Great Bentley Parish Council
3 July 2014
Present / Cllr J. Hills (Chair), Cllr B. Herbert, Cllr K. Plummer, Cllrs L McWilliams, Cllr C. Warder, Cllr L. Edwards, R. Taylor and Cllr P. Balbirnie. Also in attendance were 5 member of the public.
Public Questions / The Parish Council was asked to consider spraying herbicide on north side of The Green to kill the weeds but not the grass.
07.14/5.17 / Apologies for absence: Cllr G. Wright.
07.14/5.18 / Minutes of the last meeting: Cllr Plummer proposed the minutes of the meeting held on 5 June 2014. Cllr Herbert seconded the proposal and the minutes were agreed as a true record of proceedings.
The minutes of the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council held on the 1 May 2014 were proposed by Cllr Warder and seconded by Cllr Edwards and agreed as a true record.
07.14/5.19 / Declarations of Interest:
Cllr McWilliams registered an interest agenda item 07.14/5.23e.
07.14/5.20 / Information & Reports:
In Cllr Wright’s absence, he forwarded a report (attached as Appendix A). Following a recent incident of the Green, he asked the Parish Council to consider introducing a policy to prohibit the lighting of ‘Chinese Lanterns’ on Parish Council land. Cllr Edwards proposed it, Cllr Plummer seconded and the motion was carried. The Clerk was asked to amend the Conditions of use accordingly and prepare a press release.
RESOLVED: To prohibit the lighting of Sky (Chinese) Lanterns on Parish Council land.
07.14/5.21 / County and District Councillors Reports:
a) County Councillor – Cllr R Lord. Apologized for missing the last meeting. He noted that road surfacing repair work appears random and he is currently investigating this matter. Cllr Lord is encouraging parish council’s to support each other with regard to the consultation on rural bus routes.
Road safety officers agreed to attend bike night to provide safety info. The plan to replace all of the bus stops in county has now been rejected after it was considered unnecessary. The ‘Meals on Wheels’ service budget is being reduced. Cllr Lord is trying to encourage ECC to repackage the Highway maintenance contract in to smaller bite-size pieces to allow for more competition.
Cllr Balbirnie asked if Cllr Lord would use his influence to assist to resolve the issue relating to the railway bridge on Weeley By-Pass as this remains an issue.
b) District Councillor – Cllr L McWilliams reported that the Older Person’s Crucial Crew will be held on 1-10-14. There are an increasing number of fly-tipping incidents. The preparations for the 2014 Clacton Air Show are well advanced.
07.14/5.22 / Police Community Support Officer (PCSO):
PCSO Cox’s Monthly Incident Report was noted together with the draft principles prepared by Essex Police for inclusion in the PCSO contract. A proposed was made by Cllr Warder and seconded by Cllr Taylor.
RESOLVED: To agree the draft principles and respond to Essex Police asking for a tripartite contract to be prepared.
07.14/5.23 / Other Reports:
a) PCSO Incident Report: Noted.
b) Tendring District Association of Local Councils: No meeting held.
c) Transport: Peter Harry reported that he attended a Transport meeting and provided feedback. Work on installing a raised railway platform commences on 12-07-14.
d) Footpaths: David Gollifer’s report and addendum was noted.
e) Caretaker: Bob McWilliams report was noted.
f) Village Events: None that have not been previously raised.
07.14/5.24 / Correspondence:
a) Veterans Day Function 11-13 July 2014: Noted.
b) Invitation to laying of WW1 commemoration wreath. Noted. A number of councillor’s plan to attend.
07.14/5.25 / Parish Clerk Report:
The Clerk’s report (attached as Appendix B) was noted.
i. The Clerk was asked to add an agenda item for the next meeting regarding the damage to the south side of the Green. Identify the options (e.g. post rail, double-kerb and individual posts) and attempt the get estimate costs.
ii. It was agreed to submit an expression of interest to CIF e.g. metre rate for patching.
iii. The Clerk agreed to attempt to prepare a Parish Emergency Plan for the next meeting of the Council.
iv. Cllr Warder proposed that the TDC offer to empty a litter bin in Station Car Park is accepted. The proposal was seconded by Cllr McWilliams.
RESOLVED: To accept the TDC quotation to regularly empty a litter bin in Station Car Park
The Clerk was asked to organise a tidy of the car park.
07.14/5.26 / Finance Report:
a) An updated monthly expenditure report (attached as Appendix C) was tabled.
b) To approve requests for non-budgeted expenditure. The grant funding to Good Neighbours, Gt Bentley Pre School and the Village Hall was noted.
c) The first quarterly budget report of the 2014/15 year was noted.
Items a), b) and c) above were proposed by Cllr Edwards, seconded by Cllr Plummer and moved together.
07.14/5.27 / Village Green Working Party:
Cllr Herbert’s report (attached as Appendix D) was noted.
It was agreed to get a plumber to fix the leak on the pond standpipe and plumb in allotment tank. In addition, it was agreed to ask Cllr Herbert to apply rat poison in strategic locations on the allotments to address the numbers of rats.
07.14/5.28 / Highways: No matters arising.
07.14/5.29 / Risk Assessments:
Referring to the Risk Register file, Cllr McWilliams suggested that the risk level for ‘asset deeds of ownership’ be increased. The Clerk agreed to do this. With this amendment Cllr McWilliams proposed that the Risk Register as circulated is approved. Cllr Plummer seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the risk register is approved.
07.14/5.30 / Footpaths Nos. 3 and 8:
Members noted that the Highways Department had informed that the footpaths in north Essex are currently being cut-back and that the footpaths in Great Bentley should be attended to this month.
07.14/5.31 / Grass Cutting Policy on the Village Green around the Spinney:
The Chairman proposed that there is a general tidy up of the Spinney. Cllr Edwards seconded the proposal.
RESOLVED: That the grass around the Spinney is cut. The crowns of the trees are lifted and the debris is removed.
The Clerk was asked to ascertain whether the Conservation Group managing the area behind the Spinney?
07.14/5.32 / Specification for Allotments Access Road Fence:
There was some debate about the draft specification. The Chairman agreed to forward to the Clerk a suitable specification.
07.14/5.33 / 2014/15 Winter Salt Bag Partnership Scheme:
RESOLVED: To participate in the ECC Winter Salt Bag Partnership Scheme in 2014/15.
07.14/5.34 / Proposed Wind Turbine at High Barns:
It was noted that the planning application has yet to be submitted and that it is now expected imminently. It was agreed to give consideration to whether it may be necessary to schedule an EGM with STOP.
07.14/5.35 / Tendring District Local Plan – Statement of Community Involvement (SCI):
Members noted the contents of the document and agreed there are no objections.
07.14/5.36 / Fly a Flag for the Commonwealth - 9 March 2015:
The Council noted the contents of this initiative.
07.14/5.36 / Future Agenda Items:
Members will wish to consider any developments regarding the High Barns wind turbine proposal and the Sturrick Farm housing development proposal.
Public Question’s: The Chairman invited questions.
1) Report of vehicle sightline obstructed on Dial Road. Agreed to ask the ‘verges’ contractor to clear all sightlines but not the hedges.
2) Request to report hedge on Plough Road from the Cinder Path to village sign at Aingers Green to Highways.
3) The issue of parking on the green on Larksfield Road was raised. The Clerk agreed to write to the developer.
4) Potholes in Larksfield Road (near Val Gillis). She agreed to forward photo to me.
5) Public footpath in Birch Av. Fences fallen in on both sides. It was noted that Highways should identify this when the footpaths are cut in the next few weeks.
6) It was noted that the Conservation Group has not planted seeds behind the Spinney as anticipated.
7) A request for the PCSO to have a word with the driver of the commercial vehicle that sometimes parks on the Green.
Late Report Agenda Item 07.14/5.20
Report of Cllr G. Wright
George gave his apologies for not attending the Parish Council meeting this evening he has been called away at short notice. He wanted me to report a number of items that he would have raised had he attended.
1. Footpath No. 6 has recently been cleared by David Gibbon.
2. Cllr Wright has sprayed the Green with Herbicide as requested on the Tuesday before the Carnival.
3. He received a number of complaints relating to people lighting Chinese Lanterns on The Green last night. It appears that it was a family holding a memorial for a family member. The local farmers are all very concerned about this activity. Cllr Wright wants clarification on the Parish Council policy regarding this activity on Parish Council land. If there is no policy to prohibit this activity on Parish Council land if wants the Parish Council to consider introducing one as a matter of urgency.
4. With regard to the draft principles for inclusion in the PCSO contract prepared by Essex Police that were circulated to Council members. He is satisfied with them and would like Essex Police to proceed to prepare the contract for signature.
5. Cllr Wright has recently spoken with Paul Albert Hedges III, Henry Stocks and Mr Summers. They traditionally brought their fair to Gt Bentley every September but not in the last few years. They have expressed an interest in coming back to Gt Bentley. Comments please?
3 July 2014
1. Double Highway Kerb Quotation
Further to a request to obtain a quotation to double-kerb approximately 50m of the perimeter of the Green between Station Road and Plough Road, after some difficulty I have now obtained an estimate.
I am informed that it is £30/m2 for normal kerbstones. However, he thinks that the area may have a special conservation kerbstone and if so, the price would be in the region of £60/m2. So, the work would cost either £1,800 or for conservation kerbstones £3,600.
2. Community Initiatives Fund (CIF)
Earlier this year, I was asked to investigate the possibility of securing funding to improve the surface of the car park. I have been informed by CIF that this is the type of project that they would consider funding but that expressions of interest need to be submitted by the end of August.
At this stage, I have no indication how much the work would cost but suspect it would be more than the £20,000 limit of the CIF fund.
3. Community Resource Centre Intruder Alarm
After a couple of false alarms, a maintenance engineer attended to check the office alarm. He found no fault and serviced it. There has been no problem since.
4. Village Emergency Plan
I am afraid I have been unable to prepare the draft Village Emergency Plan for the meeting this month as agreed and plan to submit it to your next meeting.
5. Proposal to locate a litter bin in Station Car Park
Further to the proposal to locate a litter bin in Station Road Car Park, I contacted TDC. It has been confirmed that the cost for emptying litter bins depends on frequency, twice weekly which is the least frequent option would be £60.22 per year. This cost is subject to yearly uplift for inflation.
Clerk to Great Bentley Parish Council
Green Report 0714
There was no meeting this month.
Spinney Two years ago The Conservation Group requested that an area 5m swathe around the perimeter of The Spinney was left uncut and the Parish Council agreed to this.
Last year it caused so much consternation from other users of The Green that we decided to cut it earlier than we had intended. We ruled at that time that it would be cut at the PCs discretion in future. The time to decide is with us again, with people worrying about litter, dog mess, adders and not being able to see through The Spinney.
Pond There is quite a serious leakage of water from the standpipe at the pond, but only when the tap is on. We need professional help to put it right.
Footpaths Further to my recent email about the footpaths, I have been to inspect Footpath No 3 and concluded that it will take 2 days for two of us to clear the way through. We need permission from the PC before we tackle this one.
Christmas Tree Ground Socket The metal tub socket that we use to put the Christmas Tree into is usually capped with a piece of timber and covered with earth. Somehow, that had recently been removed and an elderly lady reported falling partly into the hole. I have investigated but I still have no idea how this may have occurred. A cover has now been placed on the ground over the socket.