Only one rider per horse. Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider must be a member in order for points to count toward qualifying for the Finals. No cross entry of rider into the M&S Children’s Pony Medal at the same show. May be combined with Dover Saddlery Adult and/or Pony Medal. Fences 3’

93. M&S 2'6" Children's Medal: Open to Junior Riders on horses or ponies that are not competing at the same show in any class with fences at 3' or higher. To be shown over a minimum of 8 fences the required height including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. The same horse must be used in all phases. Only one rider per horse. Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider must be a member in order for points to count toward qualifying for the Finals. No cross entry of rider into the M&S Children's Pony Medal at the same show. May ONLY be combined with M&S 2'6" Adult Medal. Fences 2'6"

93. M&S 2'6" Adult Medal: Open to Adult Amateur Riders that are not competing at the same show in any class with fences 3' or higher. To be shown over minimum of 8 fences at 2'6"' including a combination and at least two changes of direction after the first fence. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. The same horse must be used in all phases. Only one rider per horse. Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider must be a member in order for points to count toward qualifying for the Finals. May ONLY be combined with M&S 2'6" Children's Medal. Fences 2'6"

92. M&S Children's Medal – Pony: Open to Junior Riders on ponies that are not competing at the same show in any class with fences at 3' or higher. To be shown over a minimum of 8 fence at the required height with at least two changes of direction after the first fence. A combination is optional, and must be adjusted according to fence heights. Two or more tests of the top four competitors are required. The same pony must be used in all phases. Only one rider per pony. (Riders may not ride in more than one height section of the class.) Three riders must complete the course in order for points to count. The rider must be a member in order for points to count toward qualifying for the Finals. No cross entry of rider into the Sore No-More Children's Horse Medal or Children's 2'6" Medal at the same show. May be combined with Sore No-More Children's Medal and/or Dover Saddlery Adult Medal.