Solid Innovation Creativity Implementation Platform Affidavit Letter
The company/team (“we”) are participating in the Ministry of Science and Technology Asia Silicon Valley Innovation and Entrepreneurship Linking Program (“the program”) held by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (“the host”) on behalf of the Ministry of Science and Technology, R.O.C., and we hereby declare the proposed “selection participation work (idea/technology)” and other information (“the selection information”) do not infringe any rights or properties, and the regulations related to selection shall be followed. We agree to the following terms and conditions:
We guarantee that we own the intellectual properties of the selection data we present, or are authorized to use them; we guarantee that the selection information given does not infringe any intellectual properties. If the selection information given is a result of plagiarism in part or as a whole, or infringes third-party business intelligence/secrets, intellectual properties or other rights, we will immediately return all subsidies and advance training fees to the host. We will be subject to legal action by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the host and any third-parties, and will be responsible for any and all compensation as a result of such action. The host may also remove us from the program. We agree to attend all, complete events of the program, including, but not limited to, visits and result-release expos, and if we are registered but miss the event without being properly excused, the host may request us to repay subsidies on a case-by-casebasis.
We agree that after subsidies from the Creativity Implementation Platform are awarded, we will cooperate on the following matters during execution period of theprogram:
Program benefits follow-up: provides information on business operations after the company isincorporated.
Innovation Entrepreneurship Promotion: sharing progress on creativity implementation and results by text, audiovisual media or photographs.
Talent cultivation follow-up: provides the program with developments and the start-up career status ofmembers.
Submit related report: submitting reports on the program is compulsory (in Microsoft Wordformat).
Participation in related events: assistance to program-related PR eventsisrequired,includingprogramresultsreleasesandrelatedtasks.
Creativity implementation: we will produce prototypes or conduct trial mass production within the defined timeframe.
We agree to authorizetheroyalty-freeuseofabovementioned informationprovidedtotheMinistryofScienceandTechnology,R.O.C. and the host for the release of results, expos, promotions, and discussion events, etc.
We shall return all subsidies and advance payment of fees to the host in the event we fail to comply with the compulsory regulations of this declaration.
We agree that the host reserves rights to modify,interpret or terminate the program should any issues regarding to the programarise.
The collection, processing and facilitation of personal information, notification andagreement:
We understand that the Ministry of Science and Technology and the host will collect, process and facilitate our personal information (“personal information”) under the followingconditions:
1.Purpose of collection: to host the 2018 Ministry of Science and Technology Asia Silicon Valley Innovation Entrepreneurship Linking Program.
2.Types of personal information: C001 Personal Identification, C003 Government Data for Identification, C052 Qualification or Technology, C061 Current Employment Status, C064 WorkExperience.
3.Facilitation period: until the purpose for the collection of such information no longerexists.
4.Facilitation region: R.O.C. territory and other regions abroad where the host has a branch office orstation.
5.Facilitator: the Ministry of Science and Technology, the host or other government or non-government organizations that have business with the Ministry of Science and Technology and/or thehost.
6.Facilitation method: internet, Email, paper form, fax and other legal media subject to the purpose of the collection of such information is valid.
7.We have right to request (in written format) thefollowing:
(a)Request to view personalinformation.
(b)Request a copy of personalinformation.
(c)Request for amendment or correction of personalinformation.
(d)Request to stop the collection, processing or facilitating of personal information.
(e)Request for deletion of personalinformation.
8.The Ministry of Science and Technology and the host will classify and archive our personal information in accordance with government regulations.
9.If we decline these terms, the Ministry of Science and Technology and the host will not be able to provide us with related services with regards to the purpose of the collection of such personalinformation.
We have understood the above-mentioned details and agree that the Ministry of Science and Technology and the host may collect, process and facilitate our personal information within the above-mentioned scope of purpose ofcollection.
The Industrial Technology Research Institute
Signature of the company/team:
Company name:
Company legal representative: (signature and both seals)
GUI number:
Team name:
Teamrepresentative: (signature and both seals)
Teamrepresentative ID number:
Team members
Name: (signature)
ID number:
Name: (signature)
ID number:
Name: (signature)
ID number:
Name: (signature)
ID number:
Name: (signature)
ID number: