SLO Cycle Assessment Form
Please type on this form. Do not submit handwritten forms.
Course: ESL 15 Listening and Speaking / Semester data collected: Fall 2012 / Date this form was completed: November 14, 2012# of sections offered: 6 / # of sections assessed: 4 / Data Collected from: (Check all that apply)
FT Faculty ___x___ PT Faculty __x____
Day ___x___ Evening _____ Hybrid/Online_____ Weekend______
1. People involved in summarizing & evaluating data (minimum of two) / Julie Craven/Sydney Rice
2. Please list the SLO that was assessed. Include the description listed on the course record of outline. / SLO 3: The students will apply pronunciation rules for (ed) endings in the past forms of regular verbs in aural discrimination activities.
3. Data results
Briefly summarize the data. (Please see instructions). / The assessment had ten responses. Rice’s class: 18 students with an average score of 9 out of 10. (162/18) No consistent pattern of error
Kuschnik’s class: 13 students with a 73% average. Two out of thirteen had 100%
Craven’s classes: morning class: 8.6 average
Afternoon class: 8.65 average No consistent pattern of error
4a. Course/Program Improvements
Please describe what change(s) you plan to implement based on the above results
4b. Will this include a change to the curriculum (i.e., course outline)?
No x / There was no consistent pattern of error on the assessments. This SLO needs to be changed to focus on something more global. This is a very discrete point, and though important, we don’t spend a lot of time on it. Pronunciation is a small focus in the book as compared to longer listening passages and speaking exercises. It would be better for us to see how prepared students are to transition into college courses by evaluating more global listening skills, such as through dictation, which would be used in a more real world way.
5. How did the SLO(s) contribute to student acquisition of the Institutional Learning Outcome(s) (ILOs)?
For example, if ILO #1 (communication skills) was identified as being related to this SLO, then please write a sentence or two supporting the relationship.
IVC’s 5 ILOs:
ILO1 = Communication Skills
ILO2 = Critical Thinking Skills
ILO3 = Personal Responsibility
ILO4 = Information Literacy
ILO5 = Global Awareness / Students have difficulty pronouncing the past tense of regular verbs and regular participial adjectives. When speaking, they can be unclear because of this. It is important for the students to know the rules governing the correct pronunciation of these verbs and adjectives so that they can clearly speak and read out loud in English, and, as a result, improve their communication skills. Students must use critical thinking skills to apply these rules when speaking or reading out loud.
6. Next Steps
Was the process effective? Will you change the outcome/assessment (e.g., alter the SLO, assessment, faculty discussion process, strategy for providing SLO to students)?
If so, how? / The process was effective in that it enabled students to understand and have the ability to apply rules that govern clear pronunciation in English. There are more important SLO’s to focus on, however.
7. After Thoughts
Feel free to celebrate, vent, or otherwise discuss the process / One of the part time teachers teaching this class has never responded to my emails in relationship to this process.
For instructions on how to fill out this form, click here:
SLO Cycle Assessment Form Guidelines
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