Family Initiation of Sacraments at Home
An Intergenerational Experience
At St. Edward the Confessor Parish, Dana Point, CA
Families of children and teens who are above the age of reason (beyond age 7 or 8) who have delayed receiving the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist).
An intergenerational experience modeled on the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) which involves not only parents and children but the entire community.
When children/teens have reached the age of reason and have not received the sacraments, they are initiated the same way we initiate adults who wish to convert to Catholicism. In this case, the ancient rites require that the Sacraments of Initiation be considered one action and not be separated. This action applies to three situations:
· UNBAPTIZED CHILDREN OF SCHOOL AGE are prepared to be baptized, confirmed and to receive the Eucharist at a special liturgy to be chosen by the Pastor and staff.
· CHILDREN BAPTIZED IN OTHER CHRISTIAN DENOMINATIONS are prepared to make a Profession of Faith as a Catholic, to be confirmed and to receive the Eucharist at the same special liturgy described above.
· CHILDREN BAPTIZED CATHOLIC BUT WHO HAVE NOT COMPLETED INITIATION are prepared to receive the Eucharist and have the option of receiving the restored order of the sacrament of Confirmation at the same time.
The needs of individual families are of great importance in determining how and when the sacraments are to be celebrated. Each family will be interviewed and decisions will be made with individual considerations in mind. In addition, the importance of the family’s identity within the parish community is significant. Thus, the sacraments are celebrated on dates determined by the Faith Formation Office and normally happen during the Easter season before Pentecost Sunday.
Children whose parents are also converting and who are enrolled in the RCIA process in the parish will celebrate the sacraments of initiation with their parents at the Easter Vigil.
FAITH FORMATION of school-age children will be primarily the responsibility of the parents. Parents AND children will come to the parish approximately once a month to meet with the catechetical team. The team will give the parents instructions and resources for shaping the faith of their families while children meet with a catechist for special experiences to enhance their formation. Parents will determine when and if their children are ready to celebrate the sacraments.
FAITH FORMATION of teens (also known as the Teen Catechumenate or Teen Cat) will take place several times a month in a small group that is led by the Coordinator of Youth Ministry and her assistants. However, teens area also asked to continue their formation at home, online, and with the assistance and guidance of sponsors, godparents, family and friends.
ALL CHILDREN and TEENS WHO NEED SACRAMENTS OF INITIATION MUST ENROLL IN FAITH FORMATION CLASSES regardless of whether or not they attend the parish or other Catholic school. Questions may be answered by consulting the parish website: or the Family Faith Formation website: or by calling the Faith Formation Office at 496-6011.
Faith Formation Staff:
Donna Couch, Director of Faith Formation
Aimee Martinez, Coordinator of Family Faith Formation
Laura Schuberg, Coordinator of High School Confirmation and Youth Ministry
Karina Perea, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry
Mary Roman, Administrative Assistant -Registrar
Liz Iorio, Administrative Assistant – Catechetics
We are here to guide you on your journey. All are welcome!