Index 1
Abortion 59
Act-Art 138,140,164
Adultery 152
Alchemy 38
Algebra of Sets 16
Alpha 34,37,64,77,137,
Androgyne 144
Aristotle 42,62,156
Art 141-2
Art of Contemplation 71
Aseistics 87,100
Aseity 32
Aseity Inc. 103
Asexual Reproduction 46
Aut...aut 9,11
Autopoiesis v
Ban All Graffiti 4, 24
Barber Paradox 4,19
Bible 99,106,138,154
Big Bang 39, 145
Biunity 64
Bootstrap v
Burali-Forti Paradox 24
Calculus 88
Cantor, Georg 16
Catalyst Capital 112-3
Chaos Theory v,87
Child of Man 37,58,142,146
Christianity 35,99,106,163
Chromosomes 46-7,49,50,54
Circuminsession 75
Classification of Woman 40
Class of All Classes 23-26
Cognition 64
Commodity 125
Commonwealth Bank118-124
Conception 45
Consistency 28-31,63
Contemplation 68-71
Contraception 166
Copernican System 43
Copernicus 43,44
Cosmology 88
Cybernetics v,10,87,90,94
Davies, Paul vi
Death 46,49,50,58,60,88
Debt 107,126-130
Debt-free Money 114-5
Democritus 82
Deposits 125-6
Disjoint 6
Distinction 5-11,48
Divorce 151
DNA 54
Do-It-Yourself Kit 69,85
Dove’s Spirit 38, 144,168
Earth 134
Earth Dwellers 107
Economic Rationalism 115
Education 102,109
Ego-egg 39
Einstein’s Relativity Theory
Electromagnetic Radiation 72
Electromagnetic Spectrum 84
Elixir of Life 38
Embryo 54,57
Employment 112,113
Energy 83,92
Entropy 92,148
Epimenides 4,24
Epistemology i,31
Equivalent 15
Esau 163
Euclidean Geometry 26,27
Eve 32,138-9,147-170
Evil One 34,156,162-3
Evolution 35,48-52,100-1, 135,152,157,159
Existentialism 36
Existential Relativity v,14,25, 36,40,49,50,56,71,80
Faith 159
Feedback 86,90,91,94
Field Unity I,v
Fine Arts 104
Foetus 54,57
Four Colour Theorem 9
Free Choice 8
Frege, Gottlob 19,25
Gabor, Dennis 78
Gaia 32,99
Gaian Hypothesis iii,35
Galileo Galilei 43,44
Gametes 47
Genes 54
Geometry 73
George, Henry 109-111
God 32
Goddess 32,35
Goddess Worship 105
Gödel, Kurt 21,25-30
Good and Evil 91
Gospel 161
Growth 88,105
Harvey, William 44
Hawking, Stephen vi,31
Heat 92
Hebrew Culture 35
Hen Bird’s Spirit 39,96,145
Hermaphrodite 52,98,147
Heisenberg 80
Hetero- 40
Holism 35
Holography 78,81
Holy Grail of Science iii
Holy Spirit 148
Homo- 40
Homo impotens 98
Homunculi 42
Human Becoming 54,55
Human Being 54,55,62
Human Person 53-55
I AM–Thou Art 34,37,53, 65,74,77,89,141-5,147
Iatrogenic 96
I-me-mine 59,97,101-2, 149,151,168
Inertia 153
Infinity 4,18,153
Inflation 111,126-132
Information Technology 14,71
Islamism 35,106
Jesus 54,159-162
Judaism 35,106
Jung, Carl Gustav 3
Knowledge 62,67,89
Koran 106
Kundalini 159
Language 66,72,90
Laughter 61,153
Law 150
Law of Cosmology v,73,88
Law of Entropy 58,93
Law of Generation of Sets 22
Law of Nature 151
Leeuwenhoek 45
Legal Person 55
Life 94
Logos Rule 22,24
Love v,1,71,148,163,170
Lovelock, James iii,35
Magdalen 166
Malekind 96
Mammon 100,105
Man’s Business 59
Margulis, Lynn iii,35
Marriage 164
Mathematical Logic 3,21,29, 126
Mathematics 12
Matriarchal Culture 42
Matter 72
Maxwell's Electrodynamics i
Meaning 66,136-7
Medieval Schoolmen 32
Meditation 68-71
Meiosis 47,53
Metabolism 88
Metaphor 66
Metaphysics 19,36,81
Mind 80
Mirrors 76,139
Mitosis 46,50,53
Money 104,125-133
Monotheism 35
Mother Earth 96,103
Mother Goddess 95
Motherless Children 35
MotherChurch 156,160,162
Mother Nature 11,32,56,75, 95
Mother Self vi,36,57,58,81, 83,171
Mutability 82
National Credit Account 109
National Dividend 108
National Treasury 114
Natural Law 56,59
Natural Philosophy iv
Nature 34,59,60,83,93,94, 104,108
Neumann-Bernays-Gödel 25
Newton's Mechanics i
Notself iv,6-11,20-26,61
Nuclear Glue 172
Nuclear Physics 48,82
Number Theory 3,11-20
Ockham’s Razor 4,20-26,44
Omega 34.37,64,77.137, 141-2
Omnia ex Ovo 45
One Commandment 100
Oneness 38
Ontogeny 54,55
Opposite 8
Orgasm 60,164-5
Other 8,27
Otherness 58,62
Otherself iv,7,21-30,34,61
Ovoid 74
Ovum 58
Paradoxes 4
Parts 87,93
Particle 83
Patriarchal Culture 42,45,48, 58
Paul 150,158,161
Penrose, Roger vi
Person 65
Phallic Wand 37,38,142-3
Philosophy 42,62,79,154, 156,158
Phylogeny 54,55
Physics 48,78,127
Placental Mammal 40,41
Planet Earth 43,48,95,154
Plasma 103
Plato 73
Principle of Contradiction 8
Principia Mathematica 21,25,28,30
Promised Land 158
Pregnancy 32-3,56,59,65
Propagation 47,49
Ptolemaic System 43
Ptolemy 43
Quantum Mechanics i
Quantum Theory 80
Qur’an 106-7
Quaternity 64,64
Queen Aseity 137-8,140,149, 152,166,170
Questioning 63,86
Randomness 81
Reductionist Science 87
Relation iv,64
Religion 60
Reproduction 47,49,52
Reserve Bank 109
Revelation 157,160,162
Richard, Jules 27-29
Ritter von Baer, Karl Ernst 45
Rome 160
Rules of Courtship 56,57
Russell, Bertrand 4,12,16, 20-25,79
Sacramental Sexuality 66, 150,164
Sacrament of Sex 165-6
Scholastic Philosophy 32
Science ii,135,157
Science of Everything 35
Scientific Reformation vi
Scientific Revolutions 42
Self 89
Selfexistence 8,32
Selflife 32,57,58,65,81,83
Selflife Spirit 1
Set of all Sets 18-26,79
Set Theory iii,iv,6,16-31
Sexistential Relativity 46
Sexuality 48,49,52,148
Sexual Propagation
Sexual Revolution 44,45
S.F.F.S. 86,95
Shari’a 106
She-He-It 144-5
Social Justice 99
Socialism 99
Solar System 75
Son of Man 160-3,169
Spaced Time ii-iii,73
Stone Age 151
String Theory 134
Symbiosis 95
Symbols 67
Systems 85
Taxation 114
Technology 91
Temperature 92
Theatre of the Cosmos 36 The Divine Maternity 33
The Language of Love 147
The Lore of Aseity 134
The Mind of Aseity 138
Theology 42,153,156-8
Theory of Everything iii,vi,
Thermodynamics 92,93
The Sacred Cow of Science 135,157
Togetherness 38,59,85
Topology 9
Treasury 109,115
Tree of Life 33,41,42
Trinity 64,149,164
Two-edged Sword 153
Turing Machines 30
Uncertainty Principle 80
Understand 70
Unified Field iii,v,58
Union 5-11,48
Unity 4,11,48,52,81,83
Universe 73
Universal Idea 16
Un-order 92
Usury 106
Vel…vel 9,11
Wealth 129,130
We-Us-Ours 58,59,60,71,97, 101-2,147,167
We-Us-Ours Inc. 102
Whitehead, Alfred 25
Whole 33,78,101
Wholism 35
Withinness 65
Woman 137,143,146,152
Woman’s Business 59
Yahweh 35
Zeno 18
Zermelo-Fraenkel 25
Zygote 47,53-57