Information Technology Committee
October 6, 2006 1:00 p.m. RVAC 105
Present: Charkiewicz, Evans, Larose, Jones, Menoche, Doan, Mejia, Dziuda, Kurkovsky, Lee-Partridge, Morley, Valk
Ex-Officio Members Present: Albert, Altieri, Cernock, Herman, Braverman
Guests Present: Erardi
1. Meeting called to order by Charles Menoche @ 1:00pm
2. Approval of minutes of September 8, 2006:
Motion to approve minutes from Sept 8, 2006 ~Charkiewicz
Second ~Jones
Motion passed unanimously
2. Announcements: None
3. ITS Department Information/Reports: None (Bob will answer questions as needed)
4.WebCt/Vista Report:
- Bob will be at Educause next week and hopes to get the new version of Vista in advance of rolling it out
- He wants to make sure the next transition is smoother and implemented better
- Online CSU: Bob met with Ed Klonoski, CTDLC Director from Charter Oak about taking over administrative functions of Online CSU
- Moving functions of Online CSU to the campuses via an email memo which started the process
- The Online CSU E-Learning Operations Team (OCELOT) Committee was formed and met in late September. Three members of this committee are from CCSU
- The Presidents have been asked to name a representative to be a go between w/OCELOT and the campuses
- Bob believes that there is a lack of academic involvement in the OCELOT committee. Peggy Schuberth is the only academic representative.
Comments from the floor:
Menoche: Are minutes available from this meeting?
Cernock: No. I never learned about this myself.
Altieri: Concerned that academic issues are being overlooked. No faculty input. Disturbed by the move from CSU to CTDLC, one administrator to another.
Mejia: Move this issue in front of the Senate.
Braverman: Did OCELOT replace the Vista committee?
Cernock/Altieri: No.
Cernock: Knows little about what the charge of OCELOT is.
- Bob comments to the President. Statement that courses and programs were to be selected collaboratively. Bob, “How is that to be decided?” Individual schools cannot compete with another school within or out of the system.
Comments from the floor:
Menoche: Meetings with curriculum committee (Tom Burkholder) discussing the use of technology in teaching. Meeting set up with Tom, Charles, Bob Cernock, Carl Lovitt to discuss the committee roles in this process. The status quo is no longer in place. Now is an opportunity for academics to be involved in the development of the new initiative.
Braverman: What are the other universities doing?
Cernock: Shared memo from OCELOT that they have been charged by the Chancellor, in concurrence with the Presidents, that they will handle the transition back to the campuses. Strongly encourages assessment of the way Online CSU was handled before moving on to the next program.
Discussion occurred concerning past Online CSU practices, resources to go it alone, moving the item to the Senate as a proposal. It was decided that Vice Chairman Jones would bring this matter before the Senate. Included would be a recommendation to add faculty to OCELOT.
5. Library Technology Announcements:
Debbie Herman:
- Hosting a Technology Development Workshop next week.
- Google Scholar and the new Find It service.
- Trial databases: Historical Statistics of the United States (until 11/13) and the Faulkner Advisory for IT Studies (until 10/12)
6. New Business:
Wikis & Blogs
Jones: Wikis and Blogs; legal issues. WCSU is using Blogs. SCSU Students and staff
using them (clubs)
Kurkovsky: The CS club has software installed on a university owned server.
Menoche: proposes the e-sandbox idea
Cernock: is supported at a rudimentary level
E-Sandbox committee formed: Kurkovsky, Erardi, Albert, Iglesias, Cernock, Jones
Media Classroom Decisions
Menoche: ITC should more actively participate in room identification
Software Requests for Classrooms and Labs
Menoche: Begin the process of software requests much earlier.
Kurkovsky: Are software lists available in each classroom? Why are changes made?
The standard software installation sometimes disappears.
Altieri: Communications are done by IT.
Lee-Partridge: Lists from Lisa have come out each semester asking for and listing software.
Charkiewicz: Revisit the admin rights on labs
Lee-Partridge: Leave admin rights on teaching stations
Cernock: A compromise needs to be worked out
Menoche: When this sub-committee is formed he would like one person from each school on the sub-committee.
Storage and Quotas
Menoche: Noticed the email regarding the reinstituting of quotas
Cernock: M: 250MB, Email: 50MB, S: 1GB. The equipment to increase storage is in-house, but not live. No change since May, but the infrastructure is in place.
Jones: Estimate of time?
Cernock: None at this time. Anticipates it will be a quick project when IT can tackle it.
Altieri: Faculty are being encouraged to use technology and M: drives, but how do they now get it there? As we move away from paper it has to be addressed.
Menoche: Faculty and Department shares are assigned and untapped space that is often not used right now. Over allocation in the future should resolve some of this.
Larose: Should we tape the tech-talk events to educate people?
Erardi: PPT’s from the tech talks are on the web.
Charkiewicz: Add an educational link to the quota messages linking the person to information on email, drive management training etc.
6. Brainstorming:Tabled by Chair
7: Old Business:
Menoche: Media Director search update?
Cernock: No update. The recommendation from Roy Temple for Sherry Pesino as acting director has given him some leeway in this regard.
10. Adjournment:
Motion to adjourn meeting ~Mejia
Second ~Charkiewicz
Motion passed unanimously
Meeting Adjourned at 2:30PM
Respectfully submitted by Chad E. Valk, ITC Secretary