Parents and Guardians,
March is Literacy Month and the PTA would like to celebrate by hosting Harry Potter themed games and activities that support and encourage literacy. During the month of March we will have various activities to promote literacy and encourage the kids to explore the magical worlds that await them in books. The month - actually more like 2 ½ week - long events will culminate with Literacy Night on Tuesday, March 27th.
As a PTA, we would like you to know what events are planned so that you can encourage your students to read and participate. On Monday March 12, your student/s was/were sorted into a Hogwarts house. Each of the “houses” will be competing to earn the most house literacy points and to hold the house cup for the remainder of the year!
Students earn literacy points for their house by:
- Completing OPTIONAL outside-of-class literacy activities listed on their “Optional Literacy Homework” sheet (see other side)
- Your student can complete as many of these optional literacy activities as they would like. Please initial the completed slips and have your student turn them into the collection cauldron in the library. Stories and drawings do not need to be turned in.
- Reading at home as assigned in class
- If your student’s class meets their collective reading goal, every student in the class will earn a $5 coupon that can be used at the book fair.
- Be sure to mark your student’s reading minutes in their planner to help their class reach their goal. Hint: Your student can read additional minutes to offset some of the students that might struggle in meeting their reading goal.
- Winning “Quiddtich” matches played during the lunch tournament
- All students in Grades 1-5 will be taught how to play Quidditch during their Playworks BB rotation 3/13-15.
- Those in grades 3-5 wishing to compete in a lunch tournament will sign up individually in the office or after BB. All players will be randomly assigned to a “House” team.
- Sending letters to teachers and staff via owl. Owleryis located in the library
- As a class, correctly answering daily trivia as read over the announcements.
Other Activities in March:
- Honeydukesis open for business on Thursdays during lunch. A must-stop for Hogsmeade visitors, the shelves of this legendary sweet shop are lined with all manner of wizard’s delectable delights. Cash only please!
Literacy Night 3/27, 6:00 – 8:00:
- Fortune telling, talented readers and authors, magical musicians, dueling wizards, hand-made wands, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures by Scales and Tales, and much more. You won’t want to miss this magical night!
- Book Fair grand opening, 5:00 – 8:00
- Food Trucks, 5:00 – 8:00
Silver Mesa Elementary PTA