CVE 4020/5025
Foundation Design
Review of basic Soil Mechanics
Due Tues September 10th, 2015
(50 Points)
The soil profile for a new Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) highway construction project in Western Palm Bay called the Bridge Over the C-1 Canal is to be analyzed. A full set of final drawings is in Canvas, the course software, under Introductory Handouts. A small-scale copy is shown below. You’ll need to download and open the canvas file to correctly answer the questions below. You are to determine the following.
- Layers for a more generalized profile which you are to draw
- Estimated density (pcf), friction and cohesion (psf) for each layer in your profile
- A complete effective stress profile
- For any clay layers estimate the void ratio
- What are the pile widths, lengths, factored design loads and nominal bearing resistances (Note: These values are given by the design engineer within the drawings).
Graduate Students (25 Points): Use the additional test boring information in the Graduate Student Files for C-1 Homework Folder to complete your soil profile and answers to the questions above.
FYI: The C-1 Canal is often called the Tillman Canal or C-51 and is south of campus. Can you find it on Google Maps?