Principal: Mrs S Carroll
Asst Principal: Mrs J Delaney
Miss M Harding
Miss M Pigram (Rel)
/ 286 Gipps Road
(PO Box 54)
Keiraville 2500
Phone: (02) 4229 4117
Fax: (02) 4226 5084

21st June, 2011

State Knockout Soccer Competition- ROUND 2

Dear Parents,

Both the Boys and Girls soccer teams will be playing ROUND 2 of the State Knockout on FRIDAY this week.

When: Friday 24th June, 2011

Time: Depart school at 12.15pm

GIRLS v Nareena Hills – 12:30pm

BOYS v Coniston - 1:30pm

Where: Neville McKinnon Park

(Coniston Junior Soccer Club Grounds)
Gladstone Ave Coniston
What to wear: All students must wear boots and shin pads.

(we can provide shin pads for those students who do not have a pair).

Miss Pigram & Mr Johnson (Prac student) will accompany the teams.

We are seeking parents help in transporting students to and from the ground at Coniston. Please indicate below if you are able to help out with transporting student to and from the game. If you are able to transport you will need to ensure the OFFICE has your details – insurance, rego, child protection forms.

Please note that you can only transport students in the back seat of your vehicle.

On arrival back at school students are to wait outside the Stage 3 classrooms – Passive Area and return soccer shirts/shin pads to Miss. Pigram.

Students MUST return note by WED. 22nd Jun – tomorrow to ensure we have transport organised.


M Pigram Sherylee Carroll

Soccer Coordinator Principal

Permission Note – Boys/Girls Soccer Knockout

I hereby give permission for my chid ______to participate in the State

Knockout Soccer competition on Friday 24th, June at Coniston.

Parent name: ______Child’s name: ______

I am able to help with transport to and from Beaton Park.

I am able to take ______students in the back seat of my car.

I am unable to help with transport, but I do give permission for my child to travel with a teacher/parent to Coniston if there are not enough drivers.

Signed: ______Date: ______