March13, 2013 - General Meeting
President Pierre Khoury called the meeting onMarch 13, 2013 at 8:00PM
Board Members in Attendance: Pierre Khoury,Mary Kreisberg, Timothy Zalnasky, Pat Cercone, Tony Harris, Karey Vandewater, Dave Bacher, Carol Marchionda, Roy Geiselhart
Board Members Absent:Don Hayes, Sheri Contino
Appointed Board Members in Attendance:
Appointed Board Members Absent: Bria Koch
Secretary’s Report – Timothy Zalnasky
- Jon Vlasnik made motion to approve minutes from 2/13/2013. Meeting. Pierre Khoury seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Minutes were approved and filed.
- Next Executive Board meeting scheduled for April 10at 7PM at Municipal
- General meeting scheduled for April 17 –7 PM. Tim to get rooms.
- Online registration is now available and will be finished March 31. No late fees are required.
- Walk-in registration scheduled for April 6 from 12-3 at Municipal Center
- Pierre is promoting an incentive to register by end of month to advertise their camp Eric Kasperowicz’s camp. He’s offered to give us a scholarship.
President’s Report – Pierre Khoury
- Pride Pavilion discussion for shelter at Linder Field. This project is already on the Township’s schedule for 2015. Our cost is $11,331. Lacrosse will cover other $11,331. Township has provided a MOU,Motion to approve made by Timothy Zalnasky. Seconded by Roy Geiselhart. Approved by membership.
- Will require a similar contract as with Graham Park with Lacrosse.
- Concussion Awareness Program – 10/11 and 12 YO screenings to occur at schools or thru authorized IMPaCT provider. Guardian caps can be suggested, but not made mandatory. UPMC does not recommend any specific equipment. They focus on technique and awareness. Concussion Program reviewed by UPMC. Program materials available on website.
- Cheer mats – per Sheri who talked to Kim – depends on the school, we just need to coordinate with those school’s with good programs
- To be presented at General Membership meeting for Concussion.
Vice-President’s Report – Don Hayes - ABSENT
- Fundraiser is at North Park Lounge. We have 2 weekends reserved with Scott Brady.
- May potentially do a picnic effort.
- Discussed signage fee changes. Need to be consistent across the board.
- Needs 2 new scoreboard signs
Treasurer’s Report – Dave Bacher
- Beginning balance Feb 2013 $xxxxxx Mars Account, and ESB account
- Ending balance Feb 2013 $xxxxxx
- $6,700 deposit from PayPal coming in for Registration. Mary Kreisbergmade a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report and it was seconded by Carol Marchionda. The motion passed and the report will be filed.
Communication’s Report – Mary Kreisberg
- Flyer for registration went out to schools last week.
- Request made for volunteers’ hours from last year.
- Videos were sent for approval to SVSD to Mr. Manipole.
- Working with CTCC to use their board for add’l promotion, Butler Eagle
Football Report – Tony Harris
- FOC meeting last Sunday, 3/10, 7:00 PM, at Prudential Office.
- Helmets still coming in for final repair.
- Flag football fliers went out. Direct emails going out this week Starting April 6 from 9:30 til 11:00
- Football Operations Committee: met March 10, next meeting April 7 at 7PM to finalize findings.
Cheer Report – Sheri Contino
- Try out dates remain to be set.
- Choreographer interviewers to occur next week.
- Looking to get competitive bid for apparel. Pom poms are coming back. Looking for costs and providers.
- Acquiring info from Laura Wise on tryout dates. To combine them by age.
- Will have “tryouts” for older girls on competitive teams, but not all need to be placed.
Finance Report – Roy Geiselhart
- Raffle tickets to be in by end of March.
Facilities Report – Pat Cercone
- PMF bid is still under all others at $3,200 for storage at Linder.
Concessions Report – Karey Vandewater
- No report.
Auxiliary Report –Carol Marchionda
- Performing inventory review;
- Checking inventory
- More online marketing
New Business
- None
Old/Unfinished Business
- None
Good & Welfare
There was a motion to adjourn the meeting made by Carol Marchiondaand seconded by Pat Cercone. The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 8:26.pm.