Transitions Class
Course Syllabus
Teacher: Mrs. Reha Room: 118
Classroom Phone: 668-3118E-mail Address:
Conference Period: 3rd block (11:38 A.M. –12:59 P.M.)
Course Text: Careers (Globe Fearon Educational Publishers)
ISBN #: 0-8224-0846-5
Course Length: 1 semester
Number of Credits: 1 credit for the semester (.5 credits each marking period)
Students will cover the following units:
·IEP and how it relates to career planning
·Assessing yourself and making lifestyle choices
·Career exploration
·College/vocational school/job market exploration
·Researching possible incomes and conducting job searches
·Job applications
·Resume'/cover letter/thank you letter
Students will also be required to:
·Complete a job shadow and an informational interview
Additional units may consist of:
·Income taxes
·Retirement/investment planning
A portfolio will be created for the transition section of the IEP that will include the following documents:
·Student Self-Assessment Form
·Career Research Paper
·Job Shadowing Documents
·Career Plan
·Job Search Summary
·Perfect Model Application
·Resume'/Cover Letter/ Thank You Letter
·Interview Questions and Thank You Letter.
The contents of the portfolio will be on a computer disk so that it may be accessed for future changes.
A final exam each nine weeks over the material covered during the nine-week period can be expected.
·Students must be ready to start class upon teacher’s cue. Ex: “Listen up” or “Let’s go”.
·It is your responsibility to turn in assignments in the appropriate location before the class period (this location will be designated at the beginning of the nine week period).
·You have as many days as you missed to make up assignments. FINDING OUT, COMPLETING AND TURNING IN THE MAKE-UP WORK IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY.
- Respect others … ALWAYS be kind and courteous.
- Students must be prepared for class every day with textbooks and writing materials. The cost of a writing utensil will be $.10.
- Students MUST use appropriate language in class. The first offense may result in a warning; following offenses will result in detentions or turned over to school administration.
- Students are expected to be a participant in activities and discussions.
- Students will be dismissed when the bell rings. DO NOT stand near the door at the end of the period or all students will have to remain in their seats until the bell rings.
- Verbal Warning
- Five-minute time out in the hallway or my office and a phone call home may result. Student must comply with rules out in the hallway or he/she will be sent to the office.
- Lunch or after school detention with me if inappropriate behavior persists OR student will be sent to the office where school administration will enforce handbook policy.
* I reserve the right to skip disciplinary steps if absolutely necessary.
Inappropriate behavior toward substitute teachers will not be tolerated. If a sub leaves your name, you will be given a detention and/or depending on the severity of the behavior, disciplinary action may be turned over to school administration.
The handbook policy will be strictly enforced.
Each nine weeks all students will receive two restroom passes. Use them wisely. No other passes will be given (unless for an emergency). If restroom pass time is abused, privilege may be revoked. If a student chooses to leave the room unannounced for any reason, he/she will be written up to school administration. Unused passes may be turned in per nine weeks for five points each added to your grade.
Only water is permissible in class.
A94% -100%
A-90% -93%
B+87% -89%
B84% -86%
B-80% -83%
C+77% -79%
C 74% -76%
C-70% -73%
D+67% -69%
D64% -66%
D-60% -63%
F59% and below
Your grade will be based on the total number of points you accumulate throughout the course per marking period. Final examinations per nine weeks are worth 100 points each.
Please save the contents of this syllabus for future reference and return ONLY the last page with signatures and the date.
2003-2004 School Year
I have thoroughly read, understand and agree to this Transitions Class Syllabus. If I have any questions or concerns, I will promptly contact Mrs. Reha.
Date: ______
Student Signature:______
Parent Signature:______
Parent Home Phone #:______
(Mom/Dad/Both/Other – Circle One)
Parent Work Phone #:______
(Mom/Dad/Both/Other – Circle One)
E-mail address:______
(Mom/Dad/Both/Other – Circle One)