Cancellation of Fitness First Contract

This template letter can be used to formally cancel your Fitness First contract, without having to attend the club in person.

You need to adapt the letter to your personal circumstances by filling in all the places marked in [red].

You should keep a copy of the final letter you send.

Don’t forget to change all the red text to automatic/black once you’ve finished - and delete this box!

[Insert your contact address]

[Insert Today’s Date]

Fitness First [Insert location of your club]

[Insert Address of your Fitness First Club]

Dear Fitness First[Insert location of your club]

[Your Name]

Membership Number: [ ]


On [Insert start date – should be listed on your Application Form] I commenced a membership contract (“contract”) at Fitness First [Insert location of your club](“club”). My contract was for a minimum period of [one or 12] months, and expired on [date].

In accordance with clause 14.1 of the contract, I am now entitled to terminate the contract (provided that I give you 30 days notice).

Please be advised that I wish to terminate the contract and that this correspondence shall serve as my termination notice.

Under clause 14.2(a) the contract states:

Your termination notice must be in writing (preferably on a form supplied by us) and delivered to your club

This termination notice is both in writing and has been delivered to your club. Therefore, this termination notice fulfils all requirements for a termination notice, as set out by the contract.

Under clause 14.2(b) of the contract, the 30 day notice period is deemed to commence either:

(1)upon my receipt of written notification from you that you have received this termination notice (being not later than 14 days from the date you receive this termination notice), or

(2)immediately following my next direct debit payment under the contract,

whichever is the sooner.

Please be advised that I will consider the contract terminated following the expiration of the 30 day notice period as defined by (1) or (2) above, and I request that you arrange for my direct debits to be cancelled from that date onwards.

I look forward to receiving your written receipt of this termination notice and advice that you have terminated the direct debit arrangement from the appropriate date.

Yours sincerely

[Sign your name here]

[Insert your Typed Name here]