This form contains two sections. The first section of this template is instructions to the applicant on how to complete the application form. The actual application to be completed by the applicant is below, entitled “MozaCaju Matching Grant Application Form,” starting with the MozaCaju and TechnoServe logos.
Section I (Basic Information). TheApplicant provides basic contact information and information regarding the status of the organization.
Items 1-2:Organization’s name, date organization was founded, and current registration status.
Item 3:Contact Information— Contact name, title, address, telephone, fax, e-mail, etc. The contact person is responsible for communications between MozaCaju and the Applicant. This applies to all aspects of the proposed MozaCaju supported project, from initial application, negotiation, award, and close out. The individual must have full authority and responsibility to act on behalf of the Applicant. The individual should also be someone who will be directly involved with the MozaCaju project.
Item 4: Organizational Structure— List board members (or founding members if you do not have a formal board of directors) and key staff (president, directors, treasurer, etc). If available, please attach an organizational chart.
Item 5:Briefly describe the organization and its activities — Should introduce the Applicant and its background: how it was formed, its mission or purpose, major accomplishments in the area of the targeted activity, current activities, past experience, and clients. This section must not exceed 2 pages in length.
Item 6:References—List references here. List three professional references,international donor references (USAID, DFID, USDA, United Nations, etc), if you have received donor funding ever in the past, and Government of Mozambique references, if you have received a Government of Mozambique grant at any time in the past. Be sure to provide complete information, including a point of contact, with telephone and email address.
Section II (Project Description). The Applicant describes overarching project elements such as objective of the proposed project and the linkage to MozaCaju’s objectives, and desired results/targets. This section must not exceed 10 pages in length.
Item 7:Business Proposal Title—The title given to the activity should relate to the proposed project objective.
Item 8:Strategic Fit – The MozaCaju program is soliciting applications for multiple types of cashew production and/or processing activities that fit into the project´s strategic objectives. Indicate which of the objectives the proposed activity best fits. More than one box may be ticked, if appropriate.
Item 9:Objective – Briefly state the objective of the proposed project. Describe how the project will aid your business and the cashew sector as a whole (if applicable) and what the expected tangible results are.
Items 10:Project Detail – Provide a detailed description of the proposed project, including how the activity links to MozaCaju objectives, and the expected results. This section must not exceed 5 pages in length. Describe any relevant material assumptions made and/or conditions or precedent required for the achievement of the project objective. Please keep in mind the evaluation criteria contained in the RFA.
Section III (Program Implementation Plan). This section covers information regarding activity implementation, including proposed personnel and descriptions of each task. This should be the most detailed section and must not exceed 10 pages in length, depending on the nature of the project and individual tasks involved.
Item 11:Anticipated duration should be stated with a degree of accuracy of plus or minus fourweeks. If approved, the approval process may take approximately 30 days, so factor this into your estimated start date.
Item 12:Main phasesof the activity—We are requesting applicants to discuss the main phases required to complete the proposed project in this section (and detailed in Annex 1). This sectionshouldbe supported by Annex 1 - Implementation Plan Timeline, listing all identified main phasesand their anticipated results (if applicable)over the duration of the activity.. Please include all main phases proposed under the proposed project:
Task # / Title
1.Task description
2.Cost share/match resources committed/promised
3.Start and end dates
4.Person(s) responsible
5.Milestone or indicator of achievement (if applicable)
6.Targets (if applicable)
Each phaseshouldbe:
- Significant project phases, rather than minor/individual tasks
- Complete, sound and understandable
- Supporting the overall objective of the project
- Integrated and scheduled with dependent phases
- Assigned to a responsible party
- Concluded with a viable milestone of achievement. Please note: some phases will not have a specific achievement other than overall completion of the project. However, for phases that do result in a quantifiable impact on the business (example: increased staff hired or increased processing/production capacity) or the cashew sector (example: establishment of a new export market), we would like that detailed so as to measure individual phase and overall project success.
The phaseslisted shouldshow a logical, thoughtful approach to the overall implementation plan. Phasesshould describe actions and be logically sequenced. The Applicant should also describe any relevant material assumptions made and/or conditions or precedent required for the achievement of the tasks.
Item 13:Applicant lists the location(s) of the activity, adding rows as needed.
Item 14:Applicant lists the personnel who will be involved in implementing the proposedMozaCaju project. Attach updated CVs for all personnel named in this section.Their professional experience will be used to evaluate your application.
Section IV (Experience and Capacity).
Item 15:Applicant should describe past experience or on-going carrying out similar technical activities. This is an important factor in assessing the capacity of the applicant to implement the proposed project. If the applicant does not have similar experience, state that here and describe any other relevant qualifications that will allow you to successfully implement the project.
Section V (Cost). This is a summary of the information provided in the application budget forms, and includes total funding required for the proposed project, and the applicant’scash or in-kind contributions (cost-sharing/match) for the project.. Applicant also describes any other US Government funding they are currently receiving for other purposes.
Item 16:Detailed cost of this activity (amount requested from MozaCaju and the amount to be contributed by the applicant (cost share/match)).
Item 17:Discuss the cost share being proposed. A 50% cost share/match will be considered competitive. This can be met in the form of cash or other contributions from the business (“in-kind contributions”). Cost share is the contribution that the applicant will provide from its own funds/resources to the proposed MozaCaju project. Cost share can be in the form of cash or in-kind use of resources, such as staff time, use of existing equipment, etc. If cash, indicate where the cash is coming from (cash on hand, bank loans, other financing, etc). If in-kind resources will be contributed, please indicate the value of the use of those resources and provide a justification for the valuation.
Item 18:Indicate if you have an existing relationship with a recognized bank in Mozambique and provide a reference. Indicate if you have received loans or a line of credit from the bank and how long your relationship with the bank has been in existance.
Applications must be supported by Annex 2 - Detailed MozaCaju ProjectBudget.This Excel budget template, when properly completed, reviewed, and approved by MozaCaju, will serve as the mutually agreed-upon guide for activity financial management. All project costs must be identified. Cost data must be accurate; proposed amounts should not be unrealistically high or low.
It is important that the budget clearly indicate where specific project funds are to come from (from MozaCaju/USDAor the applicant’s cost-sharing/match contribution). Budgeted amounts must also be supported by justification, and the applicant must be able to provide such backup to MozaCaju if requested.
Note: The application must be signed by an authorized agent of the Applicant.
This application is in response to MozaCaju RFA No.______
Section I. Basic Information
- Organization name:
- Date organization was founded and registration status:
- Contact information:
Key contact person(s) and title:
Office address: / Office phone:
Mobile: / Fax:
Email: / Website (if applicable):
- Organizational Structure and Staff – List board members (or founding members if you do not have a formal board of directors) and key staff (president, directors, treasurer, etc). If available, please attach an organizational chart.
Please also indicate total number of full time and part time employees, including the number of women in each category
Board Members:
Name / Title / ContactKey Staff
Name / Title / Contact / Years of Management ExperienceTotal Staff
Full Time / Part Time/IrregularMen / Women / Men / Women
- Describe the organization, its purpose, and past experience, including non-cashew related activities (if applicable):
- List contact information for three (3) references. If the organization has received funding from international donors (USAID, USDA, DFID, United Nations, etc) and/or received a grant from the Government of Mozambique, please complete the two “if applicable” sections, in addition to the required professional references.
Professional References:
Reference Name / Relationship / Contact Tel.International Donor References (if applicable):
Donor / Project Title / Period of Assistance / Value of FundingGovernment of Mozambique Grant Reference (if applicable):
Description of Grant / Ministry/Department / Contact Person and Tel. # / Value of FundingSection II. Program Description
- Title of the business proposal:
- Indicate whether your proposed activity fits into one (or multiple) of the MozaCaju strategic objectives below, by ticking the appropriate box(s). Tick all that directly apply:
Expansion of core business operations
Adaption of innovative technology
Traceability of RCN source
Engagement with producer communities
Improvement of worker well-being
Other (explain below)
- Objective of the proposed project. How will the proposed project assist your business and/or the Mozambique cashew sector and what is the intended result?:
- Describe the proposed project and expected results in detail:
Section III. Implementation Plan
- Anticipated duration of the project:
Overall length (total number of months)
Start and end dates (day, month, and year)
- Summarize the main steps/phases required to complete the project in the space below. Describe how success will be defined under the proposed project. What are the projected targets/outcomes? Provide a narrative of the implementation plan and expected results here. This narrative must be accompanied by Annex 1 - Implementation Plan Timeline, which will provide detail of each main phase.
- Location(s) of the activity (add rows as needed).
# / Community / City / Province
- List personnel who will be directly involved in implementing this project.Updated CVs for each personnel should be attached to the application.
Name / Title / Estimated Number of Hours Per Week for MozaCaju Project / Years of Experience / CV Attached?
Section IV. Experience and Capacity
- Describe the organization’s experience implementing similar projects (if any):
Section V. Cost
Note: All applications must be supported by the attached Annex 2 - Detailed ProjectBudget.
- Cost in MZN per the attached budget:
(a) Amount requested from MozaCaju project: / MZN ______
(b) Value of Cost Share/Match: / MZN ______
Total Estimated MozaCaju Project Cost (a) + (b): / MZN ______
- Discuss the form of the cost share/match (cash, in-kind?) and its source (bank loans, existing capital, etc?):
- Does the applicant have history with a reputable bank in Mozambique (loans, lines of credit, etc)? If so, please indicate below and in what capacity and provide a bank reference:
Bank Reference:
Name / Title / ContactBy affixing my signature below, I certify that to the best of my knowledge, the information provided in this application is accurate and correct:
Submitted by (name and title): ______
Signature: ______Date: ______
Affix Company Stamp Here
ANNEX 1 – Implementation Plan Timeline
Project PhaseList each phase. Please be as specific as possible. Use additional pages if necessary. / 12 Month Timeline
Place an X in the appropriate box(s) to indicate when phase will take place. Month 1 is the first month of planned project, not necessarily January. (Add more month columns if necessary) / Person(s) Responsible
Who is responsible for overseeing and implementing the phase? / Evaluation Indicators and Milestones
How will you measure the success of the phase? Not all phases will include a milestone, but please include, if applicable. / Targets
If your evaluation indicator/milestone is measureable, list the target here.
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11 / 12
ANNEX 2– Detailed MozaCaju Project Budget
(See separate Attachment C for Excel Budget Template)
ANNEX 3 – Financial Viability Template
(See separate Attachment E for the Financial Viability Template)