Forcible Entry, February 2013
Overview and Purpose
1. Firefighters should have a working knowledge on how to force entry at emergency events.
2. It is important that firefighters are proficient at gaining entry to a structure that has a fire and/or persons trapped.
3. Firefighters will learn body mechanics through numerous repetitions on inward/outward swinging doors.
Cognitive Objectives
1. Discuss inward swinging doors.
2. Discuss outward swinging doors.
3. Discuss commercial doors vs. residential doors.
4. Discuss forcible entry tools.
a. Married set, K-12 saw, rabbit tool, K-Tool, etc.
5. Describe situations where forcible entry is needed.
6. Describe the forcible entry sequence from arrival on scene to gained access in the building.
7. Discuss communication between the members of the crew.
Affective Objectives
1. Explain how to safely and professionally gain entry into structures.
2. Explain why proper technique and correct identification of the door construction is vital to a successful entry.
3. Explain different routes of entry than entry through a conventional door.
4. Be an advocate for safe and appropriate forcible entry.
Psychomotor Objectives
1. Perform “shocking” the door.
2. Perform “gap, set, force” of the door.
3. Perform gaining entry to an inward swinging door.
4. Perform gaining entry to an outward swinging door.
Scope and Sequence of the Lesson
1. Class will begin with an overview of equipment and introduction to the forcible entry prop features.
2. The instructor will demonstrate how to safely/properly operate using the tools discussed in the overview.
3. Students will be shown different methods for gaining entry into inward and outward swinging doors.
4. Students will be given ample opportunity to practice gaining entry in a very basic setting.
5. After each member is comfortable with the skills, the forcible entry prop will be maneuvered and students will be given a more challenging scenario for gaining entry.
a. Zero visibility, confined areas, hallways, stairs, etc.
1. Class will conclude once each member has been through the scenario and is comfortable safely operating with the tools and equipment used to gain entry.
2. Equipment will be cleaned and inspected prior to placing back in service.
1. Forcible entry door prop
2. Married sets (2)
3. K-tool
4. Rabbit tool
5. Hearing protection
6. Eye protection