
Monday, February 19, 2018

Congratulations to Brandon Bloomquist for placing 6th at State Wrestling.

Congratulations to the Dance Team for placing 2nd in Hip Hop and 4th in Pom.

NO Choir practice on Tuesday, February 20.

The following students have overdue books/fines in the library. Jessa B,McKinna F., Darren F., Walt H., Jordan H., Caleb J., Mason K, Carter O., Kamryn P., Jenna S.,

FFA NOTES: The following students owe FFA Dues and need to bring them to John Munter ASAP:Dylan Parr $18.75.



NHS Induction ceremony isThursday,March 15 at 7:00 p.m..

Boys State and Girls State applications are dueMarch 1to Mrs. Reimers.

Senior Class Meeting:Tuesday, February 20in the library at 12:55p.m..

Senior Spotlights for the Randolph Times needs to be turned into the office by Tuesday, February 20. Make sure you attached a senior picture.

Baccalaureate is planned for Friday, May 11 at 7:00 p.m. You need to bring 1 younger picture, group picture of your choice and 1 senior picture for the video. You can drop your pictures along with $5.00 to St. Jane Frances Church, Jeri Schmit, or high school office. By March 15!!

4-Horsemen Defense Program will be held Friday, February 23 from 11:00-3:00 p.m. in the high school commons. Pre-registration is required by calling the Randolph High School at 402-337-0252 or stopping in the office. There is a participant fee of $25 for students and $30 for adults. Randolph Public Schools and the Randolph school board have agreed to financially support part of the registration fee for RHS students only.The participant fee is due the day of the program with pre-registered RHS student receiving $15 off of their fee.

Checks should be payable to 4 Horsemen Security

Information about 4 Horsemen can be found at