Energy Issues – AS Geography
Monday – Independent learning activity
Thursday – Taught lesson
Key question / Activities / Resources / Other notesHow can we classify energy sources?
-Renewable (flow)/non renewable (stock)
-primary/ secondary /
- What do students already know about energy issues? Mind map on flip chart paper.
Energy Issues pack / Students should refer back to GCSE resource depletion unit.
- Define key terms (p 231-241 in textbook) & note in pack
- Discuss mind map
- Plan work for next Mon – research one aspect of primary energy mix in the UK – coal, oil & gas, nuclear or renewables
Energy Issues pack
Case study: What is the primary energy mix in the UK? /
- Research chosen aspect of UK primary energy mix
- Put individual sections together to make one cohesive case study to share
- Present case study
- Discuss issues raised
- Self assess case study produced by group – two stars and a wish
- Plan work for Mon
How do energy supply, consumption and trade vary globally?
-non renewable supply
-non renewable consumption /
- Read pages 243-254 in textbook, then complete summary sheet in pack describing patterns observed.
Energy Issues pack / Check availability of GIS activities to go with this.
- Review patterns observed.
- Can we explain these patterns? Discuss & develop – take notes in pack
- Peer assess each others’ notes – two stars & wish
- Plan work for Mon – case study of recent changes in these patterns – choose from
- Changes in supplies of non-renewables & issues for future
- Introduction of renewable supplies – successes & concerns
- Nuclear Energy
- Changes in consumption of non-renewables & issues for future
Case study: recent changes in these patterns /
- Produce a mini-movie or powerpoint presentation on area chosen last week
- Present movies and discuss issues raised.
- Self assess movies – two stars & a wish. Share with group & discuss.
- Plan work for Mon – read pages 255-256 in text, then read up on one of the following issues
- What is the role of OPEC in the geopolitics of energy?
- How important is the conflict in Iraq in the geopolitics of energy?
- How important is China in the geopolitics of energy?
- How important is Russia in the geopolitics of energy?
- How important is Venezuela in the geopolitics of energy?
Textbook / Attach movies to Fronter or save in shared area so students can revisit for revision.
What are the geopolitics of energy?
-TNCs /
- Read up on chosen issue
- Produce a prompt sheet to bring to next lesson – to be used when in the ‘hot seat’.
- Hot seating – teacher to quiz students about their chosen issue
- Take notes about case studies in table in pack & assess performance of each student – two stars and a wish
- Plan work for Mon – de Bono six hat analysis of BP’s operations – allocate ‘hats’
Energy Issues Pack
Coloured hats / May not have six students in group, so some may have to double up on roles i.e. blue and white.
Case study: TNC /
- Carry out research into BP’s operations according to ‘hat’
- Prepare feedback for Thurs
- Present findings according to ‘hats’ & discuss issues raised
- Take off hats – what do students think about BP’s operations?
- How useful was de Bono’s six hat theory in this context?
- Plan work for Mon – produce a fact sheet showing the environmental impact in one or two specific locations of:
- Collection and burning of firewood
- Mining of uranium, generation of nuclear power & disposal of waste
- Extraction & transportation of fossil fuels
- Burning of fossil fuels inc. acid rain and global warming
What is the environmental impact of energy production?
-fuel wood gathering
-nuclear power
-fossil fuels (inc acid rain & depletion) /
- Read p 258-264 in text
- Produce fact sheet on issue chosen last week
Work in E8 if available / Fact sheets should include images and text.
- Present fact sheets to group & discuss issues raised
- Which has the most severe impact? How does impact vary between LEDCs and MEDCs?
- Watch clip of ‘King Tide Rising’ DVD – impact of global warming in one location.
- Plan work for Mon – Set five questions (using bloom’s taxonomy prompts) to research:
- Biomass
- Solar
- Wind
- Wave
- Tidal
King Tide Rising DVD
Bloom’s taxonomy question prompts / Students will be encouraged to use the Bloom prompts as appropriate to their ability – the top students should aim to really stretch themselves.
Can we supply and consume energy sustainably?
-renewable energy (bio-mass, solar, wind, wave, tidal)
-appropriate technology /
- Answer five questions planned last lesson.
- Prepare feedback.
- Consider how useful the Bloom prompts were to formulate questions
- Share questions and answers as a group. Discuss pros & cons of each energy source.
- Discuss large schemes v. micro generation. Show World 2000 DVD clip of micro generation in Peru.
- Choose country for next week – plan for sustainable energy for a country of choice
World 2000 DVD / Relate back to Three Gorges Dam work done during Rivers unit.
Plans should be developed by pairs of students
Case study: plan for sustainable energy for a country of choice /
- Work in pairs to produce plan for sustainable energy for chosen country on flip chart pad
Work in E8 if available
- Present plan to group & discuss issue that arise
- Self assess plans in pairs – two stars and a wish
- Reflect on working in pairs – pros & cons in comparison to individual work
- Set work for Mon
How can we conserve energy?
Case study: Genesis project /
- Read p 270-275 in textbook
- Watch ‘Outrageous Wasters’ DVD & note how homes can be made more sustainable in pack
Outrageous Wasters DVD
Lecture Theatre/ room with projector
- Tour of new buildings with site manager – how have they been designed to meet criteria for sustainability?
- Discuss the Genesis Project – how has this workplace been made sustainable?
- Reflect on learning – is it easier to understand something when you can see and touch it? Why?
- Choose countries to study on Mon – some LEDCs & some MEDCs
How do different countries manage their energy supply?
-comparison of two approaches /
- Research how chosen country manages its energy supply
- Prepare feedback for next lesson
- Join up into pairs – share findings, then produce a comparison of the two approaches
- Present a summary of the comparison to the group
- Assess work as a pair – two stars & a wish
End of unit assessment /
- Recap exam technique top tips
- Complete specimen exam question
- Look at marks given for exam question – compare to mark scheme
- Choose one question to improve & produce a new answer
- Swap new answers in pairs & mark using mark scheme. Provide feedback – two stars & wish.
Mark scheme