
Conditions of Learning
Priority / Description / Metric / 2013-2014 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
Basic / Degree to which teachers are appropriately assigned and credentialed in subject areas:
Degree to which students have sufficient access to standards-aligned instructional materials
Degree to which school facilities are maintained in good repair
Implementation of State Standards / Implementation of ALL content and performance standards for ALL students
Implementation of State Standards / Programs and services enable ELs to access core and English Language Development standards
Course Access / Student access and enrollment in all required areas of study
Pupil Outcomes
Priority / Description / Metric / 2013-2014 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
Pupil Achievement / EL progress toward English proficiency
Statewide Assessments
% of students successfully completing A-G courses
% of students successfully completing CTE sequences
% of students passing Advanced Placement exams (3+)
% of students demonstrating college preparedness (Early Assessment Program exam)
Other Pupil Outcomes / Lexile Levels
National Percentile Rank in Reading
Priority / Description / Metric / 2013-2014 / 2014-15 / 2015-16
Parental Involvement / Efforts to seek parent input & decision making
Promotion of parental participation
Pupil Engagement / Graduation Rate
Graduation Rates – Countywide Foster Youth
High School Equivalency Completion
School Attendance rates (Community School)
School attendance rates (Court School)
Chronic absenteeism rates
High school dropout rates
Middle school dropout rates
School Climate / Student suspension rates:
Student suspension rates:
Student expulsion rates

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Implementation Complete Implementation on Track Implementation Not on Track Unable to Implement

LCAP Goal / Action# / Actions/Services / On Track / Accomplishments/Challenges / What changes in actions, services, and expenditures need to be made / Budgeted
Outcomes / Accomplishments
Challenges / Budgeted
Outcomes / Accomplishments
Challenges / Budgeted
 Actions
 Expenditures
 Outcomes / Accomplishments
Challenges / Budgeted
. /  Actions
 Expenditures
 Outcomes / Accomplishments
Challenges / Budgeted
 Actions
 Expenditures
 Outcomes / Accomplishments
Challenges / Budgeted

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Section 3: Use of Supplemental and Concentration Grant funds and Proportionality

Supplemental Funds

Implementation Complete Implementation on Track Implementation Not on Track Unable to Implement

Action/Service / On Track Status / Goal / Action / Budget Object / Allocation / Expended to Date / What changes in actions, services, and expenditures need to be made

Implementation Complete Implementation on Track Implementation Not on Track Unable to Implement

Action/Service / On Track Status / Goal / Action / Budget Object / Allocation / Expended to Date / What changes in actions, services, and expenditures need to be made

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