curriculum vitae

Personal information
Name / Tankovsky Nikolay Stoianov
Address / Department of Solid State Physics and Microelectronics, Faculty of Physics, 5 James Boucher Blvd., 1164 Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone / office: (359 2)8161859
E-mail /
Nationality / Bulgarian
Date of birth / July 14, 1948
Work/Teaching experience
• Dates (from – to) / 1975-1978
• Name and address of employer / Institute of Optics and Radioelectronics
• Type of business or sector / Applications of lasers
• Occupation or position held / Physicist-constructor
• Main activities and responsibilities / Development of a laser range-meter
• Dates (from – to) / November 1978-January 1982
• Name and address of employer / MoscowStateUniversity, Department of Physics of Oscillations
• Type of business or sector / Scientific research
• Occupation or position held / phD student
• Main activities and responsibilities / Theoretical and experimental study of light diffraction by Surface Acoustic Waves
• Dates (from – to) / June 1982- up to now
• Name and address of employer / University of Sofia, Department of Solid State Physics and Microelectronics
• Type of business or sector / Education
• Occupation or position held / Junior researcher (1982-1991), Associated professor (1991-up to now)
• Main activities and responsibilities / Teaching and scientific research
Education and training
• Dates (from – to) / 1989-1990
• Name and type of organization providing education and training / BochumUniversity, Institute of Experimental Physics
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / Photoacoustics, Thermoelastic excitation of acoustic waves
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)
• Dates (from – to) / November 1978 – January 1982
• Name and type of organization providing education and training / MoscowStateUniversity, Department of Oscillations
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / PhD student
Acoustooptics, Surface Acoustic Waves
• Title of qualification awarded / Doctor
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate) / Doctor
• Dates (from – to) / 1967-1972
• Name and type of organization providing education and training / University of Sofia, Faculty of Physics
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / Optics and Spectroscopy
• Title of qualification awarded / Physicist
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)
• Dates (from – to) / 1962-1967
• Name and type of organization providing education and training / 114 English Language Secondary School
• Principal subjects/occupational
skills covered / English language, General subjects for secondary school
• Title of qualification awarded
• Level in national classification
(if appropriate)
Personal skills
and competences
Acquired in the course of life and career but not necessarily covered by formal certificates and diplomas.
Mother tongue / bulgarian
Other languages
• Reading skills / Very good
• Writing skills / very good
• Verbal skills / very good
• Reading skills / very good
• Writing skills / very good
• Verbal skills / very good
• Reading skills / very good
• Writing skills / good
• Verbal skills / good
Social skills
and competences
Living and working with other people, in multicultural environments, in positions where communication is important and situations where teamwork is essential (for example culture and sports), etc. / Participation in tourist union, Union of the Alexander von Humboldt Fellows in Bulgaria, Bulgarian Physicist Union
Organisational skills
and competences
Coordination and administration of people, projects and budgets; at work, in voluntary work (for example culture and sports) and at home, etc. / conference organization
Technical skills
and competences
With computers, specific kinds of equipment, machinery, etc. / работа с компютри:
-Microsoft Office
-Programming languages C, C++, JAVA
Driving licence(s) / Category B
Annexes: / Scientific Publications


by Nikolay Stoyanov Tankovsky

1. V. Voloshinov, V. Parygin, N. Tankovsky "Acoustooptical interaction at multiple passing of light

through a surface acoustic wave" Proc.of the XI Allunion Conference on Acoustoelectronics and

Quantum Acoustics, Dushanbe, p.211, part I (1981).

2. V. Voloshinov, V. Zaharov, V. Parygin, I. Solodov, N. Tankovsky, "Light diffraction by Surface

Acoustic Waves in lithium niobate"Izv. VUZOV, Radioelectronics, v.25(1), p.14 (1982) (in russian).

3. V. Balakshy, V. Parygin, N. Tankovsky, "Light diffraction by surface acoustic waves in isotropic media"

Radiotechn. i Electron. v.27(3), p.421 (1982) (in russian).

4. V. Parygin, N. Tankovsky, L. Chirkov, "Light diffraction byharmonic acoustic waves in isotropic

media" Radiotechn. i Electron., v.28(7), p.1422 (1982) (in russian).

5. V. Parygin, N. Tankovsky "Diffraction of light, propagating in a planar light waveguide by surface

acoustic wave" Vestn. Moscov. Univ., 3, Physics-Astronomy, v.23(6), p.48 (1982) (inrussian).

6. N. Tankovsky “Acoustooptically regulated light-beam splitter, implemented in amultimode, planar

light-waveguide” Proc. I-st National Conference on Opticsand Laser Techniques, Panagiurishte, p.404,

(1982) (in bulgarian).

7. V. Voloshinov, V. Parygin, N. Tankovsky "Diffraction orders asymetry with light diffraction by SAW" Izvest.VUZOV,Radioelectron., v. 26(8), p.38 (1983) (in russian).

8. V. Voloshinov, V. Parygin, A. Podgornov, I. Solodov, N. Tankovsky “Opticalexamination of the

nonlinear behaviour of SAW” Proc. Moscow Inst. of Energy,p.61, 1983, (in russian)

9. N. Tankovsky, K. Brunzalov, "Acoustooptical study of space evolution of the second harmonic of SAW

in nonlinear media" Dokl. BAN, v. 36(12), p.1511 (1983) (in russian).

10. V. Voloshinov, A. Podgornov, I. Solodov, N. Tankovsky "Optical probing of SAW with a finite

amplitude" Proc.of the Allunion Conference on Acoustoelectronics and Quantum Acoustics, Saratov,

p.177, part II (1983) (in russian).

11. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov, J. Burov "Surface thermoelastic deformations caused by a laser" Revue

Phys. Appl., 19, p.631, (1984).

12. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov "Method for defectoscopy" Bulgarian patent No.37805 from 16.04.1984.

13. N. Tankovsky, V. Parygin "Diffraction of light by acoustic waves"Wave Motion, 7(3), p.245 (1985).

14. N. Tankovsky and D. Ivanov "Photodisplacement imaging - a static regime" Appl.Phys.Lett., 46(7),

p.639 (1985).

15. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov “Two-component thermoelastic transducer of SAW”Proc. II-nd National

Conference on Acoustoelectronics, Plovdiv, p.248, (1985).

16. J. Burov, N. Tankovsky, B. Yordanov “SAW-interference photoacoustics” Proc.II-nd National

Conference on Acoustoelectronics, Plovdiv, p.342, (1985).

17. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov, B. Yordanov “A method for evaluation of the thermalparameters of

isotropic materials” Proc. II-nd National Conference onAcoustoelectronics, Plovdiv, p.151, (1985).

18. Z. Bunzarov, D. Ivanov, N. Tankovsky “Acoustooptical modulator for magnitooptical writing” Proc.

II-nd National Conference on Acoustoelectronics,Plovdiv, p.332, (1985).

19. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov, J. Burov "Two-material junction as a thermoelastic source of surface

acoustic waves" Appl.Phys. Lett. 47(6), p.586 (1985).

20. D. Ivanov, N. Tankovsky, J. Burov, Z. Bunzarov "Thermal wave microscopy with optical detection"

Bulg. Journ. Phys.,12, p.529,(1985).

21. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov, J. Burov "Transducer of surface acoustic waves" Bulgarian patent No 39338

from 17.01.1985.

22. D. Ivanov, N. Tankovsky, K. Brunzalov, J. Burov, Z. Bunzarov “Method forthermalwave microscopy”

Bulgarian patent No 39261 from 19.04.1986.

23. N. Tankovsky, D. Ivanov, B. Yordanov, "Evaluation of the localheat losses in solids through an

optical method" Revue Phys.Appl. 21, p.339 (1986).

24. Z. Bunzarov, J. Burov, D. Ivanov, A. Mitev, N. Tankovsky, B. Yordanov“Computerized photoacoustic

system” Proc. AE’87, Varna, v.1, p.387, (1987).

25. Z. Bunzarov, V. Milushev, A. Mitev, N. Tankovsky, B. Yordanov “Experimentalset-up, measurement

control and data processing system for photoacousticmicroscopy” Proc. AE’87, Varna, v.2, p.225,


26. J. Burov, N. Tankovsky, B. Yordanov "Surface acoustic wave interferometer - a high sensitivity

detector for phase-modulated photoacoustics" Solid State Commun., v.62, 7, p.495 (1987).

27. N. Tankovsky and A. Mitev "Thermoelastic surface deformation - time evolution" Appl.Phys.Lett.,

51(23), p.1892 (1987).

28. N. Tankovsky "Backwards diffraction of light by acoustic waves" Annuaire de l`Univers.Sofia,

v.77,p.28 (1987).

29. N. Tankovsky, B. Yordanov, A. Kebedjiev "Photothermally induced mode interactions in optical

fibers" Photoacoustic andPhotothermal Phenomena, Springer Series in Optics, v.58, p.505,(Springer-

Verlag, 1988).

30. N. Tankovsky, U. Netzelman, U. Krebs, J. Pelzl "Themoelastic coupling at the junction of two bonded

solids", Ultrasonics, v.26, 5, p.291 (1988).

31. N. Tankovsky and B. Yordanov "Thermooptical interactions in optical fibers caused by axial heat-flux

propagation" Journ. of Modern Optics, v.35, 7, p.1245, (1988).

32. N. Tankovsky "Resonant thermoelastic excitation of SAW" Annuaire de l`Univers.Sofia, v79, p.136


33. N. Tankovsky, A. Mitev "Photoacoustic method for evaluation of thermal parameters in solids"

Annuaire de l`Univers. de Sofia, v.79, p.131 (1989).

34. N. Tankovsky, J. Pelzl "Laser excitation of elastic resonances in bonded materials and in optical fibers"

Proc.of Ultrasonics International`89, p.301 (Butterworth Scientific Ltd., 1989).

35. N. Tankovsky, U. Netzelmann and J. Pelzl "Thermoelastic properties of a two-material junction"

Springer Series in Optical Sciences, v.62, Photoacoustic and Photothermal Phenomena II, p.272

(Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, 1990).

36. N. Tankovsky "Thermoelastic response, induced by a line thermal source located at the junction of two

bonded materials" Journ. Appl. Phys.,v.68 (5), p.2002 (1990).

37. N. Tankovsky, J. Pelzl "Electroacoustic effect in capillars containing an electrolyte" in Physical

Acoustics - Fundamentals and Applications, p. 629 (Plenum Press, New York, 1991).

38. N. Tankovsky, J. Burov "Ionic solution electroacoustic transducer" IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium

Proceedings, p.435 v.1, (1993).

39. N. Tankovsky "Electroacoustic effect in electrolytes"J. Appl. Phys. 75(2), p.1239, (1994).

40. N. Tankovsky, J. Burov "Sound generation by electrically driven ions in dilute electrolytes" J. Phys.

Chem. v.98, p.10930, (1994)

41. N. S. Tankovsky "Electromagnetic excitation of ultrasound in electrolytes" Appl. Phys. Lett. v.69(22),

p.3327 (1996)

42.N. Tankovsky, K. Baerner “Concentration dependent electroacoustic spectra of some simple alkali-

halide aqueous electrolytes” Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. v.101 (10), p.1480-84 (1997).

43. N. Tankovsky, K. Baerner “Solvent influence on the electroaocustic excitation of sound in

electrolytes” Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. v.102 (6), p.837-842 (1998).

44. N. Tankovsky “Capacitive ultrasound transducer, based on the electrical double layer in electrolytes”

J. Appl. Phys. v.87(1), p.538-542 (2000).

45. N. Tankovsky, K. Nedev and G. Alexieva ”Influence of charged macromolecules (lysozyme) to

electroacoustic signals excited in a solution” Bulg. Journ. of Physics v.27, Suppl. 3, p.250-254 (2000).

  1. N. Tankovsky “Acoustical nonlinearity of an electroacoustic cell containing electrolyte” J. Acoust. Soc. of America, v.110(1), p.127-134, (2001).
  1. M. Kaack, T. Yohannes, J. Gibkes, J. Pelzl, A. Heckmann, H. Sitepu, W. Schmahl and N. Tankovsky

“Elastic bulk and surface properies of thermally and mechanically cycled NiTi Shape-Memory Alloys” Materials and Science Forum, v.394-395, p. 341-344 (2002).

  1. N. Tankovsky, I. Nikolov, I. Buchvarov and K. Baerner “Optical detection of electroacoustic signals in electrolytes in the low frequency range”, J. Appl. Phys., v.92(12), p.7180-7182 (2002).
  1. N. Tankovsky, I. Nikolov, K. Baerner and I. Buchvarov “Monomode optical fibre as a displacement sensor” J. Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, v.5(1), p. 1-5, (2003).
  1. N. Tankovsky and E. Syrakov “Transient ion fluxes, driven by an external electric field in a thin electrolytic cell with blocking electrodes” J. Phys: Condensed Matter, v.17(7), p.1225-1238, (2005).
  1. N. Tankovsky, E. Syrakov, K. Baerner “Electrostatic forces in an electrolytic cell withblocking electrodes” Annuaire de l’Universite Sofia, v.98, p.91-102, (2005).
  1. N. Tankovsky, K. Baerner and Dooa Abdel Barey “Oscillating bubble as a sensor of low frequency electro-acoustic signals in electrolytes” J. Phys: Condensed Matter, v.18(32), p.7605-7612, (2006).
  1. N. Tankovsky, E. Syrakov and M. Tsankov “Improved dynamics description of transient ion fluxes, driven by external electric field in electrolytic cell” BPU- conference, Istanbul, 22-26 August 2006.
  1. Tankovsky N, Syrakov E (2008) “Transient ion dynamics, forced by external electric field in electrolytic cell with blocking electrodes” Ionics, in print, available online at:
  2. Tankovsky N, Syrakov E (2008) “A modified Einstein-Nernst relation between mobility and diffusion of charges to evaluate the non-equilibrium, transient processes of ions in electrolytes” Ionics, accepted for publication

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TANKOVSKY, Nikolay Stoianov