Name: ______Date:______Period: ______
Chapter 13, “Virginia Beach,” p. 127-131
* At the McCandless Virginia Beach home, there is regret that they did not allow Chris to take Carine's dog, Buck, with him.
* Carine is married and long ago reconciled with her parents.
* When word came about Chris, it was Carine and her husband who flew to Alaska to claim Chris's ashes.
* Krakauer suggests that Chris's actions were understandable but not justifiable: “Such bereavement, witnessed at close range, makes even the most eloquent apologia (defense) for high-risk activities ring fatuous (meaningless) and hollow.”
Chapter 14, The Stikine Ice Cap, p. 133-144
* Here is where Krakauer interjects his own experience when at the age of twenty-three, he decides to scale a mountain called the Devils Thumb alone.
* Unable to afford plane fare to village of Petersberg, accessible only by boat or plane, Krakauer abandons his vehicle and goes on a boat as a temporary member of the crew.
* The beauty of the snowy terrain and clear sky is intensified for him, and the towering mountains seem more menacing than they would if he had company.
* Krakauer's joy dissipates when he comes to an impassable section of the northern wall of the mountain and has to descend.
Chapter 15, The Stikine Ice Cap, p. 145-156
* After the failure, Krakauer lost his desire to climb the Thumb, but the prospect of returning in defeat spurs him onward.
* Krakauer describes his father as volatile and brash with deep insecurities which prevented him from ever admitting fault.
* When family secrets came to light revealing his father's weaknesses, Jon could not accept his father's hypocrisy, and he was unable to forgive his father his human weaknesses.
* In spite of many odds, including the stormy weather, Jon reaches the summit of Devil's Thumb.
* His reality sank in from the reactions of others to his feat and he began to change his ideas.
Into the Wild Reading Assignment #8: Chapter 16, “The Alaska Interior”
1. perambulation:
2: ruminate:
3. After Chris was stranded, who took him to Fairbanks?Why was it a risky move? What eventually convinced him to pick up Chris and take him the whole way?
4. Describe the Teklanika River when Chris crosses it: ______
What does Krakauer say will happen to the river in two months? What causes this to happen?
5. Discuss Chris’s “Declaration of Independence” (163) and how it provides a climax to “Alex’s” journey.
6. List 3 things Chris does over the next six weeks. What (that he did not realize) slows him down?
7. In the last week of May, after moving his few possessions into the bus, McCandless wrote a list of housekeeping chores down. What are they?
Short term / Long term8. Explain the hunting disaster and what happened: what did he kill? Why was it a disaster?
9. Chris marks a passage from what book that shows he may have been ready to return to civilization? List 2 quotes from this passage that support the idea that he may have been ready to leave the wilderness.
10. Why isn’t Chris able to leave the wild? ______
How does he feel by the end of ch. 16? Include a quotation to support your answer: ______
What is an allusion? (look it up)
What does “crossing his Rubicon” mean? What is it an allusion to?