15689 U.S. Highway 19 North; Thomasville, Georgia 31792-9960

(229) 225-4096;




INFORMATION: SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege is conducting this survey to gather information that will improve our understanding of the needs of Business and Industry and of the residents of our service area.

The information will:

-identify current and future community needs for new and/or expanding programs; - determine needs for programs/services improvement; and

-provide information on how we can best serve you, our customer.

This information will be used:

-as the College makes requests to the State for funding new and/or expanding programs; and

-as the College plans for improvement in programs and services.

INSTRUCTIONS: Please complete the survey and return in the enclosed self-addressed/postage paid envelope. The desired date for return is two weeks after receipt.Your response is very important to SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege. You will be helping the College become an even more vital and positive force in your community.

We thank you for your assistance. Results of this survey will be available upon request. Should you have questions regarding the survey or its use, please contact

Dr. Debbie Goodman, Director of Institutional Effectiveness, at 229-225-3978.



I. The area of training currently provided by SWGTC that is useful to my business includes: (Circle all that apply.)

Associate Degree Programs
2.Administrative OfficeTechnology
3.Agricultural Technology
4.Applied Business Technology
5.Associate Degree in Nursing
6.Construction & Forestry Technology
7.Criminal Justice
8.Early Childhood Care & Education
9.Medical Assisting
10.Medical Laboratory Technology
11.Microcomputer Specialist
12.Networking Specialist
13.Radiologic Technology
14.Respiratory Care Technology
15.Surgical Technology
16.Technical Studies
Diploma Programs
18.Air Conditioning Technology
19.Applied Business Technology
20.Automotive Technology
21.Business Office Technology
23.Criminal Justice
24.Drafting Technology
25.Early Childhood Care & Education
26.Electronics Technology
27.Industrial Electrical Technology
28.Medical Assisting
29.Microcomputer Specialist / Diploma Programs cont.
30.Networking Specialist
31.Paramedic Technology
32.Pharmacy Technology
33.Practical Nursing
34.Surgical Technology
35.Welding and Joining Technology
Technical Certificates of Credit
36.3D Animation Specialist
37.Application Software Specialist
38.Architectural Specialist
39.Auto CAD Technician
40.Auto Electrical Technician
41.Auto Heating/AC Technician
42.Auto Transmission / Transaxle Technology
43.Basic Air Conditioning
44.Basic NT Network Specialist
45.Basic Refrigeration Fundamentals
46.Brakes Technician
47.Certified Customer Service Specialist
48.CISCO CCNASpecialist
49.CISCO CCNP Specialist
50.Clinical Assistant
51.Combination Production Welding
52.Commercial Refrigeration
53.Emergency Medical Technician-Basic
54.Emergency Medical Technician-Intermediate
55.Engine Performance Technician
56.Engine Repair Technician / Technical Certificates of Credit cont.
57.General Office Assistant
58.Health Care Assistant
59.Heavy Equipment Repair Technician
60.Lawn Equipment & Small Engine Repair
61.Mechanical Specialist
62.Medical Records Coding
63.Medical Transcriptionist
64.Motor Controls & ProgrammableLogic Controllers
65.Patient Care Assisting
66.Preparation for A+ Certification
67.Pressure Vessel Welding
68.Residential Wiring
69.Structural Steel Welding
70.Suspension & Steering Technician
71.Unit Secretary
72.Web Site Design Specialist
73.Web Site Fundamentals
Special Training Programs
74.Adult Literacy
75.Certification/Re-Certification CPR/First Aid
76.Computer Software Courses
77.Required CEU Programs
i.e.Electrical/Plumbing/ Engineering, etc.
78.Customized Training through Economic Development Programs
79.Quick Start
80.Other (list) ______

II.What additional associate degree programs, diploma programs, and/or technical certificate of credit programs do you need SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege to offer?



III.Do you employ SWGTC graduates?Yes ______No ______

If “yes,” are you generally satisfied with their job performance?Yes ______No ______

IV.Do you have difficulty finding qualified applicants?Yes ______No ______

If “yes,” why? (Check all reasons below that apply.)

_____ 1.Applicants lack resume and interview skills.

_____ 2.Applicants do not have the basic skills we need.

_____ 3.Applicants do not have the technical skills we need.

_____ 4.Other (specify) ______

V.Do you have difficulty keeping qualified employees?Yes ______No ______

If “yes,” why? (Check all reasons below that apply.)

_____ 1.Employees do not have appropriate people or interpersonal skills.

_____ 2.Our wage rate may not be competitive with other employers who employ the same type of applicant.

_____ 3.Employees lack desirable characteristics for a positive work environment, i.e., work ethics (attendance, dependability, etc.) and safety.

_____ 4.Our technology has changed, and our employees do not have the skills to perform the new job requirements.

_____ 5.Other (specify) ______

VI.What skills do you find lacking in job applicants or in your current employees? (Check all that apply.)

____Measuring Instruments / ____Computer Literacy
____Communication (written)
____Communications (oral) / ____Social Skills
____Customer Service
____Critical Thinking / ____Other: (please specify)

VII.Are you interested in SWGTC providing customized training for your employees?Yes ______No ______

If “yes,” Check which of the following types of training and methods apply. (Check all that apply.)

____ 1.Upgrade present workforce____ 6.Evening training

____ 2.Retrain present workforce____ 7.Saturday training

____ 3.Training at company site____ 8.On-line training

____ 4.Training at SWGTC facilities____ 9.Other

____ 5.Daytime training

If “Other,” please identify:______


VIII.Please check any of the following workshops and/or seminars that would serve your needs in the future:

____ OSHA Requirements Training____ Customer Service____Other (specify below)

____ Employee Involvement/Team Skills ____ Safety______

____ Supervisor/Management Training____ Maintenance______

____ Computer Skills/Software____ CPR/First Aid______

____ Industry-Specific Seminars/Certifications (describe below)

If “Computer Skills/Software” is checked, please list specific computer training needs:

IX.List the jobs for which you consistently haveX.List the jobs that are most difficult to fill,

the most frequent openings, beginning withbeginning with the most difficult.

the most frequent.

1. ______1. ______

2. ______2. ______

3. ______3. ______

XI.List new jobs you project will be required during the next three to five years in your business.

1. ______3. ______

2. ______4. ______

XII.In the space below please list training services provided to you by SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege. Then, rate the quality of each service provided using the scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being low and 5 being high.













How do you obtain information on what programs and services SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollegeoffers? (Check all that apply.)

____Newspaper advertisement

____Television commercial

____Radio advertisement

____SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege printed schedule of classes


____SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege employee

____SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege student

____SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege web-site

____Other (list)______


Name of Company

Number of Employees




Person Responding


Telephone Number

Type of Business

Training Manager

E-mail Address

Human Resource Manager

Check the box to the right if you would like to receive a copy of the results of this survey.

SouthwestGeorgiaTechnicalCollege is interested in your business and industry training needs. Your input is important and will be included in our future planning. Please return this survey in the enclosed envelope within two weeks of receipt.

H:\IES\Surveys\Business and Industry Survey\Business and Industry Survey FY 2005\Bus-Ind_Survey-Instrument 8-04.doc