Education, Arts & Culture Committee
Monday, June29th 2015, 6:30pm
Mar Vista Library (SW corner of Venice/Inglewood Blvd. intersection)
Community Room
1.Introductions - WELCOME!
Present at 6:30 call to order: Hosneya Khatlabin, Christopher Lawrence, Sara Roos, Kelly Lortie, Paula Cervantes, Amy Bice, Kristin Sherman, Robin Doyno (6:45), Craig Jaffe (7:00)
2.Approval of 5/27/15 minutesand 4/30/15 minutes (attached, and at
Motion to approve 4/30/15: Kelly, 2nd: Paula – 5 in favor, 1 abstention (Chris)
Motion to approve 4/30/15: Kelly, 2nd: Kristin – 6 in favor
3.Public Comment
Kelly noted Craig's earlier concerns (in minutes) regarding school rep's attendance and committee participation. Perhaps include participation as criteria in NPG review. Important to encourage school participation without inducing dampener of guilt – parents are busy and stubborn; don't want to inadvertently discourage involvement.
July meeting will discuss drafting of NPG criteria to include balancing participation-encouragement without discouraging attendance. NPG funds vary by year and are anticipated to be lower in 2015-16, an MVCC election year. Lower cap on grants perhaps? Encourage sharing rep position; multiple reps (per Sara: more the merrier - "never say no"…). Careful not to slam lid on participation with too strict attendance requirement and yet urge attendance (more regular committee discussion of the "interesting" political bits?)
4.Past business updates:
GVES received NPG. Only outstanding is SPIRIT campaign. Troublesome administrative process this year; smoother next?
5.Discussion of next year's EACC goals
Process for identifying school representativesfor 2015-16
Rep expectations: (i) relay kid-achievements and (ii) school highlights each month to EACC. Bring information from all internal school's programs (e.g., comprehensive, academy, SLC, magnet, dual-language, etc), not just own kid's. (iii) participate in grant adjudication, (iv) relay COLA news back to school.
Establish NPG review schedule, purview; discussion of lessons-learned
Hammer out process in July.
Newsletter, expanded website – volunteers?
Recognition of last year's commendable students – MV Fall Festival; MVCC BOD meeting; certificates?
Breadth of political vs a-political mandate
Expansion of "arts & culture" mandate
Motion, 1sT: Kristin, 2nd: Kelly: "In service of expanding the EACC's "Arts & Culture" mandate, we would recommend an additional co-chair expressly committed to that focus. Robin Doyno has been interested in this aspect and would be a good choice as co-chair to support A & C". Passed: all except one in favor, no opposed; 1 abstention from R Doyno.
Appointments: school reps, newsletter rep, website rep, culture liaison rep (Robin?)
Paula (MDRMS), Kelly (GVES), Chris (BES), Craig (MVES). Sara to start active search among public district K12 schools. Welcome to other schools: New School West (PK, private)
6.School Community news/happenings
WMV "Woods Residents'" outcome (Christopher)
MI overview: Pilot program started 5 years ago, 2015-6 is 6th year with 2 sets of kindergarten paired classrooms (augmented after first, pilot year). Shared BES campus with Spanish Immersion, English programs.
Concern for attrition from immersion program; need to start with sufficient momentum to keep program viable beyond middle school years (general to all dual language immersion curriculum). ½-½ curriculum conducted in ES years; proportion of curriculum taught in second language diminishes in MS.
LAUSD uncertainty renders difficulty for new parents, children to commit to/"sacrifice for" program (rigor of curriculum involves sacrifice from kids), negative feedback loop, etc.
Administrative logistics, personalities, information flow – all problematic.
Craig: above are systemic LAUSD issues; not isolated to MIP. Funding, resources and enrollment shortages underlie many, many problems (e.g., VHS STEM issues are analogous despite different age, campus, curriculum). Bigger considerations must be engaged simultaneous to starts, planning.
"Obvious" solutions are invariably complicated …. opaque agendas, concerns, plans, needs, expectations, preconceptions, surrogate-issues (traffic, social change), etc - result in unintended consequences (Robin).
How to support dual language programming whether MIP specifically or this approach generally? – tabled for further discussion; resolution could be helpful for community's reputation, LAUSD planning, enrollment stimulus?
National Night Out; 8/4/15, VHS (flier attached)
Middle School Forum – VNC ?
7.Public Comment
8.Future Agenda items
9.Adjourn (*by 7:55pm!*)
Meeting adjourned outside, 8:02pm
Tuesday August, 4, 2015
6:00pm – 9:00pm
@ Venice High School
Come join us for this incredible celebration of community at our local public high school with civic leaders, city resources, engaged neighbors and community organizations working to make our neighborhoods as safe, supportive and caring as possible.
- Meet our brand new Venice High School Principal and learn about all the incredible things our HS is doing to enrich/educate our youth.
- Network with Capt. Nicole Alberca, commanding officer of Pacific LAPD and your local LAPD senior lead officers (SLO)
- Want to get involved in improving your community? Meet your local neighborhood councils and associations that want your help and need your feedback.
- Add some Venice HS Spirit wear to your wardrobe options. Nothing says I’m a local than some Go Gondoliers – Rowing not drifting apparel.
- Learn about how you can create a neighborhood watch program on your block or apt building.
- Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?No really if you’re ready for Zombie’s you’ll be ready for all the other stuff that can happen in LA…