Hull 2020 Programme
Finance Group
DRAFT - Terms of Reference
Version / Action/Amendment / Author/Editor / Date
V0.1 / Draft for discussion / S Hills / 25/03/14
V0.2 / Draft reviewed with Emma Sayner / S Hills/ E Sayner / 02/04/14
V0.3 / Comments from Finance Group / S Hills / 09/04/14
V0.4 / Revisions following clarification of points / S Hills / 02/05/14
Hull 2020 Finance Group– Terms of Reference
This document forms the Terms of Reference for the Hull 2020 Finance and Estates Group.
“In 2020 we will work in a cohesive whole system that enables the people of Hull to improve their own health, resilience, wellbeing and to achieve their aspirations for the future.”
The Finance group has a critical role supporting the programme arrangements for the Hull2020 Transformation Programme by providing financial assurance on proposals with reference to a number of actions including the following:
- Setting overall expectations on the level of financial change required at a programme level and individual work stream group level
- Producing asystem financial framework to support the programme including risk management, short term investment (transitional support) and investment to achieve planned savings.
- Providing critical overview of the programme ensuring that the work streams are focussed in achieving system wide and organisational productivity and financial efficiency.
- Providing assurance to the Programme Board that work stream proposals are financially viable, any financial changes are achievable, have considered the impact on individual organisational sustainability and do not lead to unintended consequences elsewhere in the health, social care and public service system
- Acting as the main group overseeing the patch wide achievement of the QIPP savings target ensuring alignment with the Hull2020 programme and mitigating the risk of double counting.
- Providing performance reporting and challenge in the programme
- Ensure that appropriate and timely Commissioning processes are in place to change services that have been identified for transformation,
- Ensure Service Development Work streams have access to appropriate procurement analysis and understand and adhere to appropriate procurement processes and the current procurement schedule for all participating partners.
- Ensure the Legal context for transformation of services is known and adhered to by all work streams within the Hull2020 Programme.
- Review all ‘Backroom’ functions and services, and hard and soft facilities management provision to ensure the system has secured the greatest efficiency in the use of the ‘Hull £’ for the programmes’constituent members.
Principles of Working
- Participant organisations will work collaboratively and support each other over the period of transformation.
- Participants will do all things reasonably expected of them by the others to give effect to the spirit and intent of the Hull2020 Programme and will not impede or restrict each other's performance of the Activities.
- Participants will ensure their own organisations strategies and business development plans are aimed to be aligned with the Hull 2020 strategy.
- Participants will be open, transparent and act in good faith to each other.
- Participants will be of equal status and standing within the programme.
- Participants will work in the interests of the population of Hull rather than current organisations. All decisions will be made on a 'best for Hull 2020 project' basis.
- Participants will commit their resources appropriately to support a timely delivery of the agreed programme objectives.
- Open, straight and honest communication, understanding and respecting other people's perspectives within the Participants and with all key stakeholders. As far as possible commit to try and resolve all issues within the Participants.
- All transactions relating to Hull 2020 are fully open book. The Project will work with clear responsibility and accountability, without blame or surprises.
- Recognition that this is an iterative programme.
- Participants will use their influence to support the Hull 2020 programme.
The Role of Finance Group
- Support the development and implementation of the Hull2020 strategy ensuring financial governance and robust processes for resource allocation to run the programme and to effect change and service transformation.
- Commissioning & Procurement advice - provide financial, contractual and transactional advice and guidance as appropriate. The advice should include:
- Priorities for service improvement, redesign & transformation based on baseline activity and performance information.
- Annual resource allocation and resource total for the period of the programme.
- Provide support to individual work streams:
- Providing financial advice and business support to the work stream lead directors
- Ensure work stream groups have a financial planning process including a project plan with timescales and a Business Case methodology to identify investment, savings and benefits
- Ensure work stream groups have access to financial and analytical skills to support the development of robust Business Cases for service redesign including associated investment, transition funding, efficiency savings, benefits etc.
- Ensure any payment mechanisms that are proposed incentivise outcome based commissioning; are mindful of perverse incentives and have considered and mitigated against ‘unintended consequences’.
- Advice to the Hull2020 Programme Board - the objective is for the Finance Group to present agreed options, recommendations and advice to the Hull2020 Programme Board on the financial aspects of business case proposals made by work stream groups within the Programme Board. If this is not possible the differing views will be presented.
The Finance Group will be responsible for developing, delivering and monitoring its own work programme.
It will be accountable to the Hull 2020 Programme Board and will provide regular reports to the board on progress via the Programme Management Office
It will identify the financial scope and metrics for each of the programme work streams and their project task and finish groups.
It will agree/ allocate appropriate finance and business intelligence professionals to each of the work streams and their project task and finish groups who will act as a conduit between the groups and the Finance Group.
Chairman: The Chief Finance Officer of Hull CCG will Chair the Group
Deputy Chairman: Director of Finance for Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust.
- Members will demonstrate a commitment to consult this wider network on the work of the group, to attend meetings and complete allocated work within the agreed timescales. If members are unable to attend, they will ensure that they are represented by an individual with the authority to make decisions on the member’s behalf.
- Members of the Finance Group will draw on their wider network of professionals, within their own organisation and the health, social care and public sector system.
Quorum:As the Group advises the Hull 2020 Programme Board the issue of quoracy is not critical but it is expected that at least 4 members will be present at each meeting to support partnership working and best use of individuals’ time.
Meetings: Scheduled monthly throughout 2014/15. Meetings will be cancelled if there is insufficient business to transact
Programme Governance Structure
Finance Group MembershipTitle / Name
Hull CCG (Chair) / Emma Sayner
Hull City Council / Brendan Arnold
Hull & East Yorkshire Hospitals Trust (HEY) / Lee Bond
Humber Foundation Trust (HFT) / Adrian Snarr
City Healthcare Partnership CIC / Paul Hillary
Humberside Police / Mike Chappell / Phil Goatley
Humberside Fire & Rescue Service / Kevin Wilson
Yorkshire Ambulance Service / Rod Barnes
Programme Director / Struan Coad
Meetings – Frequency and Dates
Meeting / Frequency / Dates
Programme Board / Monthly (In Person)
Moving to Bi-Monthly as appropriate / 24 February 2014
20March 2014
14 May 2014
30 July 2014
22 September 2014
06 November 2014
Finance & Estates / Monthly / 7 May 2014 (11.00-13.00)
11 June 2014 (11.00- 13.00)
9 July 2014 (10.00-12.00)
6 August 2014 (10.00- 12.00)
3 September 2014 (10.00-12.00)
8 October 2014 (10.00-12.00)
5 November 2014 (10.00-12.00)
10 December 2014 (10.00-12.00)
7 January 2015 (10.00-12.00)
4 February 2015 (10.00-12.00)
4 March 2015 (10.00-12.00)
The Terms of Reference will be continually reviewed with the first review at 6 months after the commencement of the programme and then annually for the course of the programme.