Dear Team Captains,September 16, 2011
The 2012 USTA League Tennis season will soon be here. In 2011, Eastern Washington had 2,281 participants out of 24,531 participants in the PNW. This is my eleventh year as your coordinator for Adult, Senior and Super Senior league tennis and Cheryl Lepper’s eighth year as the Mixed Doubles coordinator, and fifth year as coordinator for the Adult Spokane league. This year Elece Fiocchi and I will work together for the AdultTri-Cities league and Elece will take over the Adult Leagues in 2013. Cheryl,Elece and I look forward to another successful year of league tennis.
Lea can be reached at one of the following:
Phone: 509-943-0053Cell Phone: 509-554-2124
Address:1507 Torthay Pl.Richland, WA 99354
Cheryl can be reached at one of the following:
Phone:509-624-9971 Cell Phone: 509-768-4024
Address:524 W 17th Ave. Spokane, WA 99203
Elece can be reached at one of the following:
Phone:509-582-2648Cell Phone: 509-521-9076
Address:712 W 36th Ave. Kennewick, WA 99337
Ratings should be out in late November. We will let you know when they are available.
Cheryl, Elece and I will be contacting captains in December for team signup. If you do not plan to be a team captain in 2012, please pass this letter to someone who might wish to captain a team.
Here are some 2012 dates to remember. Please share these dates with your teammates and other tennis friends:
Adult LeagueLeague play Spokane February 3 -May 6
League play Tri-Cities Men April 13-15
Women April 20-22
League playoffsTri Cities May 18-20
Sectionals Portland August10-12
Mixed DoublesArea ChampionshipsSpokane July13-15 Sectionals Sunriver August 17-19
Senior Mixed DoublesArea ChampionshipSpokane July13-15
SectionalsSunriver August19-21
Senior LeagueArea championships Tri-Cities March 22-25(Thur – Sun)
Sectionals Sunriver June 21-24
Super Senior LeagueArea championships Tri-Cities March 30 - April 1
Sectionals Sunriver June 24-27
One DoublesIndividual PlayLocally May 1 – July 23
PlayoffsSpokane August 3-5
SectionalsTBD Sept 21-23
Super SeventiesPlayoffsTBD TBD
SectionalsSunriver JuneTBD
Nationals for both Adult and Senior Leagues will be between Sept 21 and Oct 30, 2012.
Nationals for Mixed will be in November 2012. I expect nationals for super seniors and senior mixed to be in April 2013.
Listed below are a few of the rules, new and old, that will be effective for the 2012 league season:
1. New last year – Super seniors must play in at least 3 matches through sectionals to be eligible for nationals. Defaults do not count toward eligibility.
2. New last year - If an adult or senior league consists of only two teams in the level of play, each team must maintain its roster with 60% of itsplayers at the designated NTRP level of play.
3. A player may play at his/her rating or 1 level higher. This means a 3.5 rated player may play at the 3.5 and/or 4.0 levels only.
Many people contribute to the success of these leagues, especially the team captains. We hope you will continue to support the USTA League Tennis programs. We look forward to working with you for the 2012 season.
Lea Hawkins, coordinator Eastern Washington Tri Cities Adult, Senior and Super Senior and 70+ Leagues
Cheryl Lepper, coordinator Eastern Washington Mixed Doubles, Spokane Adult and One-Doubles Leagues
Elece Fiocchi, coordinator Eastern Washington Tri-Cities Adult League