Sacred Heart Church Newsletter
414 Haviland Drive
Patterson, New York 12563
Rev. Richard Gill, Pastor
Telephone: (845) 279-4832 Email:
Fax: (845) 278-0432
Written by Holley Gerth
Jesus is the gift that perfectly fits every heart
and it is with His love that all celebration starts.
We rejoice in Him as we remember his birth,
And thank God for sending His only Son to earth.
His life led from a manger to a cross on a hill
Where He faithfully followed His Father’s perfect will.
He freely laid down everything so that He could live,
and there is no greater treasure anyone could give.
Like a scarlet ribbon, His love wrapped around the cross
and He offered it to us all at the greatest cost.
So each time that we give gifts,
we remember what He has done
and honor the perfect gift—God’s one and only Son.
Merry Christmas
Sacred Heart Parish has much to celebrate this Christmas season. Through the efforts of our parish administration, our organizations and our very generous parishioners, Sacred Heart has paid down our past debt and finances have become more stable. The ongoing effortsof our Evangelization Committee to strengthen Sacred Heart’s faith community has also resulted in increased mass attendancedespite the suspension of the 8:30 AM mass, and we are hopeful that this trend will continue. We are grateful to those who have been able to adjust their schedules so that they can continue to attend mass as a parish family at Sacred Heart. Please continue to pray and to invite others to join our faith community at Sacred Heart Parish.
Best wishes to all for a happy, healthy 2016!
Christmas Eve
4:00 PM ~ Live Nativity
Christmas Day
8:30 AM
10:30 AM
Our generous parishioners for your increased giving through the Sharing Our Gifts Campaign.
The Catholic Daughters for providing the children with a fun-filled day at their Annual Fall Festival in October.
The Evangelization Committee and the Catholic Daughters for helping the community with their giant Tag Sale in November. The proceeds from this event helped to cover the costs of the excavation and repairs of our church foundation.
Our parish organizations for honoring our veterans with a special blessing and refreshments in November and to our CCD students for making beautiful thank you cards for them.
The Catholic Daughters and the Knights of Columbus for bringing the parish together for a great evening of dining and fun at theFall Murder Mystery Dinnerin November and especially to Al Colella and his wonderful cast for an amazing show. The proceeds from this event covered the purchase of fans for the ventilation systems in the church and parish center.
Our Choir Director for spearheading a fundraiser to purchase new hymnals and our parishioners for your very generous response.
Our parish community for sharing the true spirit of Christmas through yourGiving Tree donations.
Pasta Dinner ~ Saturday, January 23rd
5:00 PM – immediately following the 4:00 PM Mass
(Snow date: Sunday, January 24 at 2:00 PM)
$10/adult ~ $5/child (12 & under)
Look for additional information in the bulletin in January.
Discovering Christ, Following Christ, Sharing Christ
Deepen your relationship with Jesus and with your faith community. This program consists of three sessions. Each session includes 7 evening meetings and a Saturday retreat day. Our next session, DiscoveringChrist, will run during Lent; additional information will be forthcoming in the bulletin in January.
Winter 2015