NewsletterMay 2017

Scoil Íde Naofa

Parents Association

Dear Parent,
Welcome to the Scoil Íde Naofa Parents Association May 2017Newsletter, our final edition for the year.
Our aim is to keep you up to date on events happening in the school and also in our local community. If you would like to inform us of an event happening locally, please email us at the address below.

We would like to congratulate all the boys and girls from 6th class who made their confirmation on 16th Feb 2017. Thank you to Ms. O’Connor for her help in preparing the children for this occasion and to all the children who sang in the school choir!

Thank you to all the parents who provided us with home baking and goodies to serve with the refreshments after the ceremony. Thanks also to all the parents from 5thclass, led by Deirdre Taylor, for their help on the day serving the refreshments in the school hall after the mass. You can reap the benefits next year!!

As most of you now know, our social night, ‘A Dozen Thorny Roses 2017’ was a massive success on the 18th Feb 2017. We raised approx €4,500 on the night. The entire community was bursting with laughter for weeks after it so massive thank you to all the lads who participated! It was such a fantastic night and it far exceeded our expectations! Well done!

We are delighted to inform you that donations received at our Xmas carol service of €703.71weredonated to Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital in Crumlin in March 2017. Many thanks to Ms O’Connor for her help in organising the representative from the hospital to come to the school to speak with the children and collect the cheque.

Our annual Easter raffle was a huge success again this year. Many thanks for all the kind donations of prizes. We very much appreciate the level of support we receive for the two raffles. It’s lovely to see all the happy faces going home with their prizes!

Proceeds from the raffle amounted to €822.61.

Congratulations to all the boys and girls from 2nd class who received their 1st Holy Communion on the14th May 2017. Thank you to Aileen Wynne and Margaret Moore for co-ordinating the ‘Do This in Memory Of Me’ preparation masses prior to the day. Thanks to Ms Osborne for her help and dedication in preparing the children for this big occasion.

Thank you once again for all the donations of baking and biscuits etc for the refreshments in the school. Deirdre Taylor did a wonderful job in organising the event and we received so many compliments about the selection of food on the morning. Thank you to the 1st class parents who served the refreshments! All dietary requirements were catered for so there was something for everyone! We really appreciate the thoughtfulness and commitment of parents on these occasions. It’s a lovely tradition to uphold in the school.


In February 2017 the Parents Association committee met with a number of local representatives at the school at drop off and collection times on a few occasions. Many thanks to Cllr Jnr Miley, Mr. Ed Kirwan, Sgt Michael Croke, and Mr. Dave O Flaherty for meeting with us. We highlighted our concerns and safety issues regarding the current layout to them.

There are a number of people who continue to ignore the parking restrictions that are in place around the school and children are at risk of being injured as a result. PLEASE BE VIGILANT AND DRIVE RESPONSIBLY. Please note that the staff car par isNOT A DROP OFF POINTfor parents. This car park is for the BUSES to drop off children. There has been an increase in the number of parents driving in, dropping off and driving out of this car park. Children do not expect cars to be entering and exiting this car park as they run along the red pathway to the school gate. An accident is imminent. Children should be encouraged to enter the school along this path to the pedestrian gate and not to cross amongst the cars in the staff car park.

The people responsible for dropping off and collecting students should be made aware of these restrictions also.

We have been informed that there is an overall safety audit to take place in Kilmead by KCC in the latter end of this calendar year so we are very hopeful that we can agree a better and safer plan for our children around the school. Plans will be on display in the school for parents and the community to view. We will keep you informed regarding this.

New Reading scheme

Due to the success of the social night, it was agreed to part fund the new reading scheme in the school. The scheme is tailored to individual pupils within our junior classes. Children will read to their own ability rather than a class reader. This will be rolled out in Sept 2017 to Junior and Senior Infants. It has been agreed with Mr. Kirwan that the reading novels will also be replenished for the senior classes so every child will benefit from the funds raised by the Parents Association.

School Walk

The annual school walk will not take place in June this year. As some will remember, the 2016 one was postponed due to bad weather last year and wasrescheduled for September 2016. It was decided at the last meeting to hold the annual school walk in March/April 2018. The evenings will be getting brighter and there is less activity in the school at that time of the year.

Credit Union

Narraghmore Credit Union continue to collect credit union books weekly from the schooloffice from children who wish to make regular savings with them. Books can be left in to the school on a Friday. However, numbers have dwindled. New accounts can be opened in the Credit Union on Mondays, Tuesdays or Fridays from 10am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm.You are required to bring the child in person to the credit union also.

Documents required are as follows –

  1. Childs passport/birth certificate
  2. Photo ID for parent of child e.g. passport/driving licence
  3. Proof of address e.g. utility bill/bank statement dated WITHIN LAST 3 MONTHS.
  4. Proof of childs PPS number

Annual Cake Sale

The annual cake sale will take place on Tuesday May 30th2017 in aid of the National Council for the Blind and the Scoil Íde NaofaReading scheme. All donations of baking and home produce would be greatly appreciated and can be dropped to the school before 10am.

Wedding bells

We would like to extend our best wishes to Ms. Osborne and her fiancé Tom on their forthcoming wedding. We wish you both a lifetime of happiness and health together!

Credit Union Art competition

Well done to Carmel Ann Travers (2nd class) who came 1st place in the colouring competition held to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Credit Union. Thank you to all the class teachers for their encouragement and help to the children in entering these competitions. Well done everyone!

Cecil Day Lewis Awards

Congratulations to Maeve Corrigan (2nd class) who came 2nd place in Kildare (in her age category) in the Poetry/Story competition in the recent Cecil Day Lewis Awards. This is a remarkable achievement for Maeve. Recognition must also go to her teacher Ms. Osborne.Parents are grateful for the level of support shown to our children which provides them with the opportunities to participate in various competitions in our community.

Thank you!

Finally, we would like to express our sincerest thank you for all your support in the year. We appreciate all your effort and financing towards all the various projects undertaken in the year.

To the parents of 6th class, we thank you for ALLyour contributions over the years. We wish you well for the future and the very best of luck in your new school.

We would love to see some new faces in September, so if you have an hour to spare 5/6 times in the year, you are more than welcome to come along to our meetings. Remember, every parent is a member of the Parents Association so the more hands on board lightens the load for everyone!

We hope you have a fun filled summer and that the sun shines for us all! See you all in September!

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