MINUTES Minutes 32

Of the

Army Health Services Historical Research Group Meeting

Held 17NOV09 at 1800

At the Naval, Military and Air Force Club of South Australia Inc.

Attendees: COL B Perks (Chair), COL S Cameron (Minute Secretary), COL D Beard, COL M Jelly, GP CAPT C Verco, COL R Beal, Mr L Tyner.

Apologies:, COL A Summers (Treasurer) COL B Mollison, COL Aiello, COMD A Swain, LTCOL S Kuusk, MAJ R Melbourne, COL P Byrne, COL P Thomas, COL R Carter, LTCOL J Shepherd.

1.  Minutes of previous meeting (20OCT09)

The Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record.

2.  Business and Actions arising from Minutes

2.1  Website

There is ongoing development of the internal and external websites driven by J Straskye.

2.2  Contacts with retired RAAMC members:

2.2.1 SGT KC Davies

The interview with COL Beard is well in hand. A form of release for COL Beard’s Military record ex CARO has been drafted and signed.

2.2.5 SGT John Davis

The Chair is finalizing a letter for the Davis family.

2.2.6 D O Crompton

COL J Crompton is overseas presently and he will contact the Chair on his return.

2.3  Other Matters

2.3.1  SA Branch RAAMC Assoc.

AGM to be held at 3HSB early next year. Fifteen members to date.

2.3.2  Memorabilia held at 3HSB and Warradale

CDs have yet to be distributed.

2.3.3  Group strategy and budget 2009/2010

This item was held over.

2.3.4  2/6th Fd Amb book

No progress

2.3.5  MAJ Clark’s Photos

COL Jelly is attempting to allocate names to personnel depicted. Copying is in progress.

2.3.6  MAJ Laurie

No further news.

2.3.7 AGM and Dinner

Format as for last year. Dinner will be in the Air Force room. Nomination forms for Group committee positions will be circulated.

2.3.7  Curriculum Vitae

GP CAPT C Verco has lodged his CV!

2.3.8 COL Beard’s eulogy

COL Beard will provide a copy.

3.  Correspondence


4.  Treasurer’s Report

Awaiting COL Summers’ return from overseas leave.

5.  New Business

5.1  The meeting calendar was accepted

5.2  The Chair reported on Corps matters including:

5.2.1  MAG GEN Alexander is now HOC and Comd JHC.

5.2.2  The position of 291 Combat Med Attendant is to be abolished. They can’t be trained.

5.2.3  There are to be Med Asst at platoon level in all inf Bn.

5.2.4  The new RAAMC painting ‘From Sudan to Afghanistan’ was displayed at Tony Gill’s farewell at Bandianna.

5.2.5  COL Perks as the retiring Representative Honorary Colonel donated a half size reproduction of this painting to the Corps for use by States for their formal occasions.

5.2.6  COL Perks reported that the RAAMC Corps fund is now making good progress and has seen an increase in funds in the last two years.

5.3  It was suggested that an attempt be made to hold a Joyner trophy golf day before next winter.

6.  Date of Next Meeting

AGM on 15DEC09, next ordinary meeting 2FEB10.

7.  Close

Meeting closed and seven members stayed for dinner.

