Unit Theme:7.4Persuade and PresentWeek: #: 2
Teacher: Subject: Grade: ___7th______Date:________
Desired ResultEnduring UnderstandingStudents will study four types of author’s purpose (to entertain, to persuade, to inform, and to teach) in order to produce four pieces of writing that
exemplify each type of writing. The student free writes daily in order to improve his/her writing fluency and peer edits his/her writing for sentence fragments and
runone sentences.
Assessment EvidenceSummativeEvaluation (Performance Task Subject and Object, Fragments and Run-on Sentences, Using Persuasion, Writing to inform, Writing to teach
(unit projects, exams, etc.)
Learning Plan
Suggested Learning Activities:
Day 1 / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Day 5
Standards / Language / Writing / Reading and Speaking / Reading and Speaking / Reading
Expectations / 7.LA.6 Accurately use content words / 7.W.4 Develop and strengthen writing / 7.R.6 l Determine the authors point of view
7.S.1Contribute to class discussion by adding relevant information / 7.R.6 l Determine the authors point of view
7.S.1Contribute to class discussion by adding relevant information / 7.R.6l Determines author’s purpose
Academic Strategy
Objective / The student corrects Subject/Object and fragment and run on in work provided. / The students works with peer to peer review for correct usage of subject/object and correct sentence fragments and run on sentences / The author purpose is explained. Open and closed questions are answered. / The author purpose is explained. Open and closed questions are answered. / The teacher builds backgrounds promoting that the student remember their identity poem
InitialActivities / The studentsreceives a hand in to correct thesub./obj. and fragment with run ones / The students gather in group to discuss / The students are asked questions on what purpose does a author have in writing. / The students are asked questions on what purpose does a author have in writing. / The teacher reads a passage that shows the specific forms of writing
Development Activities / The students on their own start making the corrections to their work / The students begin peer to peer review and editing / Class discussion occurs and author’s purpose is explained / Class discussion occurs and author’s purpose is explained / The students discus what type of passage it is
Closing Activities / Discussion of the practice exercise is done in class / The student listen to their peers for feedback / Briefly clarify doubts / Briefly clarify doubts / Previous class feedback is provided
Formative Assessment – Other evidence
Differentiated Instruction Strategies
___ Special Education ___ LSP/LEP
___ Section 504 ___ Gifted
Teacher Reflection