Community College of Allegheny County


The Curriculum Subcommittee thanks you for your commitment to the College and welcomes the opportunity to work with you. If at any time during the process, you have questions or need assistance, please contact the Chair or Secretary of the Curriculum Subcommittee.

1.  The proposal initiator obtains Curriculum Directions, Matrix, and forms from the CCAC web site (, Search: CC forms).

2.  It is recommended that course learning outcomes and/or program objectives be reviewed by a member of the Assessment of Student Learning (ASL) committee in advance of submission through the governance process. ASL contact (, Search: ASL contact)

3.  Create a list of programs (“global search”) that are affected by the proposed change. To do this, go to and in the “Search Here” box in the left hand column, type in the alpha numeric code (e.g., ENG101) for each course within the proposal. The initiator should notify affected program personnel of the proposal and maintain evidence of that communication.

4.  The initiator must send an email of the proposal recommendation abstract to the college community (attach a copy of that e-mail to the proposal). Include a statement that the complete proposal is available electronically by request. After a 5-business day period, the initiator requests a hearing date from the Curriculum subcommittee chairperson. The initiator should keep all feedback received from the college community regarding the proposal.

5.  The Curriculum Subcommittee Chair notifies the initiator of the hearing date.

6.  The initiator should complete the required forms and the College Council Proposal Submission Form*, obtain the required signatures, and attach the supporting documentation (see Curriculum Matrix for guidance). Please complete all forms in Arial font, size 12 for headings, size 10 for text.

7.  The initiator should retain the original proposal and mail a copy of the complete proposal to each of the members of the curriculum subcommittee (, Search: curriculum committee) within 5 business days of the Curriculum Subcommittee meeting.

8.  The initiator or designee must be present at the hearing of the Curriculum Committee to answer questions regarding the proposal and should bring the original proposal with signature sheet.

9.  Following the Curriculum Subcommittee hearing, the initiator will make any required changes and mail the entire corrected proposal to each member of College Council (CC). Initiators will receive information from the Curriculum Subcommittee regarding what to bring to the CC meeting. CC members must receive the entire revised proposal at least 5 business days in advance of the CC meeting at which the initiator’s proposal is to be considered by the Council. Members of College Council (, Search: college council)

10.  The initiator or designee must be present at the College Council meeting to answer questions regarding the proposal and should bring the original proposal with signature sheet.

11.  If the proposal passes College Council, the initiator is responsible for assuring that a “clean” and revised (if necessary) copy of proposal is sent to the Chair of College Council within 10 days. One hard copy and one electronic copy are required. The signature sheet is submitted with the proposal is submitted.

12.  The College Council Chair will obtain approval by the College President and notify the community when that occurs.


13.  The College Council Chair will forward a hard copy and an electronic copy to the Assistant Dean of Academic Management.

*Note: If answers to questions on forms will be identical for multiple courses, one set of answers may be referenced for all.

Any proposal could take as many as 45 days to proceed through the Curriculum Process; therefore, deadlines such as Act 46 clearance and catalog/CD production should be considered when submitting proposals.

For printed and CD catalog*:

All courses and programs must be approved by the president by the end of the fall term to be included in the next printed catalog.

Printed credit magazine:

For inclusion in the credit magazine, courses must be approved by the president by the end of the fall term for inclusion in the next fall credit magazine; courses must be approved by the president by the end of the spring term for inclusion in the next spring and summer credit magazines.

When choosing the implementation date, please use the following suggested guidelines:

Date packet signed by president / Effective Semester
December 20* / Fall
August 15 / Spring
September 30 / Summer

College Council Curriculum Subcommittee 2011