Table of contents
PTP-Cycle Champions
The role of the Champion
Contact Details XXX insert XXX
Project Brief
What is PTP?
What is PTP-Cycle?
Champion’s activities
Project Promotion
Shaping the project
Giving travel advice
Online Resources
Appendix 1 – Project promo resources
Appendix 2 – Social Media guidance
Appendix 3 – Fact Sheets
PTP-Cycle Champions
PTP-Cycle Champions are invaluable in helping to promote walking, cycling and public transport use in the communities, workplaces and universities we are working in. Champion support adds drive and value to a project as well as widening its reach to inspire more people to make journeys by foot and bike.
The role of the Champion
Thank you for volunteering your time and getting involved! We hope you enjoy being a part of this project,which aims to enable people to make positive changes to their travel behaviour. This resource pack will give you an idea of the activities you can get involved in as well as the training you can receive. If you have any ideas for additional activities and training please let us know!
Contact DetailsXXX insert XXX
Co-ordinator name
Job title
Phone number
Project Brief
What is PTP?
Personalised Travel Planning (PTP) is all about a conversation that empowers an individual to make changes to their travel habits – moving away from solo car use towards cycling, walking and public transport. It is founded on an understanding of how individuals make decisions, drawing on models of behaviour change and non-forced influencing techniques. Project Travel Advisors are trained to ask open questions and actively listen, communicate the benefits of sustainable transport and offer support for the journey ahead. This conversation is supported by awareness-raising activities and a high-quality information package that inspires and motivates people to effect a positive change for themselves and the environment.
Personalised Travel Planning is a tried and tested way of achieving increased levels of sustainable transport use.
PTP reduces car use and increases levels of everyday physical activity by giving people the information and support they need to walk, cycle and use public transport more often. Research has shown that four out of five trips either start or finish at home. There is huge potential for reducing car trips and achieving modal shift by working with households. Likewise, work and study are major trip generators so connecting with people at their workplaceor university offers a great opportunity for positive conversations about changing travel behaviour.
What is PTP-Cycle?
PTP-Cycle is a project using Personalised Travel Planning methodology to promote a shift from private motor vehicle use towards cycling, walking and public transport. Whilst well-known in a few countries, PTP is not yet common practice across Europe. PTP-Cycle demonstrates that PTP activities can be transferred and adopted by diverse implementation sites and target groups, and lead to increased levels of cycling and walking in cities, as well as public transport use and car-sharing. The project will support cities in their pursuit of reduced congestion, cleaner air, healthier citizens and reduced CO2 emissions.
PTP-Cycle offers a holistic approach to assist cities, businesses and universities in developing their PTP processes. Five cities, Antwerp, Burgos, Ljubljana, London and Riga have come together in PTP-Cycle – supported by LEPT, Polis, Traject and Sustrans – to develop the first pan-European PTP Delivery Programme. Individuals identified to have the largest potential for behaviour change will be contacted in homes, workplaces and universities. They will be offered information and support to help them change their travel behaviour which is tailored to their own needs. It is the personal approach that makes PTP so popular and successful.
Champion’s activities
There are lots of ways you can support this project that are listed below. In the Appendix there are some resources to help you. If you need any more information please contact the project co-ordinator or check out the PTP-Cycle website here: PTP-Cycle
Project Promotion
Promoting the project to potential beneficiaries is an important part project success. The more people know about the project, the more they will want to take part. It helps to highlight what the project is offering, local cycle maps for example.
Project promotion can be; putting up posters, handing out leaflets or awareness raising to a large audience through local radio or social media.
Posters and leaflets are shown in Appendix 1. Paper copies can be collected from the project co-ordinator.
Social media is a great way to engage with potential project participants and promote the project.
A Social media guidance document can be found in Appendix 2
Shaping the project
As a PTP-Cycle Champion you have expert knowledge of local issues and needs. This information is really useful when designing the project. It is great if you can give your feed back to the project co-ordinator as well as communicating any opinions that you receive during your PTP-Cycle activities.
Your knowledge is also really useful when we train the Travel Advisors (TAs). You can join in on the training to provide local knowledge and take part in role play activities to improve the TA’s conversation skills.
Giving travel advice
You can be trained to deliver travel advice at the same time as project staff or in a special session. This training will give you the skills to have a meaningful conversation with a project beneficiary about how they travel and confidently give them advice on how they could make changes to their travel behaviour. The Travel Advice training manual (Deliverable 2.2) can be found on the website
We have developed two fact sheets called Why Cycle? And Why Walk? These are available in Appendix 3can also be downloaded from the website
Online Resources
Signposting beneficiaries to useful resources online enhances the travel advice given. The project will have a set of paper information materials to offer beneficiaries to help them overcome their barriers, but there are also online resources that you can introduce people to. These resources can help people plan their journeys on public transport, workout a quiet route to cycle to work, learn how many calories they burn when cycling or walking or how much money and carbon they are saving.
Here are some suggested websites and apps that can provide useful informationPlease insert websites that are relevant to your city – these are examples from the UK
Task / WebsiteJourney Planning /
Map my cycle /
Calorie Calculator /
Carbon Calculator / My Climate
Once the project has finished you can create a legacy by continuing to carry out the tasks you have been doing to support the project.
Please insert a list of legacy activities you would like your Champions to do
For more information and resources please visit
Appendix 1 – Project promo resources
Please insert copies of project leaflets here
Appendix 2 – Social Media guidance
Please insert your organisations social media guidance here
Appendix 3 – Fact Sheets