Minnesota State Auxiliary 65th AnnualConvention
June 20, 21, 22 2013 – Bemidji
Thursday, June 20, 2013
The Bemidji BoysColor Guard presented the flags at Hampton Inn Meeting room. State Officers, Past State Presidents, Grand Auxiliary Representatives, State Mothers, Grandmother and Historian were escorted to their seats.
Bemidji’s Chamber of Commerce representative Patand Captain James Marcotte of the Bemidji Police department as well as Beltrami County Sheriff Phil Hodapp welcomed all sisters;
Grand Madam Jr. Past Presidentgave the Obligation to the Delegates. The opening ceremony was conducted and the Grand Representatives were introduced; Grand Auxiliary Past Madam President, Gwen Stallkamp of Albert Lea, Grand Representative and NCRP Holly Niemi of Rugby ND. Our official Grand Representative was to be Mary Myers but she was very sick and unable to be with us. Roll call found all officers present. There were 15 Past State Presidents. The count of those in attendance at today’s meeting was 122 with 28 different Auxiliaries and 2from out of stateguests representing Valley City,ND and RugbyND. Protocol was conducted by Past State President- Ellen Fish, Dakota Auxiliary #350.
State Secretary Kay Nelson, ThiefRiverFalls #2368, was called on for the Minutes of the 2012 State Convention. It was announced that they had been handed out giving everyone time to read them. Hearing no additions or corrections, they stand approved as written and placed on file. Motion to second that made by Marcy Beck New Brighton #3718. Motion Carried. Karen Potratz of New Brighton #3718 was called on for her International Membership Report. She asked her report be placed on file. Garnet Karau stood up and also reported our hospitality room took 1st place. Viola Manderud #2339 was called on for the Charity Report. She reported$180,748.12 for the total given by Auxiliaries. She thanked all the Auxiliaries and asked that her report be placed on file. The
Budget Report was handed outfor the year 2013- 14 expense at the Registration Table.
Kathy Plank was called on for the Financial Budget report- we had anticipated last year a deficient of only $2175.00 but because of the per capita increase we only ended up with a deficient of $685.00. Ellie Kunkel, Gayle Batchelder and Joyce Corgard ask their report be placed on file.
Gwen Stallkamp Albert Lea #2258 asked for a moment of silent prayer for one of the Eagle Race Car team who was killed in a sprint car race leaving behind a 5 yr old.
The Credential Report today was reported by Bina Silverthorn. There are Del - 100.Past Pres – 82, State Officers 15, PSMP – 15, 10 year Secretary – 13, Visitors – 12 with 139 in attendance, 28 Auxiliaries represented.
Debra Johnson, State Trustee from Mankato #269 gave the Trustees Report. Debra asked their report beplaced on file. Last year’s money brought in was SSM $313.00 – Candy Sales – 405.00 - 3 Day sales 1440. Divide 1845.00 by 3 for $615 for DRC for Joyce, $615 for Maureen and $615 for the state.
State President Joyce Corgard of Mpls #34, gave her International Report and her State Visitation report at the same time, telling of her trip to Grand Rapidsand the meetings that she attended. She thanked everyone for the corsage given to her at Grand. She was honored to represent Minnesota carrying the Minnesota flag for the opening. She noted our Mn Hospitality room took 1stplace – GO TWINS. GMP Gwen Stallkamp was escorted in as she just came back from ritual competition. She enjoyed escorting the Grand Madam President to ThiefRiverFalls, Mpls and Rochester. She attended the bowling tournament in Alexandria. She attended the 5th District Cancer Telethon and got a tour of the founder of Mayo Clinic. We attended Christmas parties, awards banquets, mother daughter banquets and anniversaries. She thanked Marcy Beck for reading it for her.
Secretary Kay said all should have copies of the Secretaries Report was handed out made a motion her report be accepted, seconded by Marcy Beck of New Brighton#3718. Motion Carried.
Kathy Plank said the delegates have copies of the report in their packets. Kathy Plank explained the separate funds for JWF, Promotional and operational. Kathy Plank #3718 asked that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Motioned by Mary Lee – DetroitLakes2342, Second by Bev Mink #3718 - Motion Carried. She announced we are transferring $845 to the operational account to clear out the JWF fund giving $1000.00 to them. We will give the leftover pins to the promotions for them to sell.
Escorted in was Jay Johnson and his wife Robin and service dogOzzie of Home on the Range talked about how important the Eagles has been in helping them begin and maintain this program. 5 dogs so far have been placed by them.
MN Aerie President and Membership Chair were at the door and asking for admittance and the bible was closed.
Also requesting admittance was Brother Terry Lubitz –and President Bob Lee. They came to talk about the bet with the auxiliary. Karen Potratz joined Joyce in the front of the room. Neither the Aerie nor the Auxiliary made net gain this year. The Aerie dropped 600 members this past year. He gave a check to Joyce for the DRC for $25 as that was the bet but this way they will both give.
A short recess was called.
Bible was opened and meeting was resumed
Sunshine march will be during the break. Purchase your raffles and promotions table at this time. Recessed for 10 minutes.
A motion was made by Pam Thiner that half the sunshine march goes to the sunshine lady and half to Joyce’s charity DRC. Second by Ellen Fish Dakota #350. Motion Carried.
Madam Secretary was asked to read communications. She had one from Marcy Enghausen saying how much she was going to miss being with us and probably won’t be back again. She will have many fun memories. She reminded us to be kind to each other.
Garnet Karau St James #3420, was called on for Resolutions there are 4 resolutions 2 today – 1 each the following days
Resolution #1, Thank You to HostCityRead by, Joan Lubitz ofThiefRiverFalls #2368
WHEREAS: The host city of Bemidji, MN, has been most cordial to the Minnesota State Auxiliary and has made us feel at home and genuinely welcome and;
WHEREAS: They have put forth much effort to make this convention a success and,
WHEREAS: The host Aerie and Auxiliary #351, the merchants and civic groups have extended every courtesy to us.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the Minnesota State Auxiliary of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in Convention assembled, extend to all concerned, our sincere appreciation for their hospitality and friendliness and for the many fine programs arranged for the delegates and visitors to this 65thannual Minnesota State Convention.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this resolution is sent to Bemidji Aerie and Auxiliary #351.
Resolution #2 byKelly Henry of Crookston Aux #870
WHEREAS: The Grand Auxiliary each year, sends a representative to the Minnesota State Auxiliary Convention and;
WHEREAS: This person does her utmost to be helpful and informative in the proceedings of the Convention.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That we thank Representative Gwen Stallkamp, Grand Madam President from Albert Lea, Minnesota, for her concerned efforts and sharing the wisdom of her experience for our benefit.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That a copy of this Resolution is sent to the Grand Auxiliary and Gwen Stallkamp, Grand Auxiliary President.
Bina Silverthorn, Bemidji #351, was called on for the first By-Laws reading.
1st Bylaw read by Carolyn Skogstad –Roseau #3882
SECTION 9.1.2 – All delegates, Past Madam President, State Officers, Past State Madam Presidents registration must be in the possession of the host Auxiliary by June 1. If registering at the State Convention, a late fee of $5.00 per registration will be assessed.
SECTION 9.1.2 – All delegates’registration must be in the possession of the host Convention Auxiliary by May 15. If registering at the State Convention, a late fee of $5.00 per registration will be assessed.
First reading of Bylaw change read by Shelly Birchem of Brainerd #287.
SECTION 3.1 - The Officers of this State Auxiliary shall be as follows:
Junior Past Madam President
Madam President
Madam Vice President
Madam Chaplain
Madam Conductor
Madam Secretary
Madam Treasurer
Madam Inside Guard
Madam Outside Guard
(5) Five Madam Trustees
The Board of Trustees shall consist of an uneven number of five (5) Trustees as designated above.
Change proposed is:
SECTION 3.1 - The Officers of this State Auxiliary shall be as follows:
Junior Past Madam President
Madam President
Madam Vice President
Madam Chaplain
Madam Secretary
Madam Treasurer
Madam Conductor
Madam Inside Guard
Madam Outside Guard
(4) Four Madam Trustees
The Junior Past Madam President shall serve on the Board of Trustees making the board an uneven number of (5) five Trustees
Bina said the 2nd reading would be after the break.
Nomination of Officers:
Madam PresidentGayle Batchelder, Grand Rapids #2469Nominated by: Ruth Ryan, Grand Rapids,
Madam Vice PresidentViola Manderud, Fergus Falls #2339Nominated by: Ellen Anderson, FergusFalls #2339
Madam Chaplain Mary Lee, DetroitLakes #2342Nominated by: Audrey Kuehl, DetroitLakes #2342
Madam ConductorGarnet Karau, St James #3420Nominated by: Marge Reinke, St James #3420
Madam Inside GuardSherry Peters, Bemidji #351Nominated by: Bina Silverthorn, Bemidji #351
Madam Outside GuardDebra Johnson, Mankato #269Nominated by: Judy Spencer, Mankato #269
Madam TrusteeMarlene Hanson, Hallock #2617Nominated by: Cindy Meyer, Crookston # 873
Madam TrusteeSue Neu, Litchfield #3424Nominated by: Jan Essig, Alexandria #3063
Madam TrusteeRoxanne Skalicky #1460Nominated by: Maureen Malz, Faribault #1460
Madam TrusteeCher Easterday, Worthington #3282Nominated by: Carla Schmidt, Worthington #3282
Madam TrusteeCarol Eveslage, Rochester #2228Nominated by: Kay Nogasik, Rochester #2228
Madam TrusteeNancyWadsworth, New Brighton #3718Nominated by: Marcy Beck, New Brighton #3718
Everyone accepted their nominations verbally. Ellen Fish, Cindy Meyer and JoAnn Burkel, Election Committee, explained election rules and election will be Friday during break.
Karen Potratz #3718 nominated Joyce Corgard #34as the alternate to the International convention. She accepted. Motion Carried.
Ritual Chairman Mary Lee gave her Ritual report that we had 4 teams and had some very good judges.
Marge Reinke, St. James #3420, gave the Audit Report. Marge Reinke thanked her committee and said the books were in order including the Bowling books. She said the audit had less than 2 hours to audit them. Marge Reinke #3420 asked that her report be placed on file. She said doing the audit at 10 am on Wednesday this year was much nicer and gave them less pressure Joyce thanked all for coming in early for this morning audit. She thanked Denise Hemingway, Linda Connell, Sue Neu and Marlene Hanson for being on the committee.
Second reading of the bylaws was read by Jan Essig of Alexandria #3063
SECTION 9.1.2 – All delegates, Past Madam President, State Officers, Past State Madam Presidents and visitor’s registration must be in the possession of the host Auxiliary by June 1. If registering at the State Convention, a late fee of $5.00 per registration will be assessed.
SECTION 9.1.2 – All delegates registration must be in the possession of the host Auxiliary by May 15th. If registering at the State Convention, a late fee of $5.00 per registration will be assessed.
2ndBylaw read by Roxanne Skalicky of Faribault #1460
SECTION 3.1 - The Officers of this State Auxiliary shall be as follows:Junior Past Madam President, Madam President, Madam Vice President, Madam Chaplain, Madam Conductor, Madam Secretary, Madam Treasurer, Madam Inside Guard, Madam Outside Guard, (5) Five Madam Trustees The Board of Trustees shall consist of an uneven number of five (5) Trustees as designated above.
Change proposed is:
SECTION 3.1 - The Officers of this State Auxiliary shall be as follows: A Junior Past Madam President, Madam President, Madam Vice President , Madam Chaplain, Madam Conductor, Madam Secretary, Madam Treasurer, Madam Inside Guard, Madam Outside Guard, (4) Four Madam Trustees. The Junior Past Madam President shall serve on the Board of Trustees making the board an uneven number of (5) five Trustees
Door Prizes drawings were held with the bible closed.
Bina Announced that they still have a lot of banquet tickets to sell.
Bible was opened for announcements. Bake off auction is at the hospitality room tonight with casual attire. Membership workshop will be around 2pm right here in the hall. They are selling lunch at the Aerie home.
The Bible was closed by Madam ConductorViola Manderud and we recessed until tomorrow morning at 9am sharp.
Friday, June 22, 2012
After Madam Conductor Mary Leeopened the Bible, the Charter Draping Ceremony took place with Ellen Fish as Jr. Past President, Ginger Myers as Madam President, Elaine Schultz as Madam Vice President, as Jo Burkel Madam Chaplain and Marge Reinke as Madam Conductor. We especially honored Past Presidents Lauretta Kasola, Charlotte Miller.
PMP Ginger Myers read a special poem at the end. Roll call found all officers present. State mother Marcy Beck was also in the hall. There were 15 Past State Presidents and the count of Auxiliaries was 126 with 28 different Auxiliaries represented, 2 out of state visitors.
The Obligation to Delegates was given by Grand Madam PresidentHolly Niemi. PSP Ellen Fishgave the Protocol
Membership Chair Karen Potratz announced that her assistants will be going amongst you collecting .50 from anyone who doesn’t have an application on them. A total of $16 was handed over to the secretary. Bake off was won by Angie Boyles and Joan Lubitz tied. $303.00, Live Auction $188.00 4th district to the DRC $25.00. Recipe sales brought in $101.00 grand total $923.00. Mpls Sisters asked to approach the presidents station and gave her a gift of flowers for her year from all the Minnesota sisters.
Gwen Stallkamp was called to the podium and she gave the membership prizes with the help of Holly Niemi for Katie Zeibol’s theme of “Laugh and smile in Eagle Style – Stir em IN”. Symbol is the happy face and the Pin is a happy face with petals around. All colors – no favorite. Flower is the Crazy Daisy- Charity is DRC. Special charity is the Christmas Box International. Our Kay Nelson will be the NCRC Chairman. Her goal is to get 32472 – new members 17 New Aux. She talked about signing new young members you have to have something for them. Have someone sit and tell them about the memorial foundation and how important that is for their family. Sign up you children and pay their dues as the best gift you could give your grandchildren.
4 members – mini security wallet, 7- roller bag, 15 members - GreyCardigan
Gwen gave us a recipe for success. Asked June Callier to pass the hat for Katie’s Charity. She announced that there was a new auxiliary handbook. Every officer should have one of these. Cost is $2 each.
Bemidji gave the Credential Report: Delegates 10, SO -11 Past Presidents 8, 10 yr Sec 13 and Visitors 6,
Bina Silverthorn and Sherry Peters and committee were called on for the third reading of the By-Laws.
3rd and final reading of the bylaw change Read by Jan Essig of Alexandria #3063with a motion to accept bylaw Change- 2nd by Roxanne Skalicky of Faribault# 1460.
SECTION 9.1.2 – All delegates, Past Madam President, State Officers, Past State Madam Presidents and visitors registration must be in the possession of the host Auxiliary by June 1. If registering at the State Convention, a late fee of $5.00 per registration will be assessed.
SECTION 9.1.2 – All Auxiliary delegate’s registration must be in the possession of the host Auxiliary by May 15th. If registering at the State Convention, a late fee of $5.00 per registration will be assessed.
Discussion was held with the Motion Carried by vote of the Auxiliary to accept the bylaw change.
3rd reading of the bylaw read by Shelly Birchem of Brainerd #287Motion made to accept bylaw change- Second by #34 Change proposed is:
Change proposed is:
SECTION 3.1 - The Officers of this State Auxiliary shall be as follows: A Junior Past Madam President, Madam President, Madam Vice President , Madam Chaplain, Madam Conductor, Madam Secretary, Madam Treasurer, Madam Inside Guard, Madam Outside Guard, (4) Four Madam Trustees. The Junior Past Madam President shall serve on the Board of Trustees making the board an uneven number of (5) five Trustees
2nd by Lisa Villnow of Brainerd #287 to approve this motion. Motion carried by vote of the Auxiliary.
Sherry Peters thanked her committee and Joyce and asked that it be placed on file. Bina also thanked Joyce for asking her to be on this committee.
Election committee was asked to go set up for the election.
PMP Ginger Myers was asked for her Sunshine report. Ginger thanked all who have stopped her and thanked her for all she does for this committee and reminded us that if you aren’t a state officer but would like to get notices please send her an email and she will add you to the sunshine list for emails. As of June 1, 2012 we had $147.50 in the fund. There was $117.25 sent in August. Expenditures this year was $152.00. May 31, 2012 with the balance of $195.90. Sunshine march added now will be added. Ginger motioned her report be accepted. Second by Rhonda Shultz of Mankato #269. Motion Carried. Ginger received a thank you from Helen Callier Family, also a thank you from the Lauretta Kasola family and a confirmation of the memorial sent to the 5th district Cancer Telethon for Charlotte Miller. Ginger then read a very beautiful poem. She then told us that due to circumstances beyond her control that this may be her last convention. She wanted to tell us how she appreciated us and our comments of encouragement and even criticism during these conventions for 42 of her 44 years of membership.