Meeting the descendants, or Future Beings
Arrange the chairs so that half the group number are in a circle facing outwards, and the other half facing inwards, so each chair has a partner.
Take a seat on one of the chairs.
Those who are on the inside – you are just sitting here as yourself.
Those on the outer circle: we are now going to do a piece of magic, of time travel. Close your eyes, imagine that the transition happens, that somehow we find a way to live sustainably on the planet, so that many years into the future there is a healthy, secure human presence here.
Those on the outer circle, you represent people who have time travelled back from the future. Just let yourself shift into this awareness now.
The magic that allows you people from the future to time travel back doesn’t allow you to speak, so you will sit in silence. But you have this extraordinary opportunity to hear from those who were alive at the start of the turning point in human history that led to the survival of the human race. You have read about these people, perhaps seen film of them, or heard stories of that time. And now you have a chance to ask them some questions.
First question
Those who are on the inner circle, imagine that the person in front of you asks their first question – perhaps telepathically – and it goes something like this..
“The time you are living in is known in my day as the time of the Great Turning, the great transition, when humanity turned away from its path of continual growth and technical development and started to create more life based, sustainable ways of living. We know that at this time there were still powerful corporations who put profit above care for the environment or for people; that even though many could see the possibility of runaway climate change and environmental catastrophe governments were still slow to act. And also that there were small yet committed groups finding new ways to live, encouraging change and a positive response to the situation. How was it to be alive back then, in 2008, at the time when these issues were becoming more urgent.. when the response was just starting.. when the delays were more worrying.. how was it to live through those times?”
Allow 3.5 – 4 minutes for the answer
Ring bell
Just bring that to a close.
Staying in silence as much as you can find a way to thank your partner and say goodbye to them.
Beings from the future, stand up and move one chair to the right.
Second question
Now you have in front of you a second person living through this historic time, and a chance to ask a second question, which goes something like this:
“I imagine it was sometimes hard to see what was happening, or to find the courage and strength to act against the powerful forces. Or maybe just frustrating when others could or would not see as clearly as you the importance of what was going on.
What supported you through those times, what inspired you, what kept you going?”
Same time, Ring bell, Just bring that to a close.
Staying in silence as much as you can find a way to thank your partner and say goodbye to them.
Beings from the future, stand up and move one chair to the right.
Third question
And now your final question to this person from your history.. Which is
“What was your part in this movement, what drew you to want to be involved? What was the thing that you could give? What were you passionate about changing, or bringing into being?”
3 – 3.5 minutes (can be slightly shorter)
When finished –
Bring this to a close.
Staying in silence find a way to leave this person.
All stand up.
Now we are going to change roles, future beings become present and those present become the future.
Those who have been future beings may want to take a little walk to bring yourself back to the present. And those from the present, you are now time travelling, and as you come back to your seats you are now beings from the future, visiting the historical time of 2008 where you have this magical but silent opportunity to hear from the people of that time.
Come back and stand by the same chairs, but in the opposite place
Now those on the outer circle, the new future beings, move one place to the left – so you are opposite someone you have not sat with yet.
Repeat the questions.
At the end give time to share in the large group how that was.
If it doesn’t come up ask how it was to sit in the place of future beings, just listening to these people from 2008?