Adult Education Local Provider Mid-Year Report 2015-2016
State of New Mexico
Higher Education Department
Adult Education Division
Program Mid-Year Report
Preparation Guidelines and
Reporting Template
Please email reports to:
Adult Basic Education Division
New Mexico Higher Education Department
2044 Galisteo
Santa Fe, NM 87505
Reporting Deadline
February 1, 2016
Mid-Year Program Report Checklist
Complete Cover Page
Complete Program Progress Report
Complete Section I (Student Data)
Complete Section II (Evaluation of Program Effectiveness)
Complete Section III (WIOA Title I, Activities).
Complete Section IV (EL Civics)
Complete Section V (Professional Development).
Complete Section VI (Fiscal Survey)
Adult Education Local Provider Mid-Year Report 2015-2016
NMHED AE Division provides these guidelines for the Mid-Year Report process for programs to supply 2015-2016 year-to-date data and information. The process helps the State Office to aggregate program data/information for reporting to OVAE at the U.S. Department of Education. Please be sure to contact the NMHED AE Division Office with any questions.
General Instructions:
1. Cover Page
2. Program Progress for Current Fiscal Year
Provide a general report of program goals for the year and how the program is on track to meet these goals.
3. Mid-Year Report (Sections I – VI).
This section includes:
· Section I (Student Data)
· Section II (Evaluation of Program Effectiveness)
· Section III (Describe WIOA Title I, Activities,)
· Section IV (EL/Civics Activities)
· Section V (Professional Development)
· Section VI (Fiscal Survey)
Mid-Year Program Report
Cover Page
Program Name:Institution or Organization:
Main Phone:
Fiscal Year: / 2015-2016
Submission Date:
Program Director, Manager, or Coordinator Name:
Contact Information: / Phone:
Alternate Contact Name:
Contact Information: / Phone:
Program Progress Report
Provide a general report of program goals for the year and how the program is on track to meet these goals.
Section I. Student Data 2015-2016
Please enter the following information regarding student count/hours.
All Students (regardless of hours)Total Current FY Student
Number of total instructional hours
Students on Waitlist (Total Students who requested service and Program was unable to provide)
Please provide a brief description of your waiting list procedures:
Students with 12 hours or more
Total count of students with 12 + hours
Total contact hours for students with 12 + hours
Average contact hours for students with 12 + hours
Average contact hours for students experiencing level gains
Count of all HSE graduates with 12 + hours
Count of HSE en Español graduates with 12 + hours
Retention Rate (Divide Column B of Table 4b/Column B of Table 4)
Students with fewer than 12 hours
Total count of students with less than 12 hours
Total contact hours for students with less than 12 hours
Count of all HSE graduates with less than 12 hours
Count of HSE en Español graduates with less than 12 hours
Please list all locations where your program provides services. / NRS enrollment
Section II. Evaluation of Program Effectiveness
This section collects program information related to program performance and demonstrated effectiveness.
1. Please indicate your total NRS enrollment (from Table 4)
2. Please indicate your program’s overall level gains rate
(Column H from Table 4)
3. Please indicate your program’s retention rate to 40 hours or more. (# of students with 40+ instructional hours/ Table 4, column B)
4. Please indicate your program’s post-test rate
(Column B from Table 4B/ Column B from Table 4)
5. Please indicate the number of Mid-Year targets met this fiscal year.
Measure / AE Beg Lit / AE Beg / AE Low Int / AE High Int / ASE Low / ESL Beg Lit / ESL Low Beg / ESL High Beg / ESL Low Int / ESL High Int / ESL LowAdv / Ach. HSE / Ent PSE / Ent Empl / Ret Empl
State Target / 44% / 38% / 37% / 28% / 28% / 45% / 55% / 46% / 40% / 36% / 17% / 90% / 36% / 35% / 56%
Mid-Year Program Performance
6. Please discuss successes—Compare your current mid-year results to where your program was at this time last year. How are you on track to meet your annual goals? Describe any promising practices you developed or adapted that will help you meet your annual targets.
7. Please discuss challenges— Compare your current mid-year results to where your program was at this time last year. What program outcomes would you like to focus on improving? How do you plan to do this?
Section III. Title I WIOA Activities
For this section, please describe how the program has provided or supported services in the workplace development, career, employment and training arena. If there is no relationship, please explain.
1. Please provide an estimate of FEDERAL FUNDS used during the first half of the fiscal year to support Title I WIOA related activities and services through the One-Stop system.
2. Please discuss your relationship with your Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB)?
3. Describe the kind of services that are provided in collaboration with or through the local One-Stop.
IV. EL Civics Activities
For this section, if the program received EL Civics funding for 2015-2016, please describe all successful EL Civics activities and services provided by the program so far this fiscal year.
(If your program does not provide EL Civics services, just indicate N/A).
1. Please indicate the number of El Civics students (12+) served:
2. Please list the community partnerships involved in providing EL/Civics services:
3. What are the intended goals of the program?
4. Are you on track to meet your program goals? Why/Why not?
5. Describe any highlights or special achievements of the program for the first part of the 2015-2016 FY.
V. Professional Development
Who has participated in professional development during the first half of the 2015-2016 FY? What is their position in the program? What professional development did they participate in? When/Where did the professional development take place? (Please fill out this information in the chart below.)
Name / Position / Professional Development Attended / Date / LocationWhat professional development opportunities does your program need in the future (directors, teachers, staff, etc.)? How would your program like this professional development delivered (webinar, online, in person, combination, etc.)? (Please fill out this information in the chart below.)
Position / Professional Development Needed / Delivery Method PreferredVI. Fiscal Survey
- Please indicate Mid-Year hours contributed – Volunteer Tutors
Mid-Year hours contributed / Fair Market Value per Hour / Total
- Please indicate Mid-Year hours contributed – Volunteer Admin (Receptionist/Front Desk)
Mid-Year hours contributed / Fair Market Value per Hour / Total
- Please indicate Mid-Year hours contributed – Board of Directors (Organizational Development)
Mid-Year hours contributed / Fair Market Value per Hour / Total
- Please indicate mid-year fair market value of donated supplies and materials.
(e.g., books)
- Please indicate mid-year fair market value of donated equipment.
- Please indicate mid-year fair market value of donated IT infrastructure and support.
Please estimate the Mid-Year indirect, in-kind expenses donated by your institution. This refers to all types of space, infrastructure, and instructional support. For space cost calculations, you can 1) estimate your institution's fair market rental value per square foot per month, or 2) you can provide the institution's building renewal and replacement allocation (and cite the source document). At a minimum, please indicate the approximate square footage of donated space (for NMHED to calculate at an average rate).
1. Please indicate square footage of donated space
Square footage of donated space / Fair Market Value per Square foot / TotalAlternate option:
Please indicate institution’s building renewal and replacement allocation
VI. Fiscal Survey (Continued)
A. Additional grants, funding from partnerships, etc.
1. Please list other sources of support and their contributions for the first half of the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
Source / AmountB. Program Income Activities
2. Please indicate the amount of PROGRAM INCOME generated from your program for the first half of the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
AEFLA allowable activity / Amount2